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Guest Iain C

Behind The Candelabra




At first, I was really worried that none of the main actors were gay in reality, but the performances and chemistry were top knotch. Great story and great script too. Check this out if you get a chance. Highly enjoyable.


This is the next film on my list, Liberace was a fascinating character

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Upstream color came in the mail


Can't get myself to watch it

I´ve never read so many good critics about a movie like this !


Its a very complex and difficult movie but beautiful to watch !


I missed it in the theater and I'm still kicking myself. I tried to see it like 3 times but it was only playing at one theater at weird times of the day.


Is it on Netflix Streaming?





Behind The Candelabra




At first, I was really worried that none of the main actors were gay in reality, but the performances and chemistry were top knotch. Great story and great script too. Check this out if you get a chance. Highly enjoyable.

This is the next film on my list, Liberace was a fascinating character

Soderberg's best movie in years.

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Soderberg's best movie in years.


Soderbergh fan? I thought the Informant was a pretty damn good movie, and I don't think anything he made since has been as genius. Looking forward to seeing Candlelabra

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Guest Pennywise


Sinister 4/10 - good tension building in places, nice music, 100% cheap jump scares, TEH MOST WORSTEST ghost child actors and story ruin everything


Ohgawd, the music in Sinister was TERRIBLE! It sounded like they had taken Nick Cave and Warren Ellis' soundtrack for The Proposition and made it dark and... well, sinister... but poorly executed. It didn't fit the movie at all!


Therea a little bit of boc in it. towards the end i think.

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Soderberg's best movie in years.


Soderbergh fan? I thought the Informant was a pretty damn good movie, and I don't think anything he made since has been as genius. Looking forward to seeing Candlelabra
I don't know if I'd say "fan", but I see most of his movies. I definitely think this is his best since The Informant (which I really liked), but I think this one may be better. Not sure.

I also liked Contagion, but not as much.

Before The Informant, I'd say his next best was probably Traffic, then Che.

Edited by J3FF3R00
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Sinister 4/10 - good tension building in places, nice music, 100% cheap jump scares, TEH MOST WORSTEST ghost child actors and story ruin everything

Ohgawd, the music in Sinister was TERRIBLE! It sounded like they had taken Nick Cave and Warren Ellis' soundtrack for The Proposition and made it dark and... well, sinister... but poorly executed. It didn't fit the movie at all!

Therea a little bit of boc in it. towards the end i think.
Yeah, that track is smack in the middle of the film as well as starting the end credits, there's also a bit of ulver and sunn o))). I liked most of the other stuff in there as well... But hey, that boc track felt a bit out of place.
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Premium Rush - Utter shit. Turned off after 30 mins. Not even Michael Shannon hamming it up could save this turd.

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Sinister 4/10 - good tension building in places, nice music, 100% cheap jump scares, TEH MOST WORSTEST ghost child actors and story ruin everything


Ohgawd, the music in Sinister was TERRIBLE! It sounded like they had taken Nick Cave and Warren Ellis' soundtrack for The Proposition and made it dark and... well, sinister... but poorly executed. It didn't fit the movie at all!


Therea a little bit of boc in it. towards the end i think.



That just makes it worse...



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Premium Rush - Utter shit. Turned off after 30 mins. Not even Michael Shannon hamming it up could save this turd.

I actually saw that in the theatre. Admittedly, it is not a good movie.

However, I was entertained. As a displaced New-Yorker (and avid NYC bicyclist), I also respect how they made an effort to maintain continuity with the actual streets he was riding down, when they could have easily cheated his bike route so everything could be shot in random neighborhoods.

I geek out on that kind of thing. Especially seeing as how Manhattan is a logistical nightmare to shoot stuff like that in. Just sayin.

