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"cutting edge science"

"yeah, science, and bible"




"science supports his existence, you know the truth!"


it appears "science" is the new buzzword among fundamentalist insane people.

i can't remember the last time i facepalmed quite as hard. :cry:

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"science supports his existence, you know the truth!"


it appears "science" is the new buzzword among fundamentalist insane people.

i can't remember the last time i facepalmed quite as hard. :cry:



I love it. Someone actually took the "professor running out of the room" parable and turned it into a movie.





The biggest first world problem for Americans, generally moderate and rational ones that is, is putting up with the fucking culture war occurring right now. A large yet diverse minority of religious fundamentalists, conservative ideologues, conspiracy theorists, various fridge elements (including some non-right wingers) have all managed to gain enough power to determine elections in many parts of the country. They usually don't have day jobs or real social obligations (like average Americans) so they are very politically active. In another twist, many of the corrupt and powerful are able to appease their extremist ideals to stay in power. An example would be how rich Republicans can manage to raise and maintain taxes on the poor while themselves pass laws making them pay less. They do this by saying government spending is dangerous and infringes on our liberty, and likewise they (the rich) shouldn't be taxed any more because they are "job creators." Many conservatives buy into this simplistic explanation. (I would point out that the only jobs they create are minimum wage ones without basic benefits, and therefore they don't create any jobs, they just make more money and deny us avenues of bettering our lives through honest work, but at that point they just tell you to shut up or dodge the question.)


It's not just creationism either, it's also:


- Immigration: despite undocumented immigrants being in huge demand and a key part of the economy, laws that will legalize and regulate their presence are being twarted.

- Gun laws: In Colorado high-ranking elected officials were just recalled successfully for passing a ban on just assault weapons (AR-15s)

- Healthcare: "Tea-Party" faction GOP members are threatening to shutdown government services (a huge deal, and I might note that includes certain benefits for our fucking military personal)

- Public safety - texting while driving bans have been vetoed in certain states, including Texas. The governor literally said a law against texting, an extremely dangerous and irresponsible reckless fucking act, was quote "government micromanagement"

- Women's health - the most extreme and draconian laws against abortion are being passed in many states. On top of that, women's health spending is being cut or eliminated, as are social services such as child protective agencies, all while tax breaks are given to churches and anti-abortion "outreach" centers.

- Environmental regulation - any regulation and safety efforts, including ones passed decades ago, are being opposed because they "harm the economy."


The optimist in me hopes this is the last great effort on the part of the backward, irrational portion of our society. The ironic aspect is that it only benefits the rich and corrupt already in power. Time will tell I suppose.

Edited by joshuatx
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