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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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I got some kind of food poisoning or stomach bug the day after Christmas and I was pissing shit. 
Today I made curry for dinner realizing I couldn’t handle it after I taste tested it so in the fridge it goes for another day. So I’m eating leftovers but no turkey cause I don’t have any of that left. Mashed potatoes stuffing and corn. Solid. And my stomach is rumbling and dancing around like anything could happen. Keeps me on my toes. 

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It sucks to watch your friends slowly fade out of your everyday life when they get married and have children.

Making plans for one evening is a coordination project that can span several weeks, or even months. There are less and less topics for good discussion, because minds become preoccupied with family/work stuff, and their social circle shrinks around their in-laws. A lot of dubious complaining that always makes you question "Is everything really OK, dude?" only to find the question strange, because that's just how marriages are (or are they?!). And if the spouse somehow joins in, there's this slight tension where they berate each other for more or less silly stuff, make cynical jokes about each other, and try to keep the husbands at a 'safe distance' from their 'scoundrel' friends at the same time. I know where such 'feisty' interpersonal dynamics come from, and it worries me -- for them, and also for me, in a way, because I reflect on my previous relationships and those of my parents and wider family. Everything is slowly falling apart.

It's been a year since I've last seen my best friend and we've become really estranged in a weird way. Other people slowly fade out of my life as well, when mine and theirs perspectives change, or when life gets in the way. I remember some years ago, I'd walk around the city and just stumble upon friends and acquaintances I could greet or grab a coffee/beer with. I'd go out on a friday to a bar without making any meet-up plans, and there would at least be some familiar faces. Now, I don't see a single familiar person ever, anywhere. With everything being more and more globalised, I sometimes feel as if I'm walking around a foreign city. These depressing thoughts have been gnawing my lonely seasonal holidays.


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My infant son woke up with conjunctivitis on Xmas day, then ran full pelt into the side of our bed and split his lip wide open. 6 hrs in a&e only for the plastic surgeon to tell us they can't operate as the risk of putting him under general anesthetic while he has conjunctivitis means the infection could spread to his lungs, so we just have to let his horrifically mangled lip heal naturally and hope for the best.

Then we all got covid.


Don't have children 

Edited by Amen Warrior
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14 minutes ago, Amen Warrior said:

My infant son woke up with conjunctivitis on Xmas day, then ran full pelt into the side of our bed and split his lip wide open. 6 hrs in a&e only for the plastic surgeon to tell us they can't operate as the risk of putting him under general anesthetic while he has conjunctivitis means the infection could spread to his lungs, so we just have to let his horrifically mangled lip heal naturally and hope for the best.

Then we all got covid.


Don't have children 

oh dude. that's a rough series of events. sounds stressful. i hope this time passes quickly and no further damages done

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8 hours ago, cichlisuite said:

It sucks to watch your friends slowly fade out of your everyday life when they get married and have children.

Making plans for one evening is a coordination project that can span several weeks, or even months. There are less and less topics for good discussion, because minds become preoccupied with family/work stuff, and their social circle shrinks around their in-laws. A lot of dubious complaining that always makes you question "Is everything really OK, dude?" only to find the question strange, because that's just how marriages are (or are they?!). And if the spouse somehow joins in, there's this slight tension where they berate each other for more or less silly stuff, make cynical jokes about each other, and try to keep the husbands at a 'safe distance' from their 'scoundrel' friends at the same time. I know where such 'feisty' interpersonal dynamics come from, and it worries me -- for them, and also for me, in a way, because I reflect on my previous relationships and those of my parents and wider family. Everything is slowly falling apart.

It's been a year since I've last seen my best friend and we've become really estranged in a weird way. Other people slowly fade out of my life as well, when mine and theirs perspectives change, or when life gets in the way. I remember some years ago, I'd walk around the city and just stumble upon friends and acquaintances I could greet or grab a coffee/beer with. I'd go out on a friday to a bar without making any meet-up plans, and there would at least be some familiar faces. Now, I don't see a single familiar person ever, anywhere. With everything being more and more globalised, I sometimes feel as if I'm walking around a foreign city. These depressing thoughts have been gnawing my lonely seasonal holidays.


