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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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For some reason an hour ago I suddenly realized how bad Trump is going to be for the environment. Suddenly my attempt to be positive was shot.

I mean, no one was talking about it, when it's honestly a much more important issue than any human issue. PERIOD. Instead we choose the selfish way out. I mean. We aren't as important as the trillions of other living things around us. We just aren't.

Edited by Brisbot
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what do americans have actually against Hillary Clinton ? pls short version if possible.


Personally i see her as a very good president and intelligent women with huge knowledge of politics and foreign politics.


enlighten me

that's what they have against her

Come on man, u know that's not why


"sweeping generalization" 

For some reason an hour ago I suddenly realized how bad Trump is going to be for the environment. Suddenly my attempt to be positive was shot.

I mean, no one was talking about it, when it's honestly a much more important issue than any human issue. PERIOD. Instead we choose the selfish way out. I mean. We aren't as important as the trillions of other living things around us. We just aren't.

no doubt. 

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This is front and center on the Irish Times today and touches on a lot of the above.



Anyway since this is ostensibly a music forum I now post some salient-hot traxxx for the heads.  Good luck my fellow Americans, mind how you go.




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For some reason an hour ago I suddenly realized how bad Trump is going to be for the environment. Suddenly my attempt to be positive was shot.

I mean, no one was talking about it, when it's honestly a much more important issue than any human issue. PERIOD. Instead we choose the selfish way out. I mean. We aren't as important as the trillions of other living things around us. We just aren't.


Trump has said he thinks climate change is a Chinese hoax and, I believe, wants to withdraw environmental funding to the UN. So yeah, extremely bad choice for any environmentalists.

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A good long rundown on what's up with the rise of far-right, Brexit and Trump.




I don't think the election of Trump will do anything to stem the rise of far-right in Europe, most likely will just embolden it. We are heading towards some dark times.

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what do americans have actually against Hillary Clinton ? pls short version if possible.


Personally i see her as a very good president and intelligent women with huge knowledge of politics and foreign politics.


enlighten me



Used a private e-mail server to send and store confidential information, assisted the DNC in fucking over Bernie Sanders in the primaries, sold favors to foreign governments while Secretary of State, associates with pedophiles and rapists including her husband, told Goldman Sachs and other bankers that she has private and public positions on matters and will bend over backwards for them, employed a $6 million worth of propaganda pushers to flood comment sections of websites, wants to start a war with Russia and supports the conflict in Syria, has received more money from arms dealers and weapon industry than any other candidate ever, supports the TPP, continues to support Israel and the genocide of Palestinians, admitted that Qatar and Saudi Arabia fund ISIS (who happen to be two of her biggest financial backers) 




That's the thing about Trump - he needs to be harder on Isreal.

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Climate change isn't just Chinese, it's been manufactured to create a one world tax and gain sympathy for a one world government.

Are all the climate scientists in on it?

Or do they simply not know as much as you?

Edited by LimpyLoo
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just to speculate a little bit, im curious what will happen to conspiracy 'groups', and the idea of rigged election. people like alex jones has defended trump all along, what happens if trump doesnt deliver, do they go back and say trump was turned by the conspiracy? how do you claim again that the election is rigged and so on. i didnt expect all those people to support trump really, and im not sold that all the influences of power are exposed to the public, global or in the us. this is a real clusterfuck. or its just trump being an egomaniac and some republicans attaching to it, im curious about all of this 

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Climate change isn't just Chinese, it's been manufactured to create a one world tax and gain sympathy for a one world government.

Are all the climate scientists in on it?

Or do they simply not know as much as you?


When it comes to the financed ones, yes they are. Do all of them? Of course not. Most of the data comes from a biased source. Am I saying that opposition to climate change is perfect? No of course not, big oil is one of the things that is killing our nation. But just because they fund anti-climate change bias doesn't mean it's suddenly real. Big oil isn't at the top of the change. That's what the New World Order wants you to believe

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just to speculate a little bit, im curious what will happen to conspiracy 'groups', and the idea of rigged election. people like alex jones has defended trump all along, what happens if trump doesnt deliver, do they go back and say trump was turned by the conspiracy? how do you claim again that the election is rigged and so on. i didnt expect all those people to support trump really, and im not sold that all the influences of power are exposed to the public, global or in the us. this is a real clusterfuck. or its just trump being an egomaniac and some republicans attaching to it, im curious about all of this 

I don't think anyone with a brain fully trusts Trump, I'm excited for change but I'm very cautious about him. He's the opposite of perfect.

