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How does the World view America these days?

Rubin Farr

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 She should be charged with assault, cause look at the stress she put him under, cause these accusations, are scary, even from some random crazy maniac. Like that video where that woman pulled in front of a bin man's truck and went off the deep end accusing him of this and that, and in the end, they always go for this, starting to go for his job. So that's why the guy was a little bit shaky. Because even though to any normal person there is probably nothing going on, the crazy people are getting believed these days. HR takes everything seriously. Everything involves a long drawn out process, and all of this you can see bubbling away in that guy's mind.

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She's confronting a person that works in a profession that has been given its own term for mass murders. I'm not sure which one in the video is going to go postal.

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Yeah I've been yelled at by someone who was having a psychotic episode to stop bothering her. I was just sitting on a bench somewhere and a complete stranger walked up to me.

It was kind of frightening but I felt really bad for the person screaming at me as it was quite clear they were very frightened as well and having a hard time keeping grip on reality.

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I saw something similar happen on the train about a month ago. A lady went off on some college kids for "staring" at her. I mean, they were obnoxious, but they weren't even looking at her.

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Happened to me this summer.


I was driving to work and this lady on my block was flipping me off and making faces.


The next day I was going to work, following behind someone, when the person slammed on their breaks in the middle of a busy street almost causing me to smash into them. Lo and behold, it was the crazy middle finger lady.


She got out and started screaming "you know you don't fucking live here! you know you don't live on this block!!!!" and went on and on.


A few times she has blocked my gf in her car, in the middle of the road too, like put her car in the wrong lane so my gf can't drive.. Then starts mean-muggin' her, like she wants to fight. f'en psycho.

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My neighbor has paranoid schizophrenia and he often wants to talk (I'm usually happy to talk to him indefinitely) but last time I was late and in a hurry and he blocked me from leaving until he was done talking...and lately he's been using the n-word in a very hateful way (he's from Sudan, so it's kinda strange) and very very loudly...


He had previously thrown his TV out because it was talking about him...but then he told me the radio was talking about ME...which scared me because it means his delusions are starting to involve me...which is bad because he already thinks the Democrats killed his family, and things could potentially go badly if he injects me into that narrative...

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My neighbor has paranoid schizophrenia and he often wants to talk (I'm usually happy to talk to him indefinitely) but last time I was late and in a hurry and he blocked me from leaving until he was done talking...and lately he's been using the n-word in a very hateful way (he's from Sudan, so it's kinda strange) and very very loudly...


He had previously thrown his TV out because it was talking about him...but then he told me the radio was talking about ME...which scared me because it means his delusions are starting to involve me...which is bad because he already thinks the Democrats killed his family, and things could potentially go badly if he injects me into that narrative...

Sounds like my co-worker... He usually reads news feeds and hardly does any work. I heard him mutter something about Obama the other day in disgust... Then he said "Shoot his Ass!" I stared in dismay at my computer screen.

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 The whole of the US will be more like Brazil or india eventually. With a core of rich people and a lot of bottom feeders struggling to get by or on welfare or a lot of times both. Welcome to the new world order. Of course once everywhere is equally terrible, then they can pitch communism or some other totalitarian panacea to us again as the only solution. We'll see though, whilst i'm not some kind of seer, there is a continuum that is transitioning us away from one state to another.

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I'm in LA right now, and people drive like maniacs here.

Also the disparity in wealth is ridiculous.

if by driving by maniacs you mean really slowly and everyone thinks nobody else exists I agree with you.




Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

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 The whole of the US will be more like Brazil or india eventually. With a core of rich people and a lot of bottom feeders struggling to get by or on welfare or a lot of times both. Welcome to the new world order. Of course once everywhere is equally terrible, then they can pitch communism or some other totalitarian panacea to us again as the only solution. We'll see though, whilst i'm not some kind of seer, there is a continuum that is transitioning us away from one state to another.


Obviously only time will tell but I suspect you're not too far from the truth here

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I'm in LA right now, and people drive like maniacs here.

Also the disparity in wealth is ridiculous.

if by driving by maniacs you mean really slowly and everyone thinks nobody else exists I agree with you.






I don't what parts of LA you been driving in, but when I come out of the hotel I'm in onto Wilshire Blvd, you have to basically floor it right away.

There are some really aggressive drivers in LA I've found. They're not good - just aggressive.

We have bad drivers in Vancouver - but they're just incompetent. But these fucks  in LA who think they're Mario Andretti are much more dangerous.

