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How does the World view America these days?

Rubin Farr

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she got kicked out of her sorority and also was expelled from the university.

her instagram is private now and but says some other stupid shit about stopping immigration from "shithole countries" and "other insta was deleted because fuck n----ers"



she's a real gem.



Edited by ignatius
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she got kicked out of her sorority and also was expelled from the university.


her instagram is private now and but says some other stupid shit about stopping immigration from "shithole countries" and "other insta was deleted because fuck n----ers"







she's a real gem.





She learned a valuable lesson: other people's standards just get in the way of her god-given right to spew her shitty opinions upon the world. Honey, every morning after you take a shit, just take a good hard look in the mirror and say "fuck 'em". One day they'll get it.
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Well, that second video confirms her thotness.

Why do we give people like her attention? Is that her primary goal? Attention?

I'm tired of all the shitheads of the world getting all the attention.

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Is that her primary goal? Attention?


100% and that's why I generally try to ignore the obvious idiots like that and the slightly more subtle media whores and celebs and wannabes of all sorts. Any attention feeds them and then you end up with the world we live in now and who the fuck wants that shit? It's hard not to watch shit like that though, sadly.  :cry: 

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Is that her primary goal? Attention?


100% and that's why I generally try to ignore the obvious idiots like that and the slightly more subtle media whores and celebs and wannabes of all sorts. Any attention feeds them and then you end up with the world we live in now and who the fuck wants that shit? It's hard not to watch shit like that though, sadly.  :cry:


They even become famous. Like apologizing and stuff, and then be activist to redeem their karma. And be on Oprah and Elen, then have their own show. Maybe guest starring a Seventh Heaven reboot or something. Oh god... I'm giving it way to much thought.

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Well, that second video confirms her thotness.


Why do we give people like her attention? Is that her primary goal? Attention?


I'm tired of all the shitheads of the world getting all the attention.



initially it was to out her as a racist and get the university to take a stance. which they did. we'll all forget about this person soon enough. there's far too many of these people to remember so why bother.. serves no purpose. 

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