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Autechre - SIGN 16.10.20


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7 hours ago, modey said:

lol fucking hell

I mean, I'm genuinely sorry if he's autistic or something (I mean this sincerely) and interpreted my posts the wrong way.. but shit, some of the stuff he said really made it easy to joke about.

Jeez, now I feel a bit guilty for arguing about whether Autechre secretly write all their music in FLStudio as well.

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12 hours ago, toaoaoad said:

I've never had any issue with the name SIGN or the artwork at all - not the first time they've used pronounceable English words for a title, or vivid colours, tho some seem to make it out that way... 

But I really hope this PLUS rumour isn't true. It's definitely an obvious nod to "Sean pls", which is cute and all, but a bit too corny and obvious for them don't you think? I'm guessing it's just a fan trolling fellow fans. 

I guess Ae is trolling WATMM... ?

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3 hours ago, Blir said:

It's available to download, you slags

I've been getting so used to 2-month album teases and incremental track releases and then I wake up and sean and rob have made a random wednesday into an event.


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