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How does the World view America these days?

Rubin Farr

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Guns are so fun at that age.


But yeah I see most of America as one giant prison, but separated by economic class. White collar prisons with "house poor" yuppies and maximum security for profit prisons with single moms living in a roach motel working 15 hour days to raise her kids who will end up selling drugs to support 3 baby mamas in between stints in the pen. And don't take a vacation or go anywhere so you don't see how well things can go if it were allowed. And our media is like people outside our fish tank banging on the glass scaring the shit out of us while blaming the sea urchins. Imagine romanticising the idea of dying for it. It's a business. I wouldn't take a bullet for the company I work for either.


There are great places to live here and I feel fortunate for my situation, but too many people are stuck running on the hamster wheel of existential woe for us to pretend it's better than a lot of countries in Europe. Denmark is like the yacht club of countries. Those motherfuckers are eatin'.

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Jerad the Subway Sandwich pedo is suing the parents of the underaged girl he boinked and trying to make them pay out for the lawsuit she put on him.





The victim, referred to as “Jane Doe,” sued Fogle and Russell Taylor in March. She is seeking $150,000 for personal injuries, emotional distress, invasion of privacy, negligent supervision, and negligence. Fogle’s motion attempts to make the girl’s parents the defendants.


Documents say sometime between March 2011 and January 2015, Taylor installed multiple hidden cameras in his home concealed in clock radios to secretly film various minors, including Jane Doe, changing clothes, showering, bathing, and engaging in other personal and private activities. Court documents also say Taylor distributed these sexually explicit images and videos to Fogle.

Fogle’s filing targets the victim’s parents. He says they fought around the girl and abused alcohol in front of her. When they got divorced, Fogle says Jane Doe had to constantly rotate her living arrangements, causing unnecessary stress, anxiety and trauma.


As a result, Fogle says the girl suffered major depression and engaged in “destructive behaviors,” including abuse of drugs and alcohol, self-mutilation and suicidal thoughts.

The lawsuit says the parents’ failure to properly supervise the girl resulted in the harmful behaviors. He is seeking to add them as defendants in the lawsuit filed against him by the victim.

Fogle is currently serving a more than 15-year sentence in federal prison in Colorado. Russell Taylor is currently serving 27 years in federal prison in Florida.



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You could tell something was up because he got fat again. It's like, dude, you had one job. Stay un-fat and don't diddle kiddies.

I think it's clear that having sex with kids prevents obesity.


Update the textbooks imo

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Haha, intense


"The clowns had lasers and a lot of cash"


When I was about 11 or so there was a rumour going about that there was something like this going on round my way (the clowns part, not the laser part). I think it was just a rumour that got out of hand but I remember the police gave a big talk at a mate's school about it and everything. Happy days.

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Speaking of racism, the latest on the DAPL standoff is that now private security are using attack dogs against protesters: http://usuncut.com/climate/dakota-pipeline-pepper-spray-video/


I guarantee not a single mainstream news outlet will cover this. Because corporate-owned federal omerta.


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Speaking of racism, the latest on the DAPL standoff is that now private security are using attack dogs against protesters: http://usuncut.com/climate/dakota-pipeline-pepper-spray-video/




I guarantee not a single mainstream news outlet will cover this. Because corporate-owned federal omerta.




it's in the fall issue of merc girl life

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You could tell something was up because he got fat again. It's like, dude, you had one job. Stay un-fat and don't diddle kiddies.

Technically that's two jobs.

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