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I don't like theater so if it's there it's out of mind. If it's on DVD or in cinemas and dumb people want to see it for some family holiday bullshit then fuck musicals. Singing instead of dialogue is about the dumbest thing I have heard.

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I don't like theater so if it's there it's out of mind. If it's on DVD or in cinemas and dumb people want to see it for some family holiday bullshit then fuck musicals. Singing instead of dialogue is about the dumbest thing I have heard.

i like when people sing on movies, sometimes it's quite fun, but a full on musical?? yes, no.



yeah fuck musics




what are you deaf?



sometimes i wish i was!

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i know this sounds tremendously condescending (but since it's coming from me it is not!) but i don't think many of you grasped the whole concept of donnie darko.


the way you hate is a bit like the way i hate cloud atlas and inception, i get it, people state retard things about the movie raising expectations and then it fails to deliver, but donnie darko is more than a alternate reality/time travel movie, it really delivers as a modern society critic with a cringe/lynchy comedic touch. i could go on and on on why i love almost every scene of it, it's so promiscuous and compelling and the way it is told, i mean, just like mulholand drive's dream, the whole world revolving around donnie gets you that trippy surreal feeling that i love.



the young girls dancing, OMG SATAN!!!





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suspensful and enjoyable enough for a 7 i think, though i was a bit disappointed to find out that the real events played out quite a bit different from the movie.




"..traveling with real Canadian passports and forged entry documents, made it easily through security at Tehran's Mehrabad Airport. After a short delay because of mechanical difficulties with the jet airliner, the group of eight boarded Swissair flight 363 for Zurich, Switzerland."


so no thuggish crazy eyed guards holding them up, no running through the airport, no pushing some flight attendant lady and shooting the glass doors, no chasing the plane on the airstrip.



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django unchained - loved it. that is all.


argo - spent the entire movie trying to work out if ben affleck was wearing a wig. i entertain a theory that he went bald at some point early in the last decade. this movie did nothing to convince me otherwise.

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suspensful and enjoyable enough for a 7 i think, though i was a bit disappointed to find out that the real events played out quite a bit different from the movie.




"..traveling with real Canadian passports and forged entry documents, made it easily through security at Tehran's Mehrabad Airport. After a short delay because of mechanical difficulties with the jet airliner, the group of eight boarded Swissair flight 363 for Zurich, Switzerland."


so no thuggish crazy eyed guards holding them up, no running through the airport, no pushing some flight attendant lady and shooting the glass doors, no chasing the plane on the airstrip.




also no marketplace excursion either, they literally were kooked up in the Canadian ambassador's place until the day they decided to sneak out of the country


I have to admit that I'm impressed by certain aspects of his filmmaking capability and less impressed by others. I thought the casting was great, some of the cinematography and staging of shots was pretty excellent (that opening shot of the protest outside of the embassy, if any of it was CGI i couldnt tell it looked flawless) but then there was an odd mis matched tonal thing going on where the movie would seem comedic at times but then go into a very serious straight forward tense thriller sort of scenario.

Edited by Awepittance
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i know this sounds tremendously condescending (but since it's coming from me it is not!) but i don't think many of you grasped the whole concept of donnie darko.


the way you hate is a bit like the way i hate cloud atlas and inception, i get it, people state retard things about the movie raising expectations and then it fails to deliver, but donnie darko is more than a alternate reality/time travel movie, it really delivers as a modern society critic with a cringe/lynchy comedic touch. i could go on and on on why i love almost every scene of it, it's so promiscuous and compelling and the way it is told, i mean, just like mulholand drive's dream, the whole world revolving around donnie gets you that trippy surreal feeling that i love.



the young girls dancing, OMG SATAN!!!





welp then I guess I was too dumb when I was 15 (1º time I watched it)... rewatching now

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Watching Cloud Atlas, no idea whats going on


try to stick with it, i didn't really start liking it until about an hour and a half in

yes try to stick with it, lol


i watch it twice and i want to watch it more to know what's all the fuss about, but every time i see it i get the sense i'm being trolled :trollface:

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an hour and a half into cloud atlas was when i realized it wasn't going to become a good movie. it was going to continue being cloud atlas.

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New Police Story - A very strange film. The advent of online gaming in hong kong sets the stage for extreme violent crimes and anti-cop sentiments amongst rich youths. Jackie Chan, more of a superstar than ever, doesn't seem to know if he's a patriarchal, authoritarian posterboy for the PRC or a renegade supercop just doing what's right. Nevertheless, he needs to set some young un's straight in order to restore traditional chinese values. To justify the violence and prevent the movie from becoming fascist, he gets to suffer alot. I never took him for a dramatic actor, but he has his moments. So what we end up with is a strange collision when the terror of anarchic capitalism, and its corruption of youth, is fought against by means plagiarized from US action films. The police force is absolutely right, but there's still a stupid chief (or several? I have no idea how the HK police force works). Of course the punishment is wrought with a gentleness typical of Jackie, strangely absent in real life China. The director has never come near a videogame in his life. Some good stunts.

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django unchained - loved it. that is all.


argo - spent the entire movie trying to work out if ben affleck was wearing a wig. i entertain a theory that he went bald at some point early in the last decade. this movie did nothing to convince me otherwise.










Cloud Atlas is fun and has some great acting, visuals, interesting plot lines that run parallel/are allusions to one another. It also has some terrible make up which will kill it for most people. Apparently there is a hatred of Tom Hanks on a mass scale. The language in the future is pretty "Nell"ed out, which makes it silly. Tom Hanks is a big old sci-fi nerd and I love him for that. Hallie Berry is also weird sexy all in this shit. I dig this film. 8.5/10

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