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okay this is interesting. I live in santa monica and I can't tell you how often I honk at people people for driving too slow or constantly hitting their breaks. I


maybe I'm one of those aggressive mario andretti wannabes


Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

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 The whole of the US will be more like Brazil or india eventually. With a core of rich people and a lot of bottom feeders struggling to get by or on welfare or a lot of times both. Welcome to the new world order. Of course once everywhere is equally terrible, then they can pitch communism or some other totalitarian panacea to us again as the only solution. We'll see though, whilst i'm not some kind of seer, there is a continuum that is transitioning us away from one state to another.


Obviously only time will tell but I suspect you're not too far from the truth here



I'll predict the sun will shine in the distant future. Rain, clouds and snow will also be part of weather in the distant future. We'll see though, whilst i'm not some kind of seer, there is a continuum that is transitioning us away from one state to another.



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okay this is interesting. I live in santa monica and I can't tell you how often I honk at people people for driving too slow or constantly hitting their breaks. I


maybe I'm one of those aggressive mario andretti wannabes


Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk


Ok, first of all you Mario Andretti wannabe, it's spelled brakes :wink:

Obviously the experience will be subjective, it's that human condition. But there is a direct correlation between speed/aggressive driving and fatal crashes. I think distracted driving will overtake that and drunk driving as the number one cause soon though.


I was in Santa Monica the other day, didn't seem too bad there - the brakes thing I guess doesn't phase me anymore, cause people in Vancouver hit their brakes at the slightest curve in the road. Like I said, coming out onto Wilshire, it just seems like it's full bore straight off. And the interstate is a clusterfuck, because you have this mix of people driving fast and switching lanes all over the place while you have others driving slow as fuck.

The thing that cracks me up though, about people who drive fast in the city (urban areas in general) is that you're not gonna get to your destination that much faster - lights and traffic will ensure that. It's like, how much is that extra 5 minutes worth to you? (not you personally Nebraska, that nebulous, everyman you)

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you're right about the experience being subjective. i don't really consider myself a fast driver, but i hate barely going one block before i have to stop at a traffic light, and most people in los angeles (imo) have a very laissez faire attitude when driving; so if you're driving 8 blocks, you end up stopping 8 times. is that normal?


another thing that's almost unheard of in los angeles is honking. in new york, people honk all the time if someone is day dreaming. in LA, day dream all you want. nobody is going anywhere. when i honk at people, they always act very shocked.


there was a television show where they did an experiment. two drivers were driving from santa monica to orange county on the highway and the idea was for one driver to change lanes as often as he needed to while the other driver would never change lanes (except for getting off the highway).

both drivers ended up getting to their destination around the same time although the guy who changed lanes every time he felt like it said he had a more stressful drive. also, he caused more traffic, because every time he'd change lanes, other cars would have to slow down to accommodate him. 


unfortunately, i may be the only person that watched that programme. btw: thanks for the brakes check  :wink:

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i got out of my moms car today and got in he drivers seat to pull back the car for an old man trying to parallel park. I felt so nice. He gets out and doen't even fucking wave or mouth thanks. Nothing. He walks in this building i get out and open the door and yell "you're welcome!"

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The US media is the equivalent of bitchy gossipers trying to find anything to talk about to make someone look bad. It's nauseating that people don't realize this.

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you're right about the experience being subjective. i don't really consider myself a fast driver, but i hate barely going one block before i have to stop at a traffic light, and most people in los angeles (imo) have a very laissez faire attitude when driving; so if you're driving 8 blocks, you end up stopping 8 times. is that normal?


another thing that's almost unheard of in los angeles is honking. in new york, people honk all the time if someone is day dreaming. in LA, day dream all you want. nobody is going anywhere. when i honk at people, they always act very shocked.


there was a television show where they did an experiment. two drivers were driving from santa monica to orange county on the highway and the idea was for one driver to change lanes as often as he needed to while the other driver would never change lanes (except for getting off the highway).

both drivers ended up getting to their destination around the same time although the guy who changed lanes every time he felt like it said he had a more stressful drive. also, he caused more traffic, because every time he'd change lanes, other cars would have to slow down to accommodate him.


unfortunately, i may be the only person that watched that programme. btw: thanks for the brakes check :wink:

Yeah after just four days driving here, Ican safely say the traffic lights system in LA was clearly designed by someone high af.


Yeah the lane changing in LA is ridiculous. I'm sure it's the cause of 70% of the traffic congestion on the interstate.

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