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Russia is now bombing Ukraine


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Nato played geopolitics where it should not have been, that is correct, but the only illegitimate guy in this game is Putin, a mafia psichopath midget that has been 22ys in power. A fool like that should not run a nation like Russia. He did an illegal military move in 2014 and has repeated it now in a bigger scale just for totalitarianism sake. Negotiations could have been more elaborated and precise in this topic, but the man just wanted to put his belic shit at play to enlarge his retarded old days sovietic ego

Edited by Milwaukeeeee
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25 minutes ago, ilqx hermolia xpli said:


Maybe take the shitty CCP propaganda elsewhere?

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1 hour ago, ilqx hermolia xpli said:

i find this post disturbing as if youre presenting a choice that he should accept anal rape with a knife and get murdered to allow US influenced revolutions to happen.  as if US led murder attempts are righteous and just and he should accept them rather than intend on avoiding them.  Putin is a piece of shit but every single US president is worse on a scale hard to imagine because of the scale of their influence in comparison to russia.  you think putin wants to get murdered by nazi gangs in ukraine the US has been funding?

If you find my post disturbing then that says more about you than the post. Seems you missed the point, really. 

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Lukashenko plans Moldova invasion as Belarus President releases secret military plans



41 minutes ago, ilqx hermolia xpli said:

this is not CCP propaganda it is a statement made by DPRK.  and it is called CPC not CCP

it's actually SMOLPP


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1 hour ago, ilqx hermolia xpli said:

this is not CCP propaganda it is a statement made by DPRK.  and it is called CPC not CCP

comrade hermolia - thank you for taking time to share with us what the DPRK think about all this. their opinions are certainly valid, as they are the pinnacle of trustworthiness when it comes to world affairs. they have an excellent track record of speaking the truth, such as sharing with the world all the amazing things going on in their country. I know the knee jerk response is going to be to accuse the US of doing things far worse than them, to which most people of this earth (including myself) will share a different opinion. therefore the options to continue a discussion such as this are limited. I shall end this by simply stating that we have no choice but to agree to disagree on many things, such as your belief that communism is a better path forward for society than democracy. 

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38 minutes ago, zero said:

comrade hermolia - thank you for taking time to share with us what the DPRK think about all this. their opinions are certainly valid, as they are the pinnacle of trustworthiness when it comes to world affairs. they have an excellent track record of speaking the truth, such as sharing with the world all the amazing things going on in their country. I know the knee jerk response is going to be to accuse the US of doing things far worse than them, to which most people of this earth (including myself) will share a different opinion. therefore the options to continue a discussion such as this are limited. I shall end this by simply stating that we have no choice but to agree to disagree on many things, such as your belief that communism is a better path forward for society than democracy. 

their perspective is one of being utterly devastated to a level that at the very least approaches, but likely qualifies as, genocide of the korean people perpetrated by the US.  they have a unique perspective on the topic of national security based on historical experience

Edited by ilqx hermolia xpli
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1 hour ago, zero said:

comrade hermolia - thank you for taking time to share with us what the DPRK think about all this. their opinions are certainly valid, as they are the pinnacle of trustworthiness when it comes to world affairs. they have an excellent track record of speaking the truth, such as sharing with the world all the amazing things going on in their country. I know the knee jerk response is going to be to accuse the US of doing things far worse than them, to which most people of this earth (including myself) will share a different opinion. therefore the options to continue a discussion such as this are limited. I shall end this by simply stating that we have no choice but to agree to disagree on many things, such as your belief that communism is a better path forward for society than democracy. 


50 minutes ago, ilqx hermolia xpli said:

their perspective is one of being utterly devastated to a level that at the very least approaches, but likely qualifies as, genocide of the korean people perpetrated by the US.  they have a unique perspective on the topic of national security based on historical experience

it's possible that both these things are true. 

also possible that the past experiences of DPRK and the tyrants who have ruled over the people of DPRK have warped all perspective and meaning to suit their own ends which typically is to stay in power and be told "yes" by the people around said dictator. 

i can take lot's of time and words to chart a path forward where DPRK could enter the world in good standing with benefits for their people and the rest of the world but alas.. it's pointless as none of you have the ability to make the wide boy dictator listen to such nonsense from a non expert at anything human like me. 


russian guy put a $1 million bounty on Putin. 


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A Dictator


A Communist Dictator



Xi and Kim Jong-un would kill anyone like they're a fly and not bat an eye. And their heart beat would not even change by a single BPM. Give me a break.

Which -ism it came from is irrelevant once you have a bullet in your head.

Im sorry but bootlicking to authoritarian figures is bootlicking whether fascist, capitalist or pseudo communist. The boot may be red youre still licking it.

I mean how hard is it to understand dictators arent chill people even if they say they're Communist? The fine prints of their delusion and allegiance are irrelevant. One man/one party dictatorships are no joke. It's fucking brutal.

