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Funny Pictures Part 2


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holy shit




I've faced and conquered Deathclaws, Sentry Bots and Albino Radscorpions, but if I ever saw this guy in the game I'd flee like a ma'fucka.


Why is he an ICP member? =/

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yo sweet ayse is mine now, chika chika ow- OWWW DAMN MAN MA HAT'S ON FIRE


Why is he an ICP member? =/


he's something far worse. he will make you do horrible, horrible things (like horn solos).

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As i was scrolling down my brain read it as shat. Then i thought hang on ... it's shaft, then i finally got there. I need to sleep but i have to wait till the washing is in the dryer.

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Yes, the train will just go right over that with its vulcanized rubber tires. Good job, Mr. Fireman!



Another wonderful point for Belgium! :yeah:

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I'm getting increasingly concerned the more i look at that pic and so to reassure and calm myself, some part of my subconsciousness is torturing logic in an attempt to suggest that it could work and the train won't have a terrible accident.


Then again, there currently is no fire, perhaps the firemen were bored, so decided to create and accident so that they had something to do.

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I'm getting increasingly concerned the more i look at that pic and so to reassure and calm myself, some part of my subconsciousness is torturing logic in an attempt to suggest that it could work and the train won't have a terrible accident.


Then again, there currently is no fire, perhaps the firemen were bored, so decided to create and accident so that they had something to do.


I'm pretty sure the train would just slice right through the hose and the ramp thingies.

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