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What video games are you currently playing?

Rubin Farr

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I beat Uncharted 3 on normal. Fantastic game! I'm going through it now on Crushing difficulty. I'm following a guide to get the treasures. I think after this I'm gonna go back to the first Uncharted game and get the platinum. That is if MGS HD Collection and Skyrim aren't out by that time.


Just bought Lord of the Rings: War in the North... super stoked to play it, haven't played a good LotR game in ages.


Be sure to tell us how it is. I'm thinking of getting it if it ends up being awesome.


Just finished the first dungeon, which took me about three hours. The game is pretty good... think Champions of Norrath/ Baldurs Gate: DA from the ps2 and you have the general idea of the game, but LotR style. It instantly has a very Tolkien middle-earth feel and they've tied the game in nicely with the lore from the books (and it follows the books rather than the movies; Aragorn decides he needs to travel to find the hobbits, rather than them showing up in Bree, so I assume I'll hear something about the barrow-downs or Tom Bombadil at some point). Essentially you play either an Elf from Rivendell, a human ranger or a dwarf. All three appear to be rangers who work as a team, who witnessed some stuff happening in the northern areas of middle-earth (I believe the book touched on events happening elsewhere but never went in depth) and come south to Bree to warn people/ meet with Aragorn, and that's how it starts.


It's fairly linear, and there are invisible walls galore, but the combat is solid and enemies to enough damage that dodging and blocking are actually necessary, which is rare in these games. Each character has a light and heavy attack and a few special abilities. Between stages, you can switch characters, but equipment can reset and the AI won't equip anything new really, so doing so might bollocks up your main because your equipment might poof away. I'm playing the elf mage character right now, she's tons of fun. She has a healing bubble/ arrow block spell that is extraordinarily useful, her ranged staff-bolts hurt a lot, and a couple of AoE melee spells get enemies off when she gets surrounded. There's enough loot to satisfy and most of it is decent, but i've seen complaints that there isn't enough (but i think those people expected Sacred or Diablo, and most loot in those games is crap anyway). Dialogue options all feel rather natural and I'm enjoying conversations quite a bit. It's a bit one-sided and the sidequests all boil down to 'talk to person x to get item y and give it to person z, to get something for person x,' but the dialogue is fairly interesting.

Levelling up, you get stat 3 points for your vitality, dexterity, strength and will and one skill point... pretty standard stuff there.


My only real (and fairly minor) complaints are that the AI will sometimes block my path so I have to roll past them, and that changing my chest armour doesn't change my appearance at all (could just be the character, or the fact that I'm not very far, but every other piece of armour [helm, shoulders, etc] changes appearance).


TLDR fun LotR game is fun. It's better if you're heavily into Tolkien's works. It isn't ground breaking, but it functions very well.

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I did know that but didn't really care enough to wait, I just wanted to try my hand at a fighting game as I haven't played one in ages. I still suck hugely at them.


Wow... any of the MvC would NOT have been my choice for wanting to play a fighting game if I wasn't any good at them... Super Street Fighter IV might have been a better choice, as I find the MvC games too manic to keep up with.

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i just dont like FPS single player/campaigns even battlefield3 singleplayer bored the shitout of me and i only got to sniper bit at the begining. multiplayer is super.. co-op i imagine would be the same as the single player, like shooting bots. just doesnt have the same effect as shooting another player. BFBC1/2 was fun though because it was quite funny. but idk maybe i should give the single player more time.


I just spent about a half hour on single play. cant be bothered. time for multiplayer!!! i'm going to get my ass destroyed.

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i just dont like FPS single player/campaigns even battlefield3 singleplayer bored the shitout of me and i only got to sniper bit at the begining. multiplayer is super.. co-op i imagine would be the same as the single player, like shooting bots. just doesnt have the same effect as shooting another player. BFBC1/2 was fun though because it was quite funny. but idk maybe i should give the single player more time.


I just spent about a half hour on single play. cant be bothered. time for multiplayer!!! i'm going to get my ass destroyed.



duder ill be on later on and we shoudl team the fuck up. mics and everything.



this is the kinda shit im all about, first proper rinse last night this happend.



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FreeSpace 2 because it's just about all my laptop will handle, and it's awesome. :emotawesomepm9:

man, i bought that game for like $5 but can't get it to work with my MAC. the whole process is way too complicated for me.


I'm playing it on a macbook, using wineskin innit.

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I realised that I haven't beaten InFamous 2 yet. So I'm continuing my saved game from a while ago. It's pretty good, but a little repetitive. I'm of coarse doing all of the side missions.


Skyrim in 1 week!!!

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Finished Uncharted 3, quite good. It still has the incredible set pieces, great art direction, attention to detail and possibly the best character animations and facial expressions in the industry. But it's certainly not the innovative title that Uncharted 2 was. I think I liked Uncharted 2 better. It had (imo) better set-pieces, a less predictable plot and some more interesting environments. I got really frustrated with some of the gunplay in this one. And the discovery - puzzle - "we must have been followed" - combat sequence is starting to get a little old.


I had numerous technical issues during my 8 hour playthrough for some reason. Audio channels dropping out at random, low-res textures not streaming in, and a few crashes. Maybe my blu-ray drive is a bit broken, there is no install as far as I can tell.

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Guest bitroast

I agree on the comments on game being less innovative and less of a step forward that uncharted 2. The gun based gameplay was just getting so boring by the end.


But the graphics and presentation totally make the game something special. Recommended goodness, overall

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wow, batman is mind blowingly good. Overwhelming but at the same time brilliant, always having fun. I just did the ra's al ghul blood demon trial/boss fight section and that just blew me away. Plus the amount of clever riddler puzzles in the game is just amazing. Everywhere I look there is a detail or secret or something. The game's plot never ceases to change things up and make things more interesting, working with mr. freeze, all of the different powers and upgrades. Such a good game. I always expect comic franchise games to be money grabs, but this is a full fledged AAA title with many many innovative ideas and near flawless gameplay, amazing writing(seriously, I wasn't even into batman before and now I'm fascinated). I fucking loved arkham asylum(to my surprise, the demo wasn't that amazing), and this is easily just as good, but I am expecting it to be better by the time I am done.

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At the moment I'm working my way through this pretentious open-ended text adventure where you play an increasingly frustrated man trying to get his external audio interface to work on his operating system. You have to obtain a seemingly endless supply of meaningless library dependencies via typing line after line of pseudo random commands in a vain attempt to get even a single beep from the speakers.


Even with a walkthrough I seem to be struggling on the first boss (ffado) who barks errors at every turn - you might have better luck though ( download link here )

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6,000 Copies of MW3 stolen in truck heist






"While the game that was stolen from the shipping warehouse in California was probably done by amateurs, the copies that were stolen from a truck in Créteil, south Paris, were certainly not stolen by amateurs.



French site TFI News reports that the truck suffered a collision with a car before two masked individuals emerged. The criminals reportedly used tear gas to neutralise the truck drivers before hopping in and making off with the video game shipment said to be worth €400,000 (~$550,000)."






Full Article: http://www.callofdut...-stolen-france/

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At the moment I'm working my way through this pretentious open-ended text adventure where you play an increasingly frustrated man trying to get his external audio interface to work on his operating system. You have to obtain a seemingly endless supply of meaningless library dependencies via typing line after line of pseudo random commands in a vain attempt to get even a single beep from the speakers.


Even with a walkthrough I seem to be struggling on the first boss (ffado) who barks errors at every turn - you might have better luck though ( download link here )


LMFAO - classic

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