The days where I can invite people to anything and they'll turn up within 20 minutes of me sending the message are going to be over soon - making the most of my youth ?

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59 minutes ago, Amen Warrior said:

My infant son woke up with conjunctivitis on Xmas day, then ran full pelt into the side of our bed and split his lip wide open. 6 hrs in a&e only for the plastic surgeon to tell us they can't operate as the risk of putting him under general anesthetic while he has conjunctivitis means the infection could spread to his lungs, so we just have to let his horrifically mangled lip heal naturally and hope for the best.

Then we all got covid.


Don't have children 

I hope your little one has a speedy recovery! My dad always tells me about how my when my older sister was 3 years old, the front door to my grandma's tower block slammed on her finger on New Year's Eve 1999 and my family spent the first monents of the new milennium in A&E.

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33 minutes ago, milkface said:

This is why I'm making the most out of being young. The days where I can invite people to anything and they'll turn up within 20 minutes of me sending the message are going to be over soon ?

Good. When you're young, you feel like it's going to be forever.

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Had a minor cold last week which I thought was nothing, so went out a bike ride on Xmas Eve got a puncture, no repair kit in my rucksack so had to wheel the thing home on what should of been a shortcut through farmers fields, but was just a mud quagmire and ended up taking a few hours. Christmas Day my cold had decided it wasn't too keen on the day before antics and turned into a full blown chest infection. Yesterday, first day I started to feel a bit better but absolutely exhausted. Woke up this morning and had another minor coughing fit which after days of abuse has put a lot of pressure on my lower back. Felt a muscle go pop at the base of my spine and into (thankfully) a minor spasm. So yeah all in all I'm having a fabulous time. I had so many great things planned over these last few days. All its amounted to is a load of depressing nothing. At least I was off work on annual leave and didn't have the stress and anxiety of dealing with phoning in sick. Which I hate doing, especially this time of the year. Worst holiday ever.

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On 12/28/2022 at 8:59 PM, milkface said:

I hope your little one has a speedy recovery! My dad always tells me about how my when my older sister was 3 years old, the front door to my grandma's tower block slammed on her finger on New Year's Eve 1999 and my family spent the first monents of the new milennium in A&E.

Thank you! His eyes are all better and lip seems to be healing very well. He and I are both completely asymptomatic with covid but my wife is absolutely dying at the mo (not literally) (I hope)

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5 minutes ago, J3FF3R00 said:

I’ve had diarrhea since the 21st and have missed all yummy/boozy holiday everything. My only New Year’s resolution is for a solid turd

dude. what happened? get some immodium. drink a fuck ton of water. 


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2 hours ago, ignatius said:

dude. what happened? get some immodium. drink a fuck ton of water. 


No idea. Maybe food poisoning? Nobody else in my family has it. Been on the Imodium, pedialyte, etc. went to urgent care today and now have to take stool samples. I just want a fucking cheeseburger, donuts, crab legs and a billion other things other than toast and rice. Getting angry. At least I’m the only person in the world who lost weight over the holidays. 

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19 minutes ago, J3FF3R00 said:

No idea. Maybe food poisoning? Nobody else in my family has it. Been on the Imodium, pedialyte, etc. went to urgent care today and now have to take stool samples. I just want a fucking cheeseburger, donuts, crab legs and a billion other things other than toast and rice. Getting angry. At least I’m the only person in the world who lost weight over the holidays. 

buddy of mine got a weird thing when he traveled in se asia. lost like 30 pounds which was a lot for him since he only weighed like 165 and is 6ft tall. for months he had stomach issues. he ate a ton of yogurt and eventually whatever was ailing him moved on or was conquered by his gut biome. guts are weird some times. 

