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Celebrity Deaths

Herr Jan

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oh man.. this guy.. so epic in so many things. whata  character actor. 


died at 90. 



Philip Baker Hall, a prolific actor with a 50-year career and credits in more than 100 films and TV shows, died on June 12. 


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I cannot see a single reason why that is deemed internationally significant news. I didn't know she existed until now.

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45 minutes ago, usagi said:

I cannot see a single reason why that is deemed internationally significant news. I didn't know she existed until now.

Found at the bottom of the stairs… she had the peepee tape. 

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R.I.P. David Warner as been in some of my favourite films, franchises and audiobooks. A fantastic voice and presence. He was always reliable as a villain (Tron & Time Bandit in particular)




Edited by Shimon_Shimon
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^ me too, he did some great voice work and narration. Club Dumas gets a listen a few times each year. 



AVC: That’s amazing. So your next film for Peckinpah was Straw Dogs, but you aren’t actually credited in the film. 

DW: No, I’m not. You want to know the story about that, don’t you? First of all, about three months before Sam asked me to do Straw Dogs, I had an accident. I won’t go into details about it, but I smashed both my feet and was in hospital, and I had a 50/50 chance of whether I’d walk again. And Sam didn’t really know too much about what was going on, but he offered me a part in Straw Dogs, and I said, “Sam, thank you, but I don’t know if I’m going to be able to get up and walk,” and I explained that I’d had an accident. And he said, “You’ll get up and walk.” [Laughs.] I said, “Oh, okay, if you’re the director, I will!” Anyway, I was able to hobble. If you see the film, I’m on sticks and I have a limp and can’t walk properly. Well, that wasn’t acting, that was real. And as a result of this accident, it was difficult for me to be insured for the movie. So Sam told me this, and he said, “Listen, I know you promised you’ll be okay, but they won’t insure you. But I’ll cover you, and I’ll cover the production, if anything happens.” That was a gesture of loyalty and friendship, I can tell you. First he waited for me for three weeks without knowing me, and now here he is saying that he’ll pay the insurance if anything goes wrong. That’s not bad!


Edited by Shimon_Shimon
added URL for AVC interview
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