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I saw a trio of bad films yesterday in the form of House at the End of the Street, Red Lights and Sound Of My Voice. I wish I could stop watching crap like this but I'm somehow compelled to witness it for myself to see if theres any merit in it. House At The End Of The Street was the best of a bad bunch, it had some drama up until the last 45 minutes, but then it sank. I really felt uncomfortable watching the making of featurette on the DVD as it's clear the director really thinks he is doing something special and that he is a chosen one. I think in his own mind he sees himself as the new Kubrick. It's uncomfortable because both his films are shit, but it doesn't stop him reaching out for some deeper meaning. He wrote a 50 page House At The End Of The Street ''bible'' before shooting and gave it out to cast and crew, it detailed the goals he was reaching out for with the characters, how he wanted to make the audience feel with use of atmosphere, etc. What an asshole.

Sound Of My Voice is a real piece of shit, a rare film where every character is an annoying butt monkey. The two leads are a pair of punchable hipster fucktard deadbeats who sit around and talk about the arts, then one day decide they are going to be documentary makers and infiltrate a shit cult with uninspiring results as they go through a journey of self discovery to unveil the hipster within. I would imagine the people who made this rubbish are pretty much the same as the characters who appear in it.

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M : Great film, had seen it a few years ago, definitely ahead of it's time (1931) as its still very much suspenseful. Loved the actor who plays the child murderer, huge eyes! Some beautiful cinematography to boot.



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Movies are supposed to be watched not desgusted



Look, my movie/film (not sure if you are being critical of the phrase "movie") watching is sufficiently satisfying for me. I really don't know what business it is of anyone's nor do I understand how someone can gauge or be conclusive towards how I watch movies. I try to respond to films I have just watched quickly because my thoughts on it are fresh. And I try to add information on what I liked or didn't so others here can use that information as a guide for deciding which film they want to watch next. Typically I find it more useful to expand on films that I enjoyed overall than films I didn't like, but on occasion it is fun to break down something you didn't enjoy, especially if there is already an active debate/discussion about it.

Edited by compson
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I only watch films on my phone these days with one earphone in, but at least I sit and watch it through to the end. If I go to the toilet I just take it with me and watch there. No time to sit down at home and watch a movie.

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

In the middle of watching the hobbit. I just stepped out into the foyer to post on watmm about it

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

Still in the foyer. sure i'm not missing much. gonna heat some soup up on my portable stove


so far the hobbit is half way decent BECAUSE IT IS HALFWAY THROUGH

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Still in the foyer. sure i'm not missing much. gonna heat some soup up on my portable stove


so far the hobbit is half way decent BECAUSE IT IS HALFWAY THROUGH

1) You should pause the film, this is the 21st century


2) I need to get a portable stove (this is just a note for myself)


3) A film can be amazing 20 minutes in, just because its 50% done doesn't mean its a 50/100. FFS


4) This is my last response in regards to this, BUT I will continue to watch films how I want to cause I am a human who gets hungry or has to take long shits. Thank you very much.

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Movies are supposed to be watched not desgusted



Look, my movie/film (not sure if you are being critical of the phrase "movie") watching is sufficiently satisfying for me. I really don't know what business it is of anyone's nor do I understand how someone can gauge or be conclusive towards how I watch movies. I try to respond to films I have just watched quickly because my thoughts on it are fresh. And I try to add information on what I liked or didn't so others here can use that information as a guide for deciding which film they want to watch next. Typically I find it more useful to expand on films that I enjoyed overall than films I didn't like, but on occasion it is fun to break down something you didn't enjoy, especially if there is already an active debate/discussion about it.

