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Like Mark Frost said himself, wasn't the Audrey Horne cliffhanger just thought up as one of the many (cheesy) cliffhangers at the end of the episode in a (hopeless) attempt to get a contract for season 3? It's so hilariously bad that I could very well do without. I'm sure Lynch and Frost are aware of this too so I wouldn't worry about it.

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Guest bitroast

i hope season 3 starts with a Red Dwarf season 3 style star wars crawl that zooms by too quickly to read without freeze framing, which explains all the inaccuracies explained and laying the ground work to start the new season on a completely new fresh slate without worrying about the lame season 2 cliffhangers ..






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Like Mark Frost said himself, wasn't the Audrey Horne cliffhanger just thought up as one of the many (cheesy) cliffhangers at the end of the episode in a (hopeless) attempt to get a contract for season 3? It's so hilariously bad that I could very well do without. I'm sure Lynch and Frost are aware of this too so I wouldn't worry about it.


I remember reading that the Audrey Horne fiasco was mean't to lead into what became Mulholland Drive. Sherilyn didn't want to do the movie so they killed her off (but did they???!1112) and hired a different actress.

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Additionally, Lynch will direct all the episodes, filming one long script as a continuous movie and then editing it into episodes.



hmmm... interesting approach. sounds like the reverse of how he made Inland Empire.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I watched Twin Peaks in full for the first time ever recently after having seen & enjoyed most Lynch's films and a lot of it is really fucking bad. There's hints & flashes of the genius that would later surface in his work, but I'd say it's about 60%+ awful. Half of the first season is just Laura's parents crying and teens being too cool for school, and the second season's subplots with the grown woman getting super strength and going to high school are pure cringe. Why was this considered revolutionary at the time? Because it was more surreal than most dramas?


That being said, seeing the quality of Lynch's later work, I'm sure this new iteration will be quite good and I am excited for it.

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I watched Twin Peaks in full for the first time ever recently after having seen & enjoyed most Lynch's films and a lot of it is really fucking bad. There's hints & flashes of the genius that would later surface in his work, but I'd say it's about 60%+ awful. Half of the first season is just Laura's parents crying and teens being too cool for school, and the second season's subplots with the grown woman getting super strength and going to high school are pure cringe. Why was this considered revolutionary at the time? Because it was more surreal than most dramas?


That being said, seeing the quality of Lynch's later work, I'm sure this new iteration will be quite good and I am excited for it.



Its flawed but not how you describe it, lynch also directed only a couple epi's he had problems with production, getting ideas past the producers etc like revealing the killer of laura early on....... grown woman getting super strength , don't remember that, oh wait the the curtain lady working out? now thats genius

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I remember something with that middle aged woman busting out of being chained to a gurney with her bare hands and going back to high school where she lifts some dude and tosses him through the air with one hand while wacky music plays.

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I remember something with that middle aged woman busting out of being chained to a gurney with her bare hands and going back to high school where she lifts some dude and tosses him through the air with one hand while wacky music plays.


hhaha yeah there are def some questionable moments but think even the silly ones add to it, think it was a different time making tv then, it seems stories can be more explicit now, & they still managed to make one of the best series imo

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Well yeah, if you hold it to the standards of 1991 soap operas then I guess I can see how it's considered special. Watching it for the first time in 2015 though...


It's kind of like playing a NES game without the nostalgia of having grown up with it. If you played the game as a child then it's a fun trip down memory lane, but if you're playing it for the first time in the Xbox & Playstation era then it's a frustrating piece of hot garbage.

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Well yeah, if you hold it to the standards of 1991 soap operas then I guess I can see how it's considered special. Watching it for the first time in 2015 though...


It's kind of like playing a NES game without the nostalgia of having grown up with it. If you played the game as a child then it's a fun trip down memory lane, but if you're playing it for the first time in the Xbox & Playstation era then it's a frustrating piece of hot garbage.


surpasses those standards a shame you cant see that less to do about nostalgia although it is tapping into that, more melancholy then how people talk about nostalgia these days,'tape cassettes are really nostalgic etc' it was even nostalgic at the time harking back to the 50's 60's being that its almost timeless


.... also about snes jesus did you ever play mariokart? nothing quite like that still today

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I watched Twin Peaks in full for the first time ever recently after having seen & enjoyed most Lynch's films and a lot of it is really fucking bad. There's hints & flashes of the genius that would later surface in his work, but I'd say it's about 60%+ awful. Half of the first season is just Laura's parents crying and teens being too cool for school, and the second season's subplots with the grown woman getting super strength and going to high school are pure cringe. Why was this considered revolutionary at the time? Because it was more surreal than most dramas?


