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Guest trananhhung

it's about a woman in trouble.



Wasn't that Mulholland Drive?


Saw Pieta yesterday at the ICA. Most unpleasant great film I've seen for ages. Londoners, go see it!

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I tried watching G.I. Joe Retaliation to let my brain relax a little, didn't get very far. ¯\_(シ)_/¯

Then I watched World War Z instead. 凸(⊙▂⊙✖ )

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

Spring Breakers

I was enjoying it and pretty engrossed until the ending, then either it went too unrealistic or I missed the point completely. Worth watching for Alien and his all his stuff


Blue Jasmine

The newist Woody Allen film. Cate Blanchet is so good in this. I don't usually like her but she was great. I came out thinking it was pretty good but 2 days later and I'm still thinking about it so its gone up in my estimation. And bonus - he makes San Francisco looks like the shithole it is.

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a documentary about the nutters that obsessively collect vhs films. this is kinda like the video nasties documentary that came out a while ago with the exception that it focus' more on the love of discovering odd movies that only came out on vhs as well as reminiscing about certain vhs only qualities like shit picture or pan and scan cropping.


the major downside is that it's technically A LOT of talking heads- the upside is that they're kinda all interesting


eight and half really cool box covers out of ten

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Guest Atom Dowry Firth


watched both Ace Ventura movies for some reason. was Jim Carrey on speed in the 90's? i'm not sure what to think. these movies are so over the top/10


i liked these films the first time around but find all his cuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzyyyyyyyyyyyy films really difficult to watch now.


i think i prefer to just ignore them and focus on the better ones he's done since like Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and the Truman Show.


I watched The Cable Guy the other day, was thoroughly enjoyable.


Also Mud was good

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Midnight Cowboy


Wow, what a fantastic film. It's the sort of film which I had a preconceived notion that i'd somehow already seen it due to all the parodys and cultural references, but that couldn't have been further from the truth.

If you havn't seen this, I couldn't recommend watching it more. It's funny, it's sad, it's heartwarming, it's disturbing, it's got great great characters and performances - even the ones who pop up for no longer than 2minutes screen time. The editing is top-notch. The music is fitting. The cinematography is interesting and well thought out. A true classic.


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Guest the anonymous forumite

Midnight Cowboy




Wow, what a fantastic film. It's the sort of film which I had a preconceived notion that i'd somehow already seen it due to all the parodys and cultural references, but that couldn't have been further from the truth.


If you havn't seen this, I couldn't recommend watching it more. It's funny, it's sad, it's heartwarming, it's disturbing, it's got great great characters and performances - even the ones who pop up for no longer than 2minutes screen time. The editing is top-notch. The music is fitting. The cinematography is interesting and well thought out. A true classic.




but did you realize it was about repressed homosexuality ?

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Midnight Cowboy




Wow, what a fantastic film. It's the sort of film which I had a preconceived notion that i'd somehow already seen it due to all the parodys and cultural references, but that couldn't have been further from the truth.


If you havn't seen this, I couldn't recommend watching it more. It's funny, it's sad, it's heartwarming, it's disturbing, it's got great great characters and performances - even the ones who pop up for no longer than 2minutes screen time. The editing is top-notch. The music is fitting. The cinematography is interesting and well thought out. A true classic.




but did you realize it was about repressed homosexuality ?



snicker out loud.

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Midnight Cowboy




Wow, what a fantastic film. It's the sort of film which I had a preconceived notion that i'd somehow already seen it due to all the parodys and cultural references, but that couldn't have been further from the truth.


If you havn't seen this, I couldn't recommend watching it more. It's funny, it's sad, it's heartwarming, it's disturbing, it's got great great characters and performances - even the ones who pop up for no longer than 2minutes screen time. The editing is top-notch. The music is fitting. The cinematography is interesting and well thought out. A true classic.




but did you realize it was about repressed homosexuality ?



snicker out loud.






If you look at the feet in the first picture you will find that ole Dustin despite his already vertical disadvantage next to the towering John Vioght, still has to take a few steps back up the hill to gain a few more critical inches. This concludes that there is a optimum position of altitude over distance which is called The Hoffman Point, where a basic optical illusion could help save you from looking like a child with a 40yr old face!

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a trailer has been leaked for the new neil blompkamp feature, allegedly he will tackle alien invasion in africa while retaining his sharp political critique of modern day neo colonialist policies in that region and masterful use of special effects:

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im just curious what you thought about a disaster movie using quasi israel politics as a backdrop for a zombie outbreak

i remember that ridiculous scene were palestinians and israelies are singing peace songs very loudly thus attracting an onslaught of zombies, it was hilarious and awful, i really can't get my head around what it was supposed to mean. otherwise the film was very bland and by the numbers zombie apocalypse, it didn't do anything interesting with that theme of "globalness" (so to speak).

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i did like the scene where brad pitt is flying and a nuke nonchalantly explodes in the distance. movie was awful though, seemed cobbled together from different shoots. actually, i think it was. pretty sure the last half hour is entirely reshot.

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