It was a failed pun. disgusted/discussed seemed a bit similar. Ah well

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I was in the middle of shitting but I took a break to watch Red Dawn

Glad to get back to the shitting, going now, thanks, bye

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indie game - the movie

decent documentary. would have liked it more if i felt the games chronicled in it were actually good. unfortunately i played super meat boy and i think it sucks. it's hard to watch these guys toil away on it in a movie that's making an argument that videogames are art and their producers are artists and then have a game like that be the result. braid i can appreciate a bit more, but the weird kind of pretentious autism (lol) of the creator of that game annoyed me. and then fez actually looks like fun, although the designer was pretty annoying. these guys are all egomaniacs, with maybe the exception of the married guy. so: videogames are really hard to make, you probably won't get paid, and the results most likely aren't art, so much as artistic. didn't take much else away from it.


side by side

another documentary. this was more of an informative commercial for the disparity that exists (supposedly) in hollywood between digital and film devotees. i was mostly bored by it, and i think some of the info may have been wrong or misleading (pretty sure roger deakins didn't start shooting digital until in time or skyfall, but the movie implies that o brother where art thou was shot dv). i could watch david fincher sound off all day long about the film industry though. seems like a no bullshit kind of guy, which was refreshing in the midst of a bunch of cinematographers pretending to be wizards and mystics, and christopher nolan pretending to be an auteur. also, if you're trying to push digital on people, maybe robert rodriguez and george lucas aren't the best people for the gig.

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searching for sugarman



don't just give a 10/10 without explaining, damn man


i dunno, it was just a 10/10 for me, i don't really have much to say about it. it was just a really emotional documentary, though i guess my rating's aimed more at the subjects story rather than the documentary itself, im just glad i now know about this dude who i'd never heard about prior to watching the documentary.

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searching for sugarman



don't just give a 10/10 without explaining, damn man


i dunno, it was just a 10/10 for me, i don't really have much to say about it. it was just a really emotional documentary, though i guess my rating's aimed more at the subjects story rather than the documentary itself, im just glad i now know about this dude who i'd never heard about prior to watching the documentary.

it was emotional but so honest and charming. I fucking hate that music but jesus i almost cried when he walks out in front of the crowd... moving!!

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0/10 - well, just for the sake of hating it, i could pull it up to 4 or 5 but damn, i mean, i really liked steak and rubber, but this was a piece of shit... i gave 3 or 5 laughs and my hopes got high with the first scenes and premiss, but then it just went downhill... there's so much visuals that could be well used while the camera is simply pointing and clicking like a parkinson's mouse user...


now, what's called this recent technique where only the action is focused while everything background gets blured/out of focus??? worst thing ever, you call that art???




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  • du levande - 9/10 i've had this sitting on my hard drive since it came out but never find a reason/mood to watch it, well, my bad, one of the best piece of film out there, no doubt!












  • the quiet earth - 8/10 great movie, great cinematography, some of the acting is a bit compelling but that's ok...


  • the master - some of the cinematography here is pretty weird, a bit flashy/stylish a bit like iPhone, i don't like it that much, action extremely focused while background completely out of focus, as i stated before, i don't like this, i like to be able to place myself on the scene and look around, this new technique is disabling my enjoyment of the scenario... fuck that... i don't need the camera to be my eyes, that's just a stupid idea like recording music with microphones placed where you'd going to listen to it... NO! you record, the best you can, and whoever enjoys it has the pleasure to look/ear around instead of being told what/where to ear/look...


  • the nine lives of Thomas Katz - lol, i don't know what to make of this, i liked it, quite a lot, but it's ugly! :(


  • the sessions - didn't felt manipulated by this one which is a bit weird, it's light-earthed and fun... maybe i was in a too good mood to watch it...


  • the best exotic marigold hotel - bleh, few lols here and there...


  • skyfall - this show is getting retarded after retarded it's not even fun anymore... a mini radio??? with an antenna??? that looks like an walkie talkie??? god have mercy mercy meeeercy...


  • legend - lol great one you stupid dumbshit fuckass twat, i thought that i couldn't hate fairies and magic more than i already did but i was wrong...


  • argo - hahaha, a movie about Ben Affleck, really if you think this movie is about what happened to those people you're so goddamn wrong...
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