That being said, seeing the quality of Lynch's later work, I'm sure this new iteration will be quite good and I am excited for it.


it's interesting because exactly what you find "60%+awful" and "cringe" is what i think works. the fact that diane suddenly thinks she's a highschooler and joints the school wrestling team just when big ed wants to tell her about his affair with norma works because it's so surreal (and funny) yet it's handled in a way where i never found it unbelievable (for the twin peaks world).


i agree about the first half of season 1 basically being laura's parents and friends crying (actually, first time dr jacoby is shown listening to a tape he had recorded of laura he bursts out crying and i remember first time rolling my eyes like "even you?") but it has other scenes that work so well you kind of forget (and forgive) the cheese- which was also made to highlight the soap opera craze that was prevalent at the time (in fact, there is a soap opera running parallel to the events in twin peaks).


a lot of people dislike season 2 but it's actually my favorite. the "bob" storyline felt 1 dimensional to me: catch the killer and we can all put this thing to rest. in season 2, things get a little more complicated: windom earle is introduced, message from jupiter giving co-ordinates to black lodge, audrey at one eyed jacks (i think this started in season 1?) and josie packard getting stuck in a door handle crucified in a scream


another thing that made the show so classic were the characters. each one of them was so unique you never felt like they just had supporting characters because they needed to populate twin peaks. you could enjoy each one for just who they were, and they had important reasons for existing as they're roles helped some facet of the various narratives running.


btw: it's funny you singled out nadine because i always thought she was somehow ubiquitous in how bizarre the show was. from her complaint about "loud curtains" to the eye patch and super human strength that came on later to the fact that of all the women in the show, she had to be the one that becomes a high school cheerleader.

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Yeah, but everything that's good about Twin Peaks is done 100x better in Lynch's films afterwards.


And I said NES, not SNES. And Mario Kart is shit Wipeout is better.


this is a silly statement,


twin peaks lasted 1990-1991 so in theory 1 year... actually just 1 year, then fire walk with me in 1992. arguably his strongest work was also made pre twin peaks, debut eraser head & blue velvet as well as the elephantman, dune, wild at heart (which he was working on at the same time & diverted him from twin peaks) & all the short films throughout

its just a continuation of a strong career throughout, how are his films 100x better after twin peaks? lol


also mariokart on the snes eats wipe out 4 breakfast

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Yeah, but everything that's good about Twin Peaks is done 100x better in Lynch's films afterwards.


And I said NES, not SNES. And Mario Kart is shit Wipeout is better.

People in today's current gaming generation are just spoiled. They can't handle legitimately difficult games from the NES era. Nowadays you have constant checkpoints, unlimited lives, endless health pickups (if it doesnt automatically refill for you by sitting still) and requires little to no practice in order to beat a game. Throw a modern day CoD player a copy of the original Ninja Gaiden and watch them rage quit in the first 5 minutes. They just can't handle truly punishing gameplay.


But, I digress. Twin Peaks is the shit and I can't wait to see what Lynch does with the new series.

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I'm excited but I still can't help but think, "is this really necessary?"

Why was Cooper possessed by Bob at the end? It seems like he's lost it.

Well, the thing is, he hasn't. It's the doppelgänger thing - the idea of two sides to everyone. He's really up against himself. People were really upset that it ended with an evil Cooper who'd been taken over by Bob. But that's not the ending. That's the ending that people were stuck with. That's just the ending of the second season. If it had continued . . .



Isn't it true that you were less involved in the second series, because you were off making Wild at Heart?

Right. That started . . . in the second season I was, you know, removed from it. Although I loved the idea of a continuing story, those stories have to be written, and every week you have to do another show, and pretty soon it catches up with you and you find you don't have enough time to get down in there and do what you're supposed to do. And it becomes something you don't really want to do.



Were you unhappy when you returned and saw the direction Twin Peaks was taking?

See, I'm not making a judgement on it. It's just not the way . . . If Mark and I had been working together, it would've been different. But we weren't, so it was the way it was. I went to a couple of meetings with writers, and things like that, but unless you're right in there and you're hands on . . . That's one of the frustrating things about TV: there are other directors, other writers, and other things that come in. It may be fine, but it's not what you would do. It's frustrating.



So had the last episode been written when you came back?

It was written, but when it came to The Red Room, it was, in my opinion, completely and totally wrong. Completely and totally wrong. And so I changed that part. A lot of the other parts were things that had been started and were on a certain route, so they had to continue. But you can still direct them in a certain way. But I really like that last episode.


Lynch on Lynch. 2005. 182.

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Just watched "a slice of Lynch" on the blu ray box set, really cool seeing David, Kyle and Madchen sitting around chatting about the original filming. It was only recorded last year so they must have already been discussing doing season 3.

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What I'll be sad about with the new season is the obvious lack of Major Briggs. He became one of my favorite characters in season 2, whereas he just came off a stiff military dude in season 1.

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OK so apparently the slice of Lynch doc was recorded in 2007 but the recent blu ray release was the full uncut hour rather than 25 mins that was on the gold box DVD.


I was thinking....


I wonder if Lynch would use flashbacks with unseen footage from the first 2 series. That would be pretty awesome to see scenes and dialogue not yet released.

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