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Steinvord - Steinvord


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So is Hospital Head Ephedrine, which reminds me, it's as good a time as any for my thrice-per-decade plea to Wisp to let me listen to that track again. See you in Fall 2014!

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Does omelette means a cooked egg at the center of the pizza ? In france we call that pizza "la royale"


I'm not familiar to Wisp and Macc/Dgohn so can't give my opinion on what you're saying


Yeah it looked kinda something like this






What in the name of all that is good and holy is that?!


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Does omelette means a cooked egg at the center of the pizza ? In france we call that pizza "la royale"


I'm not familiar to Wisp and Macc/Dgohn so can't give my opinion on what you're saying


Yeah it looked kinda something like this






What in the name of all that is good and holy is that?!



concentrated cholesterol

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What in the name of all that is good and holy is that?!



The pic is maybe not the best example you could find, but anyway, the whole point of that kind of pizza is to keep the egg for the end and to have this wonderful last mouthful during which the yellow of the egg is mixed with the pizza pastry and cheese and the other ingredients. It is so delightful that I would compare it to listening to Backyard while rubbing Drukqs CD box onto my naked torso.

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jejej es decir que siguen dandole al tema de steinvord = squarepusher/afx



Mejor eso que hablar de pizza...


¿y si hablamos de paella?

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its skrillex

Do you remember when you posted this over a month ago ? Yeah, well it wasn't amusing then so why do you assume it's amusing now ?

Yeah, ok, fine, I'll stop. It'll be pretty funny if it's actually Skrillex though.

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ugh I had to go back and listen to all of go plastic to be sure that the 2nd sample wasn't just straight up squarepusher. even still i swear i've heard the part about 3/4 the way through as background music on some television interview with tom or perhaps in a live recording.


Ooh, gotta listen closer. You mean the alarm sound and the guy saying something like "Fresha"? Because if that's what you're talking about, they are sampled on Go Plastic. The alarm is sampled in My Red Hot Car, and the guy saying "Fresha" is the beginning of the first vocal sample in Go! Spastic. Both samples are originally from the intro to Wheel N' Deal by DJ Gunshot (old school jungle), or from whatever old dub track he originally got them from. Compare the first 13 seconds of Wheel N' Deal by DJ Gunshot (specifically 0:03 and 0:11) with 1:55 in My Red Hot Car, 0:38 in Go! Spastic, 0:58 in Ontrackv2 Sample (AKA Maelstrom on the old Myspace) and 1:10 in Ontrackv2 Sample (this one is blink and you'll miss it).

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wow, been wondering about these samples! thanks


but do you guys really think maelstrom is not maelstrom anymore? even though songs we know match the tracklist with sides reversed? really? REALY

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ugh I had to go back and listen to all of go plastic to be sure that the 2nd sample wasn't just straight up squarepusher. even still i swear i've heard the part about 3/4 the way through as background music on some television interview with tom or perhaps in a live recording.


Ooh, gotta listen closer. You mean the alarm sound and the guy saying something like "Fresha"? Because if that's what you're talking about, they are sampled on Go Plastic. The alarm is sampled in My Red Hot Car, and the guy saying "Fresha" is the beginning of the first vocal sample in Go! Spastic. Both samples are originally from the intro to Wheel N' Deal by DJ Gunshot (old school jungle), or from whatever old dub track he originally got them from. Compare the first 13 seconds of Wheel N' Deal by DJ Gunshot (specifically 0:03 and 0:11) with 1:55 in My Red Hot Car, 0:38 in Go! Spastic, 0:58 in Ontrackv2 Sample (AKA Maelstrom on the old Myspace) and 1:10 in Ontrackv2 Sample (this one is blink and you'll miss it).


I tried this angle to convince some watmmers a long time ago that steinvord is Tom but got nothing but pushback, especially from Pissflaps (where is he anyway....?)

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ugh I had to go back and listen to all of go plastic to be sure that the 2nd sample wasn't just straight up squarepusher. even still i swear i've heard the part about 3/4 the way through as background music on some television interview with tom or perhaps in a live recording.


Ooh, gotta listen closer. You mean the alarm sound and the guy saying something like "Fresha"? Because if that's what you're talking about, they are sampled on Go Plastic. The alarm is sampled in My Red Hot Car, and the guy saying "Fresha" is the beginning of the first vocal sample in Go! Spastic. Both samples are originally from the intro to Wheel N' Deal by DJ Gunshot (old school jungle), or from whatever old dub track he originally got them from. Compare the first 13 seconds of Wheel N' Deal by DJ Gunshot (specifically 0:03 and 0:11) with 1:55 in My Red Hot Car, 0:38 in Go! Spastic, 0:58 in Ontrackv2 Sample (AKA Maelstrom on the old Myspace) and 1:10 in Ontrackv2 Sample (this one is blink and you'll miss it).


