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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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I think it was Richard Herring on twitter that said how at the end of games like Sim City or Roller Coaster Tycoon when you get fed up or pissed off you'd just try and trash everything. That's Trump now, who'll be dead in a few years.

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He's just trying to cause a little bit of social unrest before going to prison, along with much of his family. I think most of us can relate.


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Yeah if they try and impeach him I think he'll just refuse to leave. And then what?

Possibly his followers will then come down to the Whitehouse, shit will get ugly.



russian army will come to DC and protect trumpy from the traitors.  it'll be great. 


srsly though i can't imagine he'd stay in office and refuse to leave. he'd be ousted and thrown out.  Pence would have to stand up and do some shit. fucking lunatic christian fucktard that he is. 

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Yeah if they try and impeach him I think he'll just refuse to leave. And then what?

Possibly his followers will then come down to the Whitehouse, shit will get ugly.



russian army will come to DC and protect trumpy from the traitors.  it'll be great. 


srsly though i can't imagine he'd stay in office and refuse to leave. he'd be ousted and thrown out.  Pence would have to stand up and do some shit. fucking lunatic christian fucktard that he is. 




You know, when I played Modern Warfare 2 I thought it was pretty ridiculous that we would be at war with Russia again...

Edited by Braintree
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God dammit, hurry up and legalize weed in the rest of the world so I can get the fuck out of here. 


I'd gladly go find an international company that wants a super experienced grow manager and hop overseas. Probably 10-15 years out on that... I've had offers to move out to Massachusetts, Arizona and New York in the last 4 months so there is hope...

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Pissing off Mitch McConnell might be his undoing

This right here. The pubelickins let a wolf in the hen house and it's only a matter of time before they put him down and turn him into a rug. Those guys might be raging assholes but they're not going to get outsmarted by one pompous windbag and his bigot fan club.

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God dammit, hurry up and legalize weed in the rest of the world so I can get the fuck out of here. 


I'd gladly go find an international company that wants a super experienced grow manager and hop overseas. Probably 10-15 years out on that... I've had offers to move out to Massachusetts, Arizona and New York in the last 4 months so there is hope...


No need to go overseas....

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President Donald Trump pardoned Joe Arpaio on Friday, sparing the controversial former Arizona sheriff a jail sentence after he was convicted of criminal contempt related to his hard-line tactics going after undocumented immigrants.


Yeah, I just quoted the ingress from the linked article. I'm lazy.

Edited by Gocab
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so wait....a week after the charlottesville press conference fiasco he decides to make it up to us by pardoning one of the cruelest racist sadistic piece of shit in the country?


trump is president only for the comment section at breitbart, the rest of us can fuck off 

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so wait....a week after the charlottesville press conference fiasco he decides to make it up to us by pardoning one of the cruelest racist sadistic piece of shit in the country?


trump is president only for the comment section at breitbart, the rest of us can fuck off 



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Of course he pardoned that guy.  What he did is absolutely in line with everything Trump and his party have been advocating since before he even got into office.  I'm just surprised he wasn't already a member of Trump's cabinet.  Maybe he'll be stepping up soon enough in this onslaught of firings and resignations.

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