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On 12/31/2022 at 10:44 AM, J3FF3R00 said:

No idea. Maybe food poisoning? Nobody else in my family has it. Been on the Imodium, pedialyte, etc. went to urgent care today and now have to take stool samples. I just want a fucking cheeseburger, donuts, crab legs and a billion other things other than toast and rice. Getting angry. At least I’m the only person in the world who lost weight over the holidays. 

this just reminded me of this classic thread.

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Ps plus premium is such a crock of shit. They removed AC Valhalla without any notice and it has been on it for like four months? Paying this kind of money just to demo some games is such a ripoff

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PT for my left shoulder doesn't seem to be doing much good. hoping i get through this plateau. also, a 20yr old has a crush on me. she didn't believe me when i told her i was older than her parents. i'll have to show her my ID so she'll understand i really am 2.5 times her age. or i could just take off my hat and show her my destroyed hairline and the coming baldness. 

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10 minutes ago, ignatius said:

PT for my left shoulder doesn't seem to be doing much good. hoping i get through this plateau. also, a 20yr old has a crush on me. she didn't believe me when i told her i was older than her parents. i'll have to show her my ID so she'll understand i really am 2.5 times her age. or i could just take off my hat and show her my destroyed hairline and the coming baldness. 

Dude, age is just a number… :spiteful:



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Looks like my bowels are finally recovering after a week and a half of torture. On Christmas morning I set aside 2 small fancy chocolates and 2 other small, not-as-fancy chocolates on top of the piano so my baby couldn’t get them and let my wife & her mom know that I was saving them for when I was well enough to eat them without shitting my pants. 
Yesterday, they organized a huge New Year’s Day gingerbread house making party (which I had to shop/cook/clean for) and when people first started arriving I went to get my chocolates so nobody would eat them by mistake… keep in mind, I’ve been looking at these tiny chocolates every day for a full fucking week! When I got to the piano, I noticed that the piano light  was on (which it never is) and the small bag with my 2 not-so-fancy chocolates was gone and the light had melted my 2 small fancy chocolates into a puddle. 

… and now I have covid :facepalm:

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How the hell do I deal with my friend's girlfriend who ruins the mood every time we hang out?

She's always extremely negative, her humour is way different from the rest of ours (and she'll point this out), won't shy away from blabbering about how intelligent she is, how enormous her IQ is (she's a member of mensa), and hates pretty much everything me and my friend (her boyfriend) like, watch or play when we hang out. I remember one time we were watching "On Cinema at the Cinema" and she ruined everyone's enjoyment by saying, "I don't find this funny at all. I don't understand what's so funny about this?".

Jesus fucking Christ.

She's also not working at the moment because she's on sick leave due to stress - and that's now all she talks about. Last time we hung out she started talking about it and I tried steering the conversation in a completely direction but she immediately managed to turn the conversation around again. Also, lately she starts out by saying, "Oh, I'm so tired" or "Oh, I don't feel so good" and none of us bother to ask her why any longer. But the problem is she'll continue until someone asks why - and BAM! We're back on topic talking about her being stressed. It was the first thing she said on New Year's Eve and stayed until 4 AM. 

I'm working so I'm keeping this short, but it has reached a point where I almost don't want to hang out with my friend when she's around... but she's ALWAYS there. Fuck.

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On 1/3/2023 at 7:24 PM, toaoaoad said:

Got a cracked tooth, dentist says it can't be fixed and will have to be pulled. Same one that had a root canal last year, a molar. The dentist doing the root canal kinda fucked it up, and although he fixed the mistake I kept holding out on getting the crown on it. Didn't want to shell out that much money if the tooth was going to have more problems down the road, which seemed highly possible. Since then I've just been chewing with it like normal, so it's been a ticking time bomb and here we are. Great start to the new year lol

in december i spent $1800 on a crown/cleaning/replacing old fillings.  the crown was because i waited too long to replace the old filling in that tooth and the tooth cracked. at least now all the old fillings are out. i thought about just getting the tooth extracted but it was still salvageable so.. money go poof!


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