I tried this angle to convince some watmmers a long time ago that steinvord is Tom but got nothing but pushback, especially from Pissflaps (where is he anyway....?)


The points I made aren't good enough alone to be convincing evidence, IMO, because the Steinvord samples are taken from Wheel N' Deal and not the Squarepusher tracks (if you compare the "Fresha" part of the sample in all three tracks, the Steinvord sample is from the original, not Go! Spastic; in Go! Spastic it's so mangled that you can't even tell it's the same audio unless you know what you're listening to ahead of time), and because that's a well-known enough sample that any huge jungle fan could know it and sample it (it pops up here and there, for example it's sampled in its entirety in a Dabrye track).


IMO, the biggest reason to think that Maelstrom is a Squarepusher track is because give me a break that's obviously Squarepusher. It honestly seems like people aren't using they're heads on this. Has anyone in ever heard anything anywhere near that close to absolutely unique sound of the second half of Bonneville Occident / Go! Spastic / The Exploding Psychology / Greenways Trajectory / My Fucking Sound? Of course not. How many guys on the planet even have the knowhow and the chops to make a track like Maelstrom? Less than 100? Are any of those 100 guys going to waste their time sitting around painstakingly making a Squarepusher soundalike that's that convincing? No.


And let's suppose someone did. Like, somebody brought up Clifford Gilberto earlier in this thread: Ok, let's put aside the fact that Feed Me Weird Things and Go Plastic aren't even remotely comparable in terms of how hard to emulate they are, and that Deliver The Weird is an enormously easier track to make than Maelstrom. Supose some enterprising 18 year old spanish kid (lols) could and did sit down and do Clifford Gilberto Goes Plastic. Well, ok. Is that going to impress Grant and Rich back at the ranch, whose mantra is "Make it your music"? Ask yourself this: Would "I Was Young and Needed the Money" ever have seen a Rephlex release in a million billion years? Of course not. Cliford Gilberto admits right in the title that he's a biter.


"Ah, but this just isn't lush like Squarepusher! It's obviously not Tom; my super special IDM feelers can just tell." Well, duh. So it's a Go Plastic B-side that didn't make the cut originally seeing the light of day now for funzies. Mystery Solved.


Every time a new Rephlex guy pops up, there's either going to be A) a tangible, flesh and blood person tied to the act (Wisp), or B) there are some off-brand shenanegans going on for giggles (Tuss). Why? Because any sane person who isn't already Richard D. James or Tom Jenkinson is going to care about promotion, career, making a living from their music, etc.


Come on people. Steinvord is some combination of Tom Jenkinson and/or Richard D. James and its obvious.

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The points I made aren't good enough alone to be convincing evidence, IMO, because the Steinvord samples are taken from Wheel N' Deal and not the Squarepusher tracks (if you compare the "Fresha" part of the sample in all three tracks, the Steinvord sample is from the original, not Go! Spastic; in Go! Spastic it's so mangled that you can't even tell it's the same audio unless you know what you're listening to ahead of time), and because that's a well-known enough sample that any huge jungle fan could know it and sample it (it pops up here and there, for example it's sampled in its entirety in a Dabrye track).


IMO, the biggest reason to think that Maelstrom is a Squarepusher track is because give me a break that's obviously Squarepusher. It honestly seems like people aren't using they're heads on this. Has anyone in ever heard anything anywhere near that close to absolutely unique sound of the second half of Bonneville Occident / Go! Spastic / The Exploding Psychology / Greenways Trajectory / My Fucking Sound? Of course not. How many guys on the planet even have the knowhow and the chops to make a track like Maelstrom? Less than 100? Are any of those 100 guys going to waste their time sitting around painstakingly making a Squarepusher soundalike that's that convincing? No.


And let's suppose someone did. Like, somebody brought up Clifford Gilberto earlier in this thread: Ok, let's put aside the fact that Feed Me Weird Things and Go Plastic aren't even remotely comparable in terms of how hard to emulate they are, and that Deliver The Weird is an enormously easier track to make than Maelstrom. Supose some enterprising 18 year old spanish kid (lols) could and did sit down and do Clifford Gilberto Goes Plastic. Well, ok. Is that going to impress Grant and Rich back at the ranch, whose mantra is "Make it your music"? Ask yourself this: Would "I Was Young and Needed the Money" ever have seen a Rephlex release in a million billion years? Of course not. Cliford Gilberto admits right in the title that he's a biter.


