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2 New Aphex Twin Songs to Debut at European Culture Congress 10th Sept


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There's hope yet - Channel 3 at 21:15 Polish time :)


EDIT: Also note how the Radiohead site states the 11th rather than the 10th...?



There's hope yet - Channel 3 at 21:15 Polish time :)


EDIT: Also note how the Radiohead site states the 11th rather than the 10th...?


It's about Sacrum :facepalm:

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There's no mention on anything I've looked at on the below timetable of Aphex whatsoever:



The only thing of any interest may be the Reich performance tomorrow in which Jonny Greenwood is playing, but neither of the Aphex concerts (either this Penderecki one or the Reich performances next Saturday) can be found... Sad times.


It's about Sacrum :facepalm:

Yeah, just realised :\ Thing is the Reich gig next Saturday in which Aphex is playing is supposedly going to be broadcast by Channel 2... but it's not on their timetable at all.

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There's no mention on anything I've looked at on the below timetable of Aphex whatsoever:



The only thing of any interest may be the Reich performance tomorrow in which Jonny Greenwood is playing, but neither of the Aphex concerts (either this Penderecki one or the Reich performances next Saturday) can be found... Sad times.


Let's expect some reactions tommorow

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i think this is it:




click on the little speaker icon above the picture. i am listening right now... people talking, not sure if it's the concert...

That isn't a stream, you can skip through the interview...

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fuck this shit I'm going to a bar


I just got back from one, beer tasted good.


What's going on fellow Aphex fans? Patience is the order of the day it seems. I think I might wait till the whole thing crops up in full glory, otherwise I think frustration is gonna ruin it.

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This was a great show. The venue was awesome, and packed with some 4-5000 people I'd guess. Great atmosphere, receptive audience. A rambling recollection follows...


We got there at about 7 o' clock, and for the first 40 minutes or so I believe it was RDJ who played background music. I'm pretty convinced he played a couple of his own unreleased track, which were fantastic. Particularly the last track before the proper show was beautiful, mellow and AFX-y. Unfortunately this section was played low, and was mostly overpowered by talking people entering the venue.


The 30-40 people strong string ensamble came on, and then Penderecky himself entered the stage to conduct. A dark but beautiful video was shown on the three giant LCD screens for the first piece, black and white close ups of ashes, leaves and torn book pages blowing in the wind. From the program I believe the first piece was "Threnody for the Victims of Hiroshima". Clusters, glides on close mic'ed violins, violas, cellos and contrabasses.


Behind the orchestra was a 4 meters high podium, where Aphex Twin stood behind his monitors, midi controllers, etc. After the first Penderecky piece, Aphex did his remix. It was significantly louder and used drawn out samples of the original, occational stutters, filterings, etc. The video screens showed a pixelated, disintegrating remix of the performance before, with Penderecky and strings players being warped. Similar video effects to the Aphex show I saw a month ago in Oslo. Midway into the remix, the lasers were introduced, and descended ominously and repressingly on the audience. The orchestra sat silent during this remix, it seemed the remix was prepared entirely in advance, while the video was mostly live remixed. Pretty harsh and extreme!


Then Penderecky returned for the "Canon for Strings" piece. I have to confer my recording to further comment on this. I think the same video was shown. I noticed that the video engineer was counting measures and that the video synched up well with the music.


The fourth section was the "AFX set", where Aphex Twin started with two prerecorded tracks, I think both are unreleased. The first one sounded like a programmed prepared piano piece, reminiscent of some of the Druqks tracks. It was strong, heavy, vibey and had tons of AFX signature. The second one was a great remix of Avril 14th, where the chords were only suggested, the arpeggios were left out. This structure was treated with warbly echoes and shimmering reverbs, very ambient and beautiful.


The third section of the AFX set was very interesting! The video screen showed seven different "tracks", each with a ladder of the musical dynamic range, from "off", through ppp, pp, p, mp, mf, f, ff, fff. On the top of each track was a symbol, from the start all tracks showed lungs. Some of the orchestra rose from their chairs and lined up on each side of the stage, and started breathing softly. A meter-like bar on each track indicated different dynamics, and the orchestra followed them. After a while, a couple of the visual tracks changed, and parts of the orchestra started playing strings, and I noticed that all the musicians had a headset and a a small screen showing the video, a visual representation of their part of the score. The strings started out with stabs, and it seemed that the different players were following different tempos on their headphones, yielding some cool Reich-like phasings. Aphex Twin seemed to start different "lead tracks" for the different players from a MIDI keyboard, plus control the dynamics. I realized this was all a way to conduct the orchestra through graphic symbols. The orchestra went through different dynamics, different ways of producing sounds on the instruments, even screaming (indicated via a icon version of Much's scream), and finally returned to breathing. It sounded good, and the visual real time "score" was fun, light hearted and effective at the same time.


Penderecky returned for the Polymorphia piece. It utilized dissonant strings, whistling, cluster chords, but ended on a really strong consonant chord. At the end, a guy in black clothes and a black bandana appeared on stage, shook Penderecky's hand and took over the conducting. He immediately started the orchestra on the same consonant chord, and it wasn't obvious if this was the original or Aphex's remix. I noticed RDJ was visible again on his big podium, heard some subtle non-orchestral noises throughout, and concluded this was his remix, "Polymorphia Reloaded".


After this final piece, RDJ and Penderecky came to the front of the stage for a big applause. I had to run, but noticed RDJ looked like a big kid with a happy grin, his sweater tucked into the front of his trousers, giving two thumbs up for the applause.


I am happy to have witnessed Penderecky live, and it was cool to see Aphex Twin in a different environment, were people were really listening and being totally quiet for 90 minutes.


Finally, some crap pictures of the venue:







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