Edited by J3FF3R00
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I watched it because I love cycling and Michael Shannon really, I can definitely see why you'd appreciate that aspect. Just found the characters utterly unbearable and the writing shambolic. First time in ages I said "oh fuck this shit" and turned a movie off, haha

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Behind the Candelabra is the best film I have seen in a long time. And my favorite Soderbergh film. Still haven't seen Side Effects.

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I watched Magic Mike or whatever it was a few days ago. I officially hate Soderbergh. At best, he's only adequate, and at worst he inspires pure hate like few other directors I know. His directorial style just broadcasts "I don't give a shit". He's the lamest, most lackadaisical director I can think of. He strives for a certain kind of naturalism, but then he uses some obnoxious yellow filter just because. He somehow seems to embody the New York aesthetic to me; he's like Seinfeld minus the already crappy sense of humor.

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i love Soderbergh. My only problem with him is that he makes too many movies, and some of them are average. I Can't think of another director who's put out movies of such consistent quality and originality over such a long career besides maybe the Coen Brothers.

Still haven't seen magic mike. My favorite films of his

The Limey
Full Frontal (probably my favorite)
The Informant
Bubble (basically his Fargo, excellent film)
Out of Sight (a spiritual link movie to Jackie Brown, featuring some of the same characters)
Schizopolis (his take on scientology, and his most experimental film)

I think these very much stand up above the rest as very quality movies, and they are not of his mainstream variety. Movies like Traffic are decent but i don't think it stands up to any of the other ones i listed above.

fans of Charlie Kaufman would dig Schizopolis and Full Frontal, and fans of Coen brother and Tarantino would dig Out of Sight and the Limey. Bubble is more of an indie style Coen film with a totally unknown cast and filmed on DV. It was the first movie to be available on demand/streaming the same day it came out in theaters. Girlfriend experience was the 2nd installment in his DV/direct to on demand trilogy, but not nearly as good as Bubble.

He also imo made one of the best political shows ever, K Street. Only House of Cards or Thick of It is at the same level of quality and knowledge about the way politics work.

Edited by John Ehrlichman
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I watched Magic Mike or whatever it was a few days ago. I officially hate Soderbergh. At best, he's only adequate, and at worst he inspires pure hate like few other directors I know. His directorial style just broadcasts "I don't give a shit". He's the lamest, most lackadaisical director I can think of. He strives for a certain kind of naturalism, but then he uses some obnoxious yellow filter just because. He somehow seems to embody the New York aesthetic to me; he's like Seinfeld minus the already crappy sense of humor.


haha i liked the yellow filter, gave the whole movie a hazy, dumb florida vibe. because that movie was hazy, dumb and in florida. movie could have used a better title.


is that little lumpy in the profile pic???? super cute!!

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it is little Lumpy! Thanks Alco!


And yeah, Limey and Out of Sight were both "pretty good". As was the Informant. But "pretty good" still falls annoyingly short...

Edited by lumpenprol
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Aww...lil Lumpy is cute!


Check out Behind the Candelabra, Lumpy. I think it's one of the better movies released this year.


A Place Beyond the Pines - 7/10 - I was ready to be bored by this since I felt Blue Valentine Ryan Gosling was is a bit overrated but was pleasantly surprised. I really liked that the film tried to tackle a subject from a generational point of view. The consequence of doing that is that some of the story around important characters suffers. I guess the film is supposed to be about men and their fathers but it just felt like one particular female character is mostly ignored even though she is pretty integral to the story.

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they actually tried to make this film a comedy by having corny jokes and having the mutants be toddlers (facepalm) and they had vanilla ice perform 'go ninja!' in the film (double facepalm)


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i thought all those movies were pretty great, but fair enough if you don't like Soderbergh, he's much better, more inventive and experimental than most of the directors that get praise here ie: Malick and Ridely Scott

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I suppose he's more experimental, but he does this thing where I feel like he loses interest and focus halfway through his "experimental" scenes. So it's like a bunch of scenes that don't go anywhere and aren't dramatically fulfilling, strung together more or less randomly to make a film.

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