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Arizona Dream 7.5/10 charming, lighthearted stuff. A bit weird too. Johnny Depp's character is how I imagine Salvatorin to be in real life lol


Oh I love that film. I used to have its audio track recorded on a tape which I used to play in my car.



The first 20 minutes I thought it was quite funny. But then it waters down to meh.



Edited by Godwin Austen
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Guest zaphod

night of the hunter


this is a ten out of ten movie. i've seen it a number of times, just amazing cinematography, robert mitchum is iconic. wish we could bring him back and cast him as judge holden in that blood meridian adaptation no one wants to make.

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Beasts of the Southern Wild 7.5/10


I really liked this film although it was a bit of a mess plotwise. It didn't make a lot of sense until I realised the flow of the film was completely dependent on the child and what she was feeling emotionally. Then I just kinda went with it and enjoyed it from that angle. The girl who played the main character wad good.


Edited by MadameChaos
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I'll stand with ye Chaos, I thought twas an excellent film. Then again, arguments over taste are pointless, so I might bow out if it gets ugly. Cheers!

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the heat - funnier than expected.


lovelace - pretty good, could've been longer, felt a bit rushed.


prince avalanche - too indie for its own good. quite shit.


pain & gain - some lols, was quite surprised to find out michael bay directed it. even dwayne the rock was actually funny.


the great gatsby - nah. who the fuck thought casting spider-man would be a good idea?

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard



Enjoyed but two major issues:


1. The ending was clearly signposted early on by two scenes.





the programmer hovering over the lethal or stun extraction mode.


frey's kid being sick





put those two together and you can see the ending a mile off.


2. the music playing on earth in every scene. why is industrial dubstep circa 2010 playing all the time? even outdoors! that is going to age this film really badly. the only good bit was the burial.




oh and the guy changing the word legal to *legal and saving the day was a fucking lol



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ginger & rosa - elle fanning is incredible in this, she is developing into a fine young actress if this film accurately showcases the level of her maturing talent and is not just a one off inspired performance. i enjoyed this film, not the most incredible film by any means, but it has its strong moments and deals with very delicate and thought provoking subject matter.

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