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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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I was hit by a car a couple days ago. Some lady suddenly turned into a parking spot while I was right next to her. Nothing is broken and my bike is fine, but I fucking laid into her for it.


"I didn't see you when I started to turn" she said.



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Cook some meat and gravy. Rice and gravy is the best food.


Also, who the fuck freezes rice? Just not a thing I've ever heard of doing.


SFWP: My routine has been out of whack all week and I got sick somehow from this I guess? But not like sick enough to do anything about it, just massively tired and without energy and a little cough/lightly-feverish.

Freeze rice all the time.


Spiral: just turn the rest into stir fry. Throw in some veggies, a little meat, the rice and then a little soy sauce and fry that up. Keep in the fridge. Should provide lunch for a couple of days at work.

+1 frozen rice stir fry is the shit
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I just drank some Apple Juice for the first time since god knows when... and seriously WTF @ how sweet this shit is.  How is this even a viable product for human consumption? 



So I'm going to free associate here for a second...

I was having a conversation with myself not long ago and started wondering about the following... let's say no one had ever tasted soda before and someone came up to you with a glass of Fanta Orange or Lemon or something and you didn't know what it was supposed to taste like. Would you then be able to identify the taste they were going for or do sodas actually taste nothing like the fruits they're saying it tastes like?

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I just drank some Apple Juice for the first time since god knows when... and seriously WTF @ how sweet this shit is.  How is this even a viable product for human consumption? 


apple juice was invented in the olden days as an alternative to drinking your own piss.


really and truly you're meant to leave it for a while until it turns into "cider"


all other forms of consumption are incorrect.

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back in the day you would get frozen apple juice concentrate in a supermarket and take it home and defrost it and add water



can't get it any more


life sucks

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There are a bunch of good cloudy apple juices available over here, but the clear piss-like stuff I see when abroad is disgusting, on this we can agree.

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i prefer cold pressed apple juice. copella is too sugary for me. 

i cant find an image of the one i get when i occasionally want a fruit juice. its a fuckin rip off, 3.60 a litre or something, amazing though. 

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Wow, I didn't expect such an outpouring of support over the apple juice thing.  Should have known watmm would have my back.  Now I am kind of curious about this better, cloudier type of apple juice.  I may have to seek it out now.  I did try pear on pizza because of the pizza thread.  Unfortunately the place we ordered it from just wasn't very good in general, wasn't the pear's fault.  But it definitely didn't sell me on it.  

Edited by Zephyr_Nova
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2 weeks until All Hallow's Eve and 20/23/20degrees this weekend and today, plus the amber sky all morning was v v strange


not that i'm complaining, its just surreal being at considerable altitude walking the k9 y'day in shorts n a t-shirt when, for this time of year, a serious attention to sensible clothing has to be taken into consideration if you dont want hypothermia or get the mountain rescue crews called out & a helicopter hovering over your short-sighted arse


not a problem so much as weird as fuck, climate change perks dont really cut it

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Used to like the taste and feel fulfilled with apple juice from concentrate morning after a hangover at my old job. One day drank a bit too much AJ and was in so much pain, that stuff is like pure acid. Have to be careful of what I drink due to a stomach ulcer I had a while back.


Haven't had it since. (Edit: AJ I mean)

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