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What video games are you currently playing?

Rubin Farr

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

finally finished my metropolis watmm soundtrack submission so Ima celebrate by finally playing bad company 2 for the first time at last. Gonna play the shit outta BC2 and ME2 tomorrow. my musical endeavors be going on the back burner for a minute

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anyone see the Sony press conference at GDC today? color me underwhelmed, seems like they were just bragging about how it took them 4 years to rip off the Wii, and those "Playstation Move" controllers look like rave toys.


Yeah, I'm not excited for any of the motion controllers coming out. I've only played 2 Wii Games that actually utilize the Wii Controller correctly so I'll be damned if Microsoft and Sony end up creating something that actually works. But I would like to a see a Rainbow Six game though where you give your team commands by waving your arm around. For instance, if you wanted them to move or anything like that you just wave your arm around like you see SWAT or whatever do in movies.

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Guest mafted

Uncharted , in crushing mode , as it's the last thing i need to do before the platinum trophy. it is HELL. but, the price of glory is steep.

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I hope they've kept the hard mode


yeah i would never play it differently. I love that game, even more than the first. Prob my fav in the series. I'll get the ps version, did they release the first MI for PSN?

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I hope they've kept the hard mode


yeah i would never play it differently. I love that game, even more than the first. Prob my fav in the series. I'll get the ps version, did they release the first MI for PSN?


Nope, not yet but they will this summer :)

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galcon fusion



i know they talked about the blood cursey thing on WoW as being a model for disease spread, but if they ever wanted a model for cell infection, this is the fuckin one

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yes, i know i'm late

but fuck BIOSHOCK



Never too late for Bioshock. It's a brilliant game. I picked up mine for $20 on PS3 about 6 months ago or so.

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Never too late for Bioshock. It's a brilliant game. I picked up mine for $20 on PS3 about 6 months ago or so.


me too. shipped from the UK free of charge. I wonder how long it will take for the sequel to be so affordable.

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Guest theSun

i'm on wow us, kul tiras server. got a ne druid lvl 40 named seeonsea.


there's probably no one here pop enough to play wow, but fuck they polished the shit out of that game in past 3 years that i took a break from it.

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About a week ago I completed the original Crash Bandicoot in under 2 hours and 3 minutes. That's with all the gems and everything. Man, I've been playing that game way too much over the years...

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About a week ago I completed the original Crash Bandicoot in under 2 hours and 3 minutes. That's with all the gems and everything. Man, I've been playing that game way too much over the years...

lol I cant imagine playing it any other way than that :D

My brother and me had a hard time trying to finish it, the savepoints in the higher levels were so hard to get, which made it very frustrating, because you had to play a few levels for days or to start all over to make any progress.

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I've been playing Advance Wars 1 and 2 for about 4 years, replaying the same War Room missions over and over. Several X-Box 360 games remain unfinished, because I tend to spend hours playing them but not really doing much or getting anywhere, and I need my fix of challenging strategy, so I just end up playing Advance Wars all the time.

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