I get people believe in marxism, there is some decent stuff in that and all but how can you be so fucking blind to a dictator just because he dress in red? It's just beyond me.


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On 2/28/2022 at 5:59 PM, cichlisuite said:

If they are kids, then this is just kids stuff, kid's fascination with historical or contemporary larger-than-life ideas they don't even fully grasp. When I was a kid, fascinated by history, I was easily drawn into the imagination of the mighty Roman empire or the ancient Egypt, I had a book about Carter's exploration of the Valley of the Kings and read it cover to cover several times, studied their pantheon, and even thought Ramesses II was the shit as the mightiest deity, and I imagined how his life would be. My friend at the time made himself an FBI ID (x-files effect) and unironically flash it around like he is an agent or something. Other kids got a moped and thought they were Mike Doohan or something... I mean there was so many things you could become fascinated by, but you grow out of it, puberty kicks in and then girls become the main thing. But that was a different time, I guess. I think it's a part of growing up, seeking own identity.

I'm no psychologist so I can't really make any conclusions out of this, but with this new internet echo chamber communities, I tend to think kids have a harder time growing out of it and maturing. Without parental supervision or self-reflection they become settled in and find answers to their angst in things they really should not. It can become some Lord of the Flies shit, just as a school playground would if it wasn't for the teacher's presence and supervision. I still think this is a relatively low percentage of kids - others still grow out of it by themselves. But because we're plugged in into this matrix all the time, it seems like it's always here and even growing.. idk. It's a well-known fact that new technology brings about societal phenomenons we cannot predict which amplify bad things exponentially for which we are not prepared. And as a crucial thing as supervision and education is for kids, with this in mind, I believe it is absolutely necessary to extend supervision and education into the realm of internet. Starting with parents, of course.

Yeah I remember when I mentioned this to my wife she noted that just as many in our generation were just as cringe-y and into detached extreme stuff but without being online the way kids are now. It also explains how so many do big 180's from alt-right stuff to progressives and leftism, or at least back to a more moderate empathetic baseline as non-shitty people.

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During the 5 days of fighting against the aggressor, people have not just left Ukraine: almost 80,000 of our compatriots have returned to their homeland, most of them men.

Source: State Border Guard Service



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4 hours ago, thefxbip said:

A Dictator


A Communist Dictator



Xi and Kim Jong-un would kill anyone like they're a fly and not bat an eye. And their heart beat would not even change by a single BPM. Give me a break.

Which -ism it came from is irrelevant once you have a bullet in your head.

Im sorry but bootlicking to authoritarian figures is bootlicking whether fascist, capitalist or pseudo communist. The boot may be red youre still licking it.

I mean how hard is it to understand dictators arent chill people even if they say they're Communist? The fine prints of their delusion and allegiance are irrelevant. One man/one party dictatorships are no joke. It's fucking brutal.

I get people believe in marxism, there is some decent stuff in that and all but how can you be so fucking blind to a dictator just because he dress in red? It's just beyond me.


you really think president Xi is a one-man dictator who would kill people like flies and not have a raise in heartbeat BPM? interesting so how many people in the middle east has china murdered? oh wait that's US presidents.  you really think he has time to be a "dictator" over the 95 million people in the CPC and 1.4 billion people in China?  how is he dictating that many things in a day?  i doubt he could even dictate one thing per million people in a day

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I think it's beside the point to talk about the conflict like it's US vs Russia or NATO vs Russia or West vs East, or whatever. It's how Putin wants to spin the story. This is Putin and his gang attacking a sovereign nation and slaughtering its citizens while getting thousands of their own conscripts and military personnel killed in the process just for some (imagined?) geopolitical gain.

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3 hours ago, ilqx hermolia xpli said:

you really think president Xi is a one-man dictator who would kill people like flies and not have a raise in heartbeat BPM? interesting so how many people in the middle east has china murdered? oh wait that's US presidents.  you really think he has time to be a "dictator" over the 95 million people in the CPC and 1.4 billion people in China?  how is he dictating that many things in a day?  i doubt he could even dictate one thing per million people in a day

china is committing genocide while we talk here

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this 19 year old American student was tracking Elon's private jet, which seemed fairly harmless. but he has now switched over to tracking and broadcasting locations of the oligarch jets:



"They should be exposed, and they should be paying whatever price a country can extract from them," he said Monday.

"Get these [airplane] tail numbers out. Tell the governments these are the people, this is where they're located and let them take whatever action they feel is appropriate."


now in a normal situation, I would think this would be a very dangerous game to be playing with some very well connected Russian dudes...

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Tracking the Russians with satellites High-tech-CIA-Anonymous-Super-exposing-operation is pretty pointless. 

We live in 2022 already, I can zoom in and see my fathers fucking TV on google maps from the other side of the world. 
Putin has something else in his mind. It's pretty scary also. 

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