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i knew the new shit is going to be music school for kids! hes shy to teach adults + wants to work with kids after having own.


when they grow up with druskq since 2-3 years, all other music (except tom and stein) will be dull. poor babies.


melodies from mars is nice for kids

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you quoted me man wtf


Yea both you and the person who replied to you. I was going to make some comment in reply and forgot I had them multi-quoted when I posted that media (that was totally unrelated). Which is why I quoted you in there, sorry for the confusion :flower: had to quickly edit the post to remove your quote as it wouldn't make much sense in relation to the media :cerious:

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ok, i just got one of the points about Syro, there seems to be a lot of preset sounds and beats in there. not fighting the instruments as much as before. letting them ring out the way they were designed to.

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It really is one of the stranger things I've seen.


But it makes sense! I was brainwashed to like all sorts of rock music as a kid, but when I first heard Aphex back then, I didn't get it cause it was weird and different. But I'm sure it's largely just a matter of what you're used to, especially at that age.

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