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dealin' with idiots


7/10 - loved it. people are gonna bash it because it's basically a long curb your enthusiasm episode only not quite as well written, but with a bunch of the same actors etc (minus larry david). but yeah, good stuff.

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pacific rim


so many neckbeards, so many 8 year olds. it was like a nambla convention. the movie was basically top gun with giant robots instead of tom cruise and gay. everyone loses on this one, wait for the next overhyped nerd endorsed shitpile.




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A Field in England 9/10


This is a fantastic film with beautiful cinematography and some very nice experimental visuals. The performances are extremely strong especially Reece Shearsmith whose switch between heavy pathos and maniac creepiness almost turns the stomach (he's so damn good at both). The psychedelic mushrooms scenes are genius and nods heavily to the classic avante-garde films of the late sixties and early seventies (which I really love) and which don't seem to get much love these days for some reason. Despite the fact it's so very vastly different from his last film, you still very much get the feel of it as a Wheatley film. I really hope he does more daring work as the outcome I feel just keeps getting better and better. He's really a director to watch from now on.


One though was I didn't totally get the end...

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One though was I didn't totally get the end...

The final shot with the three of them looking at him in the field yeah ? (erm, that's not a spoiler for those that haven't seen it !) Yeah I wasn't 100% what that meant either
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One though was I didn't totally get the end...

The final shot with the three of them looking at him in the field yeah ? (erm, that's not a spoiler for those that haven't seen it !) Yeah I wasn't 100% what that meant either


Hmm it'll come out eventually...

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Guest jasondonervan

2010 The Year We Make Contact


Not sure why it took so long to get around to watching this. It was alright for a hot lazy Sunday afternoon's viewing. The spaceship models were nice. Helen Mirren was unexpected. 6/10

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A Field in England 9/10


This is a fantastic film with beautiful cinematography and some very nice experimental visuals. The performances are extremely strong especially Reece Shearsmith whose switch between heavy pathos and maniac creepiness almost turns the stomach (he's so damn good at both). The psychedelic mushrooms scenes are genius and nods heavily to the classic avante-garde films of the late sixties and early seventies (which I really love) and which don't seem to get much love these days for some reason. Despite the fact it's so very vastly different from his last film, you still very much get the feel of it as a Wheatley film. I really hope he does more daring work as the outcome I feel just keeps getting better and better. He's really a director to watch from now on.


One though was I didn't totally get the end...


i've been hearing lots of good things about this film and as soon as i have the time i really want to watch it. lots of split opinions with some people completely not liking it and others swearing it's the best film of the year.

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One though was I didn't totally get the end...

The final shot with the three of them looking at him in the field yeah ? (erm, that's not a spoiler for those that haven't seen it !) Yeah I wasn't 100% what that meant either



In my opinion ..

Thru the mushroom trip he gain magic powers and he was able to end the war and resurrect his dead friends


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One though was I didn't totally get the end...

The final shot with the three of them looking at him in the field yeah ? (erm, that's not a spoiler for those that haven't seen it !) Yeah I wasn't 100% what that meant either



In my opinion ..

Thru the mushroom trip he gain magic powers and he was able to end the war and resurrect his dead friends



Yeah I thought that too. AWESOME!!!

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Ahh so -



was that alluded to by the fact the guy that accidentally got shot in the hole somehow came back to life during the later battle - the mushies are some sort of immortality ingredient ?


Though I'm so versed (not sure if that's the right word) on Lynch film logic that any clear cut plot explanation like that seems far too easy !

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In an interview after it was shown on Film4 the director hinted about :



them being dead and possibly in limbo, I need to watch it again to try and get a better grasp.


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In an interview after it was shown on Film4 the director hinted about :



them being dead and possibly in limbo, I need to watch it again to try and get a better grasp.


Yeah that does actually sound a bit more satisfactory as



the last scene did seem very ethereal. Maybe he did in fact die right at the start - the field being limbo and then he finally expelled all his 'demons' via the vomiting of the stones and the battle before submitting/accepting the afterlife


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Im sticking to my theory because

when he eats the mushrooms during the final confrontation he says something like "im going to do it your way, im going to sink to your level", that leads me to believe the mushroom is black magic and as a holy man he does not like black magic


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Im sticking to my theory because

when he eats the mushrooms during the final confrontation he says something like "im going to do it your way, im going to sink to your level", that leads me to believe the mushroom is black magic and as a holy man he does not like black magic



Yes I agree, the mushrooms have massive significance. Also read up on the fairy ring thing and it tallies.

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Guest isaki

Pacific Rim - the black captain gets angry, two buff men punch each other, the asian is the brightest worker, ray william Johnson says "it worked", the twitchy englishman lets a sigh of relief then a dog barks


1/10 it ends

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