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How does the World view America these days?

Rubin Farr

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"raw water"


I checked bandcamp to see if this name was available for my sweet new indie band that doesn't exist, but it's already taken by an LA hip hop posse that's actually pretty cool.  Second track sounds like Salt-N-Peppa.

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Baltimore City Schools Are Without Heat, Prompting Protests From Teachers and Parents




Teachers in Baltimore are calling for city schools to be closed until heating problems are resolved, saying many students have been forced to attend classes bundled up in coats, hats and gloves during the recent frigid weather.
The Baltimore Teachers Union sent a letter on Wednesday to Sonja Brookins Santelises, the chief executive officer of Baltimore City Public Schools, saying that this week students and teachers have endured dangerously low temperatures in buildings that are struggling to operate with bursting boilers and drafty windows.
“Trying to provide a stable learning environment in these extreme conditions is unfair and inhumane, to say the least,” said Marietta English, the president of the union, in the letter, which was published in The Baltimore Sun on Wednesday.






Baltimore teachers call on city to close all schools amid heating issues


Some students, parents and teachers across the city said they felt their only recourse was to take to social media. Some tweeted photos of children huddled in classrooms wearing thick winter coats. Others posted images of thermometers showing temperatures in the 30s and 40s inside open city school buildings.




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I wonder how often Congress has to huddle up together there, all bundled up in their shoddy buildings on Capitol Hill.


Yes, I know this is more of a state issue (probably?) but still.

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Passengers on this plane will probably say they had a crappy flight.

A United Airlines flight from Chicago to Hong Kong had to be redirected to Alaska because of a passenger “smearing feces everywhere,” KTVA reports.

United Airlines flight 895 was diverted to Anchorage Thursday when an adult male smeared his poop within a couple of bathrooms on the plane. The man also took off his shirt and tried to stuff it into a toilet.

Following the incident, the man was reportedly co-operative with the flight crew and was seated when the flight touched ground in Alaska, KTVA reports.

FBI agents and airport police met with the passenger and had to be interviewed by both agencies.

No charges were filed against the man, but he was taken to the hospital for a psych evaluation, police told KTVA. The incident is under investigation by both airport police and the FBI.

The flight was reportedly grounded overnight for maintenance.


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My ex-GF once popped into a Safeway restroom to find the walls covered in feces.  When she alerted a staffer, they responded with "aww not agaain..."  


This also brings to mind this old doozy (couldn't find the original article, but it's quoted on a bajillion message boards):


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no way we can screw this up. we've got the best people on the job (see picture below). besides, didn't you hear what that guy said during the hearing? he said "this is a good day for consumers." that's us.




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Schoolteacher in Louisiana dares question why superintendent is giving himself a raise, gets arrested:




I'd recommend watching the whole thing for context, but for the impatient shit goes down from 6:00 on... what a fucking disgrace.

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Schoolteacher in Louisiana dares question why superintendent is giving himself a raise, gets arrested:




I'd recommend watching the whole thing for context, but for the impatient shit goes down from 6:00 on... what a fucking disgrace.


complete joke.


there is one constant and unchanging rule that should never be forgotten though people will try and persuade you otherwise, and that is that there is always one standard for those who have power and another standard for those who don't. people who have power over you - whether it's in your professional, social or private life - will work hard to bury this fact by pretending to uphold publicly-stated values (which they will privately happily discard for expediency and self-interest) or by getting you on their side or otherwise incentivising you. but you should never lose touch with your instincts and what you know about how human relationships work, which is that people are fundamentally untrustworthy fuckers when it comes to their own hides.


the corollary to this rule is that if you're going to challenge a power structure, be prepared and don't think for a second that the things you may have been told about being heard out and treated fairly will safeguard you from the same people who you put your trust in. I learnt this lesson the hard way at work last year.

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