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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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Be happy that's not a description of your parents just yet.

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I have discovered that I have a twitter account, but for the life of me I cannot figure out how to view replies.  My instinct is to click the speech bubble with the number of replies noted after it, but this only gives me the option to add another reply.  This could not be more counterintuitive and stupid.  Everything is drunk and hate.


don't do twitter, twitter is for twits. werd.


Twitter makes you bitter

Yeah I signed up in early 2009 but almost never used it, except when I found out that a bunch of accounts got hacked 3 or 4 years ago and had to change my password. And yet a certain world leader is always stealing news headlines with it...


Even Facebook is becoming static noise for me. Just being bombarded with constant feeds from various pages (only a fraction from actual FB friends)...it's getting harder to focus on any one thing anymore. It's no longer the social networking MySpace replacement I opted for back in February 2008.

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god damn when it rains it pours!  bills.   property tax increase, hospital bill (even though i went to a hospital that is owned by the company i get insurance from! i guess they feel like they can double dip. why give me a good rate? they can take my money coming and going. had some procedure at a different hospital 2 days earlier and the bill was more than $1600 cheaper) and now the main water line into my house is ruptured and leaking into the basement so i turned the water off at the street. 


and of course this has to happen when my ex is on her way here w/her family in a moving truck to pick up all her crap. so, i no toilets or water etc.. fun. i need to take a dump using the last of the water that's in the toilet tank then i'm getting the fuck out and 'running errands' for a couple hours all so i can come home to a house wher ei gotta do some kind of water routine just to take a shit. 


i'm most concerned about taking shits. what good is a house if ya can't take a dump in your own bathroom? 


and i'm hung over and didn't sleep well. 


and in 1994 i went to mardi gras. drove from florida w/some friends.. on the way there passing through all kinds of "WTF is this shit this is a town?" type places in florida we stopped to get gas and in the gas station there were a bunch of trucker hats w/various stupid things on them and the one i should've bought and regret not buying to this day say in all caps.. "SHIT ON IT"  on the front.. it was perfect and expresses my main thoughts just now about life and i wish i could wear that hat. 

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In a pathetic attempt to maintain my beard my shaky hands accidentally sheared off a sizeable chunk of hair at the side of my moustache, making it gimpy enough to resemble something out of the bad taxidermy thread.  So I had no alternative but to shave the whole damn thing off. My IDM quotient has been reduced substantially.

Edited by Zephyr_Nova
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In a pathetic attempt to maintain my beard my shaky hands accidentally sheared off a sizeable chunk of hair at the side of my moustache, making it gimpy enough to resemble something out of the bad taxidermy thread.  So I had no alternative but to shave the whole damn thing off. My IDM quotient has been reduced substantially.

ive started going to the turkish barbers for a hot shave instead of doing my scalp and beard myself. looks so much better. takes them 50 minutes to trim your beard and shave your head, its crazy. 

although for ten minutes of that you are just sitting there getting a blast of steam to the face. 

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i write a lot of online listings for various stock at my shop, and as a joke, i knicked a whole bit from Futurama for the description on a certain piece (with no indications that it was lifted from somewhere else, just thought it would be a funny easter egg for some of our customers)... and unawares that i was plagiarizing, a newspaper quoted the whole thing! thanks for the publicity, assholes :facepalm:



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lol, what was the bit?


fwp; really wanted to do something productive with my day off today, browsed watmm, drank beer and watched tv shows instead. 

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the ambitious megalomaniac Russian art project thing I was working for is faltering, so I had a job and now I don’t - meh!


I bought the new Super Mario game today but it does not make me happy.


I ordered the iPhone X but gotta wait 5-6 weeks.

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We resurrected a party member in my D&D group a few weeks ago. Last week, we were in a tower that collapsed. I was the only one to survive plus the same guy that was resurrected. Now, I basically have to resurrect the three of them myself because this other guy is fucking useless. Huzzah.

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Green candies are awful; something about the ersatz approximation of green apple or lime is always not only disappointing, but disgusting. Red candy is quite the opposite.

I have all these skittles packages from Halloween and they seem to be 50% green FFS!

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FWP: my phone keeps giving me updates about Harvey Weinstein sexually abusing women at least once every two days.  I'm not sure why it's decided that's the only thing I need to know out of all the things going on in the world.


*to clarify, I'm getting updated about once every two days... although Harvey Weinstein has been sexually abusing women at least once every two days for a few decades now too, from the sound of things.

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I really fucking like this girl I met 3 days ago but I'm finding her kinda difficult to read.

Also she doesn't really drink so I can't rely on the Traditional British Method of both getting shitfaced then lunging at her.

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