"Ah, but this just isn't lush like Squarepusher! It's obviously not Tom; my super special IDM feelers can just tell." Well, duh. So it's a Go Plastic B-side that didn't make the cut originally seeing the light of day now for funzies. Mystery Solved.


Every time a new Rephlex guy pops up, there's either going to be A) a tangible, flesh and blood person tied to the act (Wisp), or B) there are some off-brand shenanegans going on for giggles (Tuss). Why? Because any sane person who isn't already Richard D. James or Tom Jenkinson is going to care about promotion, career, making a living from their music, etc.


Come on people. Steinvord is some combination of Tom Jenkinson and/or Richard D. James and its obvious.


that's what he said

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ugh I had to go back and listen to all of go plastic to be sure that the 2nd sample wasn't just straight up squarepusher. even still i swear i've heard the part about 3/4 the way through as background music on some television interview with tom or perhaps in a live recording.


Ooh, gotta listen closer. You mean the alarm sound and the guy saying something like "Fresha"? Because if that's what you're talking about, they are sampled on Go Plastic. The alarm is sampled in My Red Hot Car, and the guy saying "Fresha" is the beginning of the first vocal sample in Go! Spastic. Both samples are originally from the intro to Wheel N' Deal by DJ Gunshot (old school jungle), or from whatever old dub track he originally got them from. Compare the first 13 seconds of Wheel N' Deal by DJ Gunshot (specifically 0:03 and 0:11) with 1:55 in My Red Hot Car, 0:38 in Go! Spastic, 0:58 in Ontrackv2 Sample (AKA Maelstrom on the old Myspace) and 1:10 in Ontrackv2 Sample (this one is blink and you'll miss it).


I tried this angle to convince some watmmers a long time ago that steinvord is Tom but got nothing but pushback, especially from Pissflaps (where is he anyway....?)


The points I made aren't good enough alone to be convincing evidence, IMO, because the Steinvord samples are taken from Wheel N' Deal and not the Squarepusher tracks (if you compare the "Fresha" part of the sample in all three tracks, the Steinvord sample is from the original, not Go! Spastic; in Go! Spastic it's so mangled that you can't even tell it's the same audio unless you know what you're listening to ahead of time), and because that's a well-known enough sample that any huge jungle fan could know it and sample it (it pops up here and there, for example it's sampled in its entirety in a Dabrye track).


IMO, the biggest reason to think that Maelstrom is a Squarepusher track is because give me a break that's obviously Squarepusher. It honestly seems like people aren't using they're heads on this. Has anyone in ever heard anything anywhere near that close to absolutely unique sound of the second half of Bonneville Occident / Go! Spastic / The Exploding Psychology / Greenways Trajectory / My Fucking Sound? Of course not. How many guys on the planet even have the knowhow and the chops to make a track like Maelstrom? Less than 100? Are any of those 100 guys going to waste their time sitting around painstakingly making a Squarepusher soundalike that's that convincing? No.


And let's suppose someone did. Like, somebody brought up Clifford Gilberto earlier in this thread: Ok, let's put aside the fact that Feed Me Weird Things and Go Plastic aren't even remotely comparable in terms of how hard to emulate they are, and that Deliver The Weird is an enormously easier track to make than Maelstrom. Supose some enterprising 18 year old spanish kid (lols) could and did sit down and do Clifford Gilberto Goes Plastic. Well, ok. Is that going to impress Grant and Rich back at the ranch, whose mantra is "Make it your music"? Ask yourself this: Would "I Was Young and Needed the Money" ever have seen a Rephlex release in a million billion years? Of course not. Cliford Gilberto admits right in the title that he's a biter.


"Ah, but this just isn't lush like Squarepusher! It's obviously not Tom; my super special IDM feelers can just tell." Well, duh. So it's a Go Plastic B-side that didn't make the cut originally seeing the light of day now for funzies. Mystery Solved.


Every time a new Rephlex guy pops up, there's either going to be A) a tangible, flesh and blood person tied to the act (Wisp), or B) there are some off-brand shenanegans going on for giggles (Tuss). Why? Because any sane person who isn't already Richard D. James or Tom Jenkinson is going to care about promotion, career, making a living from their music, etc.


Come on people. Steinvord is some combination of Tom Jenkinson and/or Richard D. James and its obvious.


That's almost identical to what I wrote about 20 pages ago lol. It seems fairly cut and dry obvious... =P


I like how you only have 4 posts and you've gone into that detailed exposition. Where did you come from?! =)

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