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Guest RadarJammer

Behind the Candelbara was a decent flick but it never transcended the dry biography feeling. i guess watching it kinda felt like doing homework

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I like Soderbergh. I can agree that he never really pulls through with a "masterpiece" but it seems like part of his philosophy with film. He's kind of just good at making movies but doesn't really care.

He's too lazy to commit fully to making an extremely good film. So you watch the film and then 24 hours later you're like 'meh' by which time he's already making another one. I liked the fight scenes in Haywire and the nude lady scenes at the start of Magic Mike but he does so much boring stuff .... its not a great viewing experience. I switched off The Good German after 20 minutes because it was too shit. Im watching Candelabra tonight, i think it will be pretty good. Interesting subject matter, flamboyant characters are entertaining



spot on

Behind the Candelbara was a decent flick but it never transcended the dry biography feeling. i guess watching it kinda felt like doing homework

sounds like Soderbergh!

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Fuck Walter Hill, that article was terrible.


Soderbergh is lazy??????



He has made 37 films/tv shows in the span of nearly thirty years.


many of them I have enjoyed, some I have not.


many of Walter Hill's films are B Films (Red Heat, Last Man Standing, Johnny Handsome, Brewster's Millions), so what was that article on about? Those are all unwatchable imo

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Check out Armond White on Soderbergh: http://cityarts.info/2013/02/06/at-cinemas-crossroads/


He's spot on I think, and makes me reconsider. It's hard to spot these things when watching the movies, but becomes obvious when reading it.

isn't armond white a total twat though, who just made his reputation by being the only one giving bad scores to popular movies?

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Guest Shit Attack

the iceman - pretty shit movie but still mostly entertaining. enjoyed it more than any of the summer blockbusterathons so far this year despite being a shitty 10th rate version of goodfellas . much better off just watching the documentary about this dude/10

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Armond White is seriously trolling. Okay so Soderbergh is talented, but doesn't always do his best. This makes Traffic a bad movie and Bullet To The Head is actually an intellectual experience. Riiiiiiigggghhhht.

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Sweeeeet time travel/sci-fi film, very much recommended (its on the america netflix)
does exactly what you want it to do just as you realise it has to 'do'/10

reaaaaally cool idea, and very enjoyable - however, Cronenberg falls back to too many 'movie/video game' cliches (bang bang stuff) which do more harm than ironic good, and it all somewhat falls apart near the end...having said that, still highly recommend/10

(i should note, both films are about 90mins long...good if your looking for a quickie)

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/\ I think the Matrix ripped of Existenz in concept (amongst others) and speaking of Cronenburg....


Antiviral - Brandon Cronenberg's debut makes compelling viewing even if it does got lost in its own surreal concept from time to time. 7/10


The Darkest Hour - Starts as a promising better than average apocalyptic invasion flick then just runs into a brick wall at the end. 5/10


Flight - With Robert Zemekis directing with Denzel Washington playing a cool coke head airline pilot in crisis you'd expect more than a very bland run of the mill drama. Worth watching the first 5mins as you get to see Catalina from My Name is Earl absolutely starkers. 4/10


Offender - modern British juvenile prison flick trying to tread in the footsteps of Scum and whilst not as gritty does a very good portrayal of modern day hoodie style criminals thanks to its strong cast (the main bad guy is very well done). A little overdone in places but a surprisingly well made film with a good soundtrack. 8/10


Vanishing Point (1997) - The Lazerhawk King of the Streets video made me hunt this down. A nice low budget TV movie with decent B class stars that has the charm of the classic 80's American chase films with Viggo Mortensen playing a cool lead role. 7/10


Infected - Michael Madsen shooting zombies with a shotgun plus a few tits thrown in. stopped after 15mins/10

Edited by soundwave
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Hugo - 9/10 what a great film, watched this in 3D and loved it. Kingsley, Cohen, and Christopher Lee were excellent. CG was great as well, it really brought me back to my film school days.

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Hugo - 9/10 what a great film, watched this in 3D and loved it. Kingsley, Cohen, and Christopher Lee were excellent. CG was great as well, it really brought me back to my film school days.


you had cg in film school?

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Just saw the Evil Dead remake the other day.

Ugh... so complicated / 10



I thought it was a fine attempt at a remake. The tone and use of gore was spot on.

The script, characters and story were a mess.





At first I hated the premise of them being there to lock up the sister for drug withdrawl. It just seemed like too much of narrative device to keep them in the woods.

Then when she became posessed and they thought everything she did was a symptom of withdrwl, I thought, "OK, thats actually a little interesting".


The relationship with the brother/sister was a trainwreck. They didn't seem related at all and it seemed like they were lovers. Plus, the main dude had no charisma, period. He was completely boring and it was a tragedy that he was one of the main characters. He was also the most under-developed of all of the characters and should have gotten killed first.


The main girl was good, but I couldn't understand why there were 2 of her. What was up with having one good one and one bad spirit one? That was lame.


I liked the long-haired nerdy dude the best out of the group. He was the best actor (next to the main girl). He also had a simple streak of humor that the others didn't have. I'm glad he lasted as long as he did, I just wish he could have been the male lead.


The other 2 female actresses were forgettable, at best.


I HATED the development at the end that he couldn't burn his sister, so he decided he would go into the woodshed to Macgyver up some contraption that would bring her back to life with the flip of a switch. So fucking stupid. Then, turns out it works and she is totally normal again. WTF!?!?!?


I loved the part where it rained blood.





I did think there were lots of good grabs and scares. Good cinematography/art direction.


I just wish Hollywould would remake shitty movies and make them better instead of remaking classic movies and making them shitty.

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I saw Star Trek, Wrath of Khan yesterday. I might have had a bit too many expectations to be fully satisfied, but it was a solid good movie. 8/10

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watched Wrath of Khan as well right after seeing Into Darkness. Makes the movie seem somehow better than i originally remember. Have you seen the directors cut? If not I recommend it, they make Khan seem more evil and the spock / kirk scene at the very end is longer. Makes Spock seem like a crazy mother fucker even more so than in the theatrical cut.

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Guest jasondonervan

Dredd the night before last. Doesn't do the franchise any justice (arf), but silly and entertaining in equal measure. Funny how Mega-City One is heavily mentioned as being a huge sprawling landscape, yet practically the whole film is relegated to a single building.


Day of the Dead (1985) last night. First time, never watched it before. Started off promising, but ended up disappointing. The schock effects were quite amusing, the terrible acting wasn't. I love Dawn of the Dead, but this did nothing for me. The soundtrack redeemed it a little.

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Over the last week I've watched Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn Part 1 & 2 with my girlfriend. I can definitely see why these movies appeal to a young (and in some cases old) girls. I'm not saying they're good movies, but now I know what it's all about.

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