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what do americans have actually against Hillary Clinton ? pls short version if possible.


Personally i see her as a very good president and intelligent women with huge knowledge of politics and foreign politics.


enlighten me


that's what they have against her


ok i think i have an idea now, thought there might be some other reasons too.



as sweepsakes said, smugness. people have considered her bitchy on the right since she was a public figure. bernie on the other hand was dismissable, like an aloof academic or cranky neighbor.


I think a lot was exploited. She was a pragmatic technocrat, the establishment. She had a lot more perceived as wrong with her than the typical moderate. With that tone relatively minor scandals were blown up. The same stuff killed the GOP campaigns of Jeb Bush, Rubio, Christie, etc.


Ignorance of the public was her worst enemy. People don't get to know their legislators, the fact is the aloof, cold and stiff folks in office are often the most knowledgeable and well-meaning. They go in and try to improve our laws and policies. Trump and his movement is the antithesis of that and outright rejects the complex nuanced machine that is the US government.

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just to speculate a little bit, im curious what will happen to conspiracy 'groups', and the idea of rigged election. people like alex jones has defended trump all along, what happens if trump doesnt deliver, do they go back and say trump was turned by the conspiracy? how do you claim again that the election is rigged and so on. i didnt expect all those people to support trump really, and im not sold that all the influences of power are exposed to the public, global or in the us. this is a real clusterfuck. or its just trump being an egomaniac and some republicans attaching to it, im curious about all of this

are you really expecting conspiracy theorists and infowars wackos to think logically

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I don't think anyone with a brain fully trusts Trump, I'm excited for change but I'm very cautious about him. He's the opposite of perfect.



yeah, i don't know exactly who he is or what his goals are. all over big strong government it seems like, we'll just have to wait and see



just to speculate a little bit, im curious what will happen to conspiracy 'groups', and the idea of rigged election. people like alex jones has defended trump all along, what happens if trump doesnt deliver, do they go back and say trump was turned by the conspiracy? how do you claim again that the election is rigged and so on. i didnt expect all those people to support trump really, and im not sold that all the influences of power are exposed to the public, global or in the us. this is a real clusterfuck. or its just trump being an egomaniac and some republicans attaching to it, im curious about all of this

are you really expecting conspiracy theorists and infowars wackos to think logically



i guess not :P but this seems very bad if stuff doesn't become better like the way the voters wanted. first democrat voters were kind of disappointed with obama, after the crazy election in 2008 that felt a bit similar to this, and now republican voters might have the same experience during the next 4 years. how will the next elections go if there is this much emotion and every time a disappointment? 


thats not even getting started on the anti-globalization and anti-climate change and anti-science and anti-immigration, i wonder how this will empower and worsen all those things across the globe *sigh* i hope it will all be okay? FFF

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another positive-ish thing that can happen is that trump will be a lot more active on twitter / the internet, and listen more directly to his supporters, and being like way more contrarian in washington whenever issues come up. just random thought

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hmm, will Paul Ryan remain the Speaker?  if so, Trump has to deal with a leader in his own party who refused to endorse him, or even say his name when asked the question.



Der Fühair

I imagine this won't be much of an issue.

They have many similar interests I'm sure they will get done now.



Paul was a reluctant speaker anyway. Most feel he wants to go back to the budget committee where he can hash out details in spending and tax cuts. It would have given him more power regardless of who won. I honestly don't think he looks forward to Trump any more than Clinton, but he couldn't say that in public of course. 

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remember when trump even leading the GOP ticket was a far out and unlikely scenario? 




this should be replaced with Gary Jules "mad world" and a bumper saying "he won" 

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my silver lining is that the actual political machine is so weirded out by the prospect of Trump, that they have to start to cooperate with each other. or else they'll face someone pushing chaos down from the top. and at least he is a-political and up front about being an a-hole.


edit: climate is f-cked though ...or as they said in WWII: FUBAR

Edited by goDel
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Not a good day for science believing Americans like me who are also pro human rights.

I can't really wrap my mind around how anyone who is pro human could have elected this hateful television personality with no experience to be president.

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I wonder how he's going to react to the comedy assault. snl, john oliver etc. We know what a massive fucking baby he is with stuff like that. He might force some of that shit off air.


Can he do that?

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