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48 minutes ago, thumbass said:

he has the right to vote whenever for whoever

He does. But also consider this: you are a shareholder in a company, you want a competent manager to run your day-to-day business and comply with highest standards and responsibility. Will you hire a an autistic guy with articulation disability and zero experience who is playing the system for his own interest instead of yours?

Edited by cichlisuite
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17 hours ago, drillkicker said:

If you vote for either of the people who were in the presidential debates, you ought to be exiled, or at least have your suffrage taken away.  There's no excuse, not even a pragmatic one.

The Democrats and Republicans have turned America into a dystopia that experiments on its citizens without their consent.  If you vote to keep this system going, then you are voting against yourself and your nation.

As much as I appreciate you trying to be a good man, this is utter stupidity, sorry. There is a huge difference between Biden and Trump. I agree that the US is locked in some neoliberal/neofeudalist political system that is very backwards compared to other modern countries but not voting won't better it. You'd only help Trump. So hold your nose and vote.

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15 minutes ago, dingformung said:

What you described has nothing to do with autism, though. Narcissism is the word.

Well, I'm no psychologist. I agree, he obviously is narcissistic. What I meant with autistic is a guy who lives in his own weird world (ok we all do I guess, to some extent). What I managed to gather from his talking (the newest is from JR podcast, as much as I managed to stay interested and focused through his ramblings, which was about 20 minutes) is the way he constructs sentences and articulates thoughts, and how his thoughts connect and evolve, and how his inner world is manifested through words and non-verbal communication.... the illusions of grandeur detached from reality, and how he adopted his psyche to operate on the level he does. It is in no sense an empiric conclusion of mine, just an umbrella-term I allowed myself to use, and which is most probably not clinically accurate.

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Yeah I get that, I see "autistic" used in that manner often. What people refer to is the autist's disability to read between the lines and empathise with/understand others emotions and social situations, or to "read the air" as the Japanese would say.

Malign narcissists like Trump don't empathise either but not because they aren't theoretically capable of that but simply because they are full of themselves and total assholes and generally a burden to humanity.


Sorry for being "OCD"


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16 hours ago, drillkicker said:

I have a hard time believing that Trump is the real hazard in America.  Trump didn't do MK Ultra, Trump didn't create the health insurance industry, Trump didn't impliment drone warfare, Trump didn't put surveillance devices into the homes of all U.S. citizens. . .  Real problems are systematic, not individual.  It would be extremely difficult for a single man to be an actual hazard to life on earth, and I don't think anybody has ever done that in human history.  Why is Trump any different ?

I personally can't tell which candidate is more mentally ill.  It's really astonishing, but it demonstrates several important things:  it demonstrates how ineffective the partisan system is, and it also demonstrates that Americans will support and defend the system regardless of how obviously inefficient it is.  It's probably the chief problem in a nation plagued by countless monolithic problems.  Unfortunately, since the election cycle is the only way that Americans are able to have any input into the nation's affairs, it's almost like a voluntary slavery.  It's hard to imagine a way out of it, and every time I vocalize this concern I'm only met with shortsighted vitriol.

You’re in America and you can’t tell the difference? I mean, seriously? 

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2 hours ago, dingformung said:
3 hours ago, thumbass said:

he has the right to vote whenever for whoever

He also has the right to get in the bin

He has the right to children...

1 hour ago, dingformung said:

or to "read the air" as the Japanese would say.

Or to "read the room" as most western countries would say...

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Me too and I’m not even in the US

Almost all of your neighbours up North will be glued to the screen tonight watching results trickle in...

Edited by Hugh Mughnus
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6 minutes ago, Braintree said:

It's not even 1pm and I'm already jacked on anxiety.

watch Hypernormalisation on youtube. it's 3 hours long and will set the tone for the unexpected. 

or find a south park marathon... 

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3 minutes ago, ignatius said:

watch Hypernormalisation on youtube. it's 3 hours long and will set the tone for the unexpected. 

or find a south park marathon... 

I'm watching Vaush stream all day so there will be some lolz and ulcerz.


I'm moving into a new apartment so packing things will be a good activity for later.

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Polls have been dodgy guides for a while now. In June 2016 there was the shocking Brexit then in July a surprisingly narrow result in Australia, almost a hung parliament. Then Trump happened. These sorts of results (along with a wave of celebrity deaths) defined 2016, and polls have felt less reliable ever since (that said, I had a state election on the weekend which pretty much went according to expectations).

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4 hours ago, dingformung said:

As much as I appreciate you trying to be a good man, this is utter stupidity, sorry. There is a huge difference between Biden and Trump. I agree that the US is locked in some neoliberal/neofeudalist political system that is very backwards compared to other modern countries but not voting won't better it. You'd only help Trump. So hold your nose and vote.

I have a good friend who is pushing that line of thinking and it is indeed really fucking stupid. As much as I want ranked voting in the US to give third party candidates a real shot, it's simply not here right now. I'm not a Biden fan fan and he won't magically fix the myriad problems the country is facing right now, but that was the easiest fucking decision I ever made. Rabid politics are stupid on both sides but let's at least bring the appearance of sanity back to our sham of a democracy.

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17 minutes ago, six said:

I'm not a Biden fan fan and he won't magically fix the myriad problems the country is facing right now, but that was the easiest fucking decision I ever made.

He's not going to get all of his agenda implemented if he wins, no politician ever does. But I think it's reasonable to expect him to do a lot of good on various issues, health, housing and energy I think are the big three, think the economy would do well under him too.

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