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XI year old Autechre Album Released: Exai (WARP234)

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I'm still surprised how bloody good it is. After 20 years, The rolling stones, Pink Floyd & New order were not releasing wicked music like Exai. Funny that Booth/Brown are aging so well.


I still can't wrap my head around how such a singular unique vision could be an equal collaboration between 2 different people, i can't make sense of it.. at all.


Its a bit similar with Pan Sonic, Mika Vainio solo records & the Asuma cd (by Ilpo) shares that Pan Sonic sound.

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Deco loc definitely has the kick drum from Xylin Room. I would like to source all the sounds, but couldn't be bothered. I dig prac-f's ending. Vekos too. cloudline seems to have opened up in a new way for no apparent reason. Really like the small details now.

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Guest the anonymous forumite

yeah, hated it at first but runrepik has become one of my favourite for its atmosphere.

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I was thinking of taking advantage of the Easter break and do a Quaristice--Quaristice (Versions)-Quaristice.Quadrange.ep.ae-Oversteps-Move of Ten - Exai marathon ...


Who will reign supreme?


fixed that for you. :wink:

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Ha I really don't think i have any hour long slot coming up within the rest of my life to listen to Perlene Subrange 6-36....


Just do it while you sleep :emotawesomepm9:

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Guest CobalTim


I was thinking of taking advantage of the Easter break and do a Quaristice--Quaristice (Versions)-Quaristice.Quadrange.ep.ae-Oversteps-Move of Ten - Exai marathon ...


Who will reign supreme?


fixed that for you. :wink:


Seriously: Quaristice.Quadrange.ep.ae. That thing destroyed Music itself. In a good way.

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"Ha I really don't think i have any hour long slot coming up within the rest of my life to listen to Perlene Subrange 6-36...."


You're missing out dude.


I too have barely put a lid on my spazzy excitement over the possibility of an EP.


In a perfect world it would consist of an ejaculation of brain shred stutter drum stuff that they'd been saving up/making but not releasing since they decided to change direction with Oversteps. Stuff like the first half of Fleure but with a farty drum exoskeleton.


Not at all dissing Exai. Exai's da shit. But I long for a bit of cubist mindphuq.


*Edit* apologies, I've no idea why there's a blank post above this one...

Edited by hello spiral
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It just appeared to me : vekoS = the chaoS (sorry if someone has already mentioned it).

Also, tuinorizn is too short, and this is no lush. :(

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relistening to Move Of Ten for the first time in ages and noticing how much nodezsh sounds like Etchogon-S. Nodezsh was one of the first tracks I got into on Exai, yet I never really warmed to Etchogon-S at the time, now I'm really enjoying it though. The old aeffect at play I suppose :music:

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