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I'd say maybe about half of the parts I recognized in some form from the recent NA tour, but they were still different and at different points in the set. Listening to these might actually enhance your enjoyment of the show because you'll be able to hear more details since some of it will be in your head. Go for it man!

Thanks breh.

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This all makes sense now why there wasn't an album before the tour. Such a brilliant move... the live material is conceived as a separate effort, but comes off like a mega album AND they get back some time before releasing a "proper" album down the pipe (this time next year?). Versioning out the sets kind of ties back to the Quaristice approach and making it kind of an "exclusive" release holds off the fanboys for the time being. Brilliant. There's a lot to unpack here for sure... definitely very appreciative, but I'm holding out hope that the boys release some previous year sets (back to 2005-05-07-09). This could be a fairly lucrative "set it and forget it" side gig, where they upload a back catalog of soundboards every couple months and pull in a few thousand bucks here and there. They're basically printing money at that point.

Edited by gl0tch
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how blasphemous would it be to cut these up in tracks, watmm? can we agree to some cuepoints or something? yay or nay?


I thought about it briefly while listening to Brussels on my drive to work this morning, but I wouldn't want to mess with their files... plus, I would never just listen to certain segments – it'd always be a full play through so why even bother.

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I just see this as them doing changing their normal pattern a bit..


ie create new studio, jam out tracks, make album, tour


I think these sets and maybe future soundboard of the USA tour ARE the album

I am completely,100%, unequivocally, okay with that. Jesus, this sounds SO different than what I experienced. I literally take back EVERYTHING I said in the drunk rant. (I was the pretentious douche one). Fuck this is so good. Listening to Brussels now... I don't think I've ever had such a physical reaction to a piece of music like this before. Equal parts nauseous, nervous, panicky, and fucking jazz covered elated. This is the most schizophrenic stuff I have ever heard Edited by gl0tch
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the Dublin set is out of this world... possibly the most rich/satisfying recording of theirs i've ever heard. the latter two thirds are utterly fantastic.

Completely agree, this one is utterly brainmelting. Have heard them all four now but this one is already my favourite, as well as the most radically different from the others it seems? So happy to have the Utrecht one though, how many people can say they have a soundboard for their first ever AE gig :)

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I literally take back EVERYTHING I said in the drunk rant. (I was the pretentious douche one).

Lol you say that every time

Edited by xox
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I just see this as them doing changing their normal pattern a bit..


ie create new studio, jam out tracks, make album, tour


I think these sets and maybe future soundboard of the USA tour ARE the album

I am completely,100%, unequivocally, okay with that. Jesus, this sounds SO different than what I experienced. I literally take back EVERYTHING I said in the drunk rant. (I was the pretentious douche one). Fuck this is so good. Listening to Brussels now... I don't think I've ever had such a physical reaction to a piece of music like this before. Equal parts nauseous, nervous, panicky, and fucking jazz covered elated. This is the most schizophrenic stuff I have ever heard



You don't have to take your rant back. The sound sucked and you had no way of hearing the compositions in their full potential. Now you can hear it and enjoy it. Krakow show sucked big time in person but the soundboard is a joy.

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So proud to have been at the Dublin one and brought two of my besties who both utterly get the 'chre.


We danced like fucking loons at it - no class A's! My own recording was from the very back probably literally 1 ft away from the sound engineer making this recording. The irony! (or would Ae have done it on their own machines?)

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create new studio, jam out tracks, make album, tour


I feel like this is the future of electronic music in general, tbh. Making an album every few years is a very 1960s-record-industry form of music distribution and with the rise of DJ/dance culture I could see the album format generally dying and live performance (which is even easier now with computers & modern tech) being the focus.

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Hanal just made a Fear Ratio shirt for Skam, i suggested to him how badass it would be for him to do a new Autechre shirt in the same style, he agreed



what's it look like?

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how many people can say they have a soundboard for their first ever AE gig :)


Me and Amen Lare



And AnnaK .


And my brother.


I think it may have been Audioblysks first live gig too.

Edited by StephenG
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how many people can say they have a soundboard for their first ever AE gig :)

Me and Amen Lare


And AnnaK .


And my brother.


I think it may have been Audioblysks first live gig too.



Yeah, after I posted that I already reasoned that it would probably be a lot :dadjoke:

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