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I think there's a dragon shooter game coming out for the kinect by one of the panzer dragoon creators in the near future, it's called something completely different though.

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Crimson Dragon it was called, was supposed to be out in the summer, looks like it might be cancelled. Who cares it's xbla & kinect only.

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Yeah, Crimson Dragon looks awesome, but the Kinect-only gameplay ruins it all. I recommend anyone who owns a Xbox 360 to purchase Panzer Dragoon Orta on Xbox, which is fully compatible.

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Yes, episode 5 is amazon. It felt a lot shorter than the other episodes, but it's definitely worth the download. Probably the best episode in the whole game.

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Just played Metroid: Other M for the first time on Wii. This game feels like what an acid trip must feel like.


It's very much in depth and comprehensive of the preceding Metroid games though.

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THE VOID is in a Steam sale - it's only £2 (or your equivalent in Yankee Dollars) until the 27th. For less than the price of a pint, it's worth checking out this strange, artistic and truly beautiful adventure/strategy/horror/resource management hybrid.


No video or review can do its unique design or mechanics adequate justice, but if you don't at least check out the Eurogamer review, you're missing out on something very special.


If it sounds at all interesting to you, I recommend taking a gamble on it. Games with this much thought and artistry poured into them deserve to be played, and £2 is fuck-all in the grand scheme of things.


And did I mention it has tits? Titty tit tit tits.

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It's a startling game. I finally caved and applied the unofficial "Medium Difficulty" patch after another abortive playthrough - but the odd thing is, I've learned so much about the game and its mechanics that I'm not sure I actually needed to do so. It's that kind of game - simple if you know what to do, impossible if you don't.


Two essential tips that the game doesn't explain: the Donor glyph is VERY hard to draw if you follow the game's direction, which looks like a greek letter alpha (α). Instead, draw it as a lower-case d,starting with the downward stroke, and you'll get it every time.


Secondly, when you're planting a tree, there's a little gauge in the bottom-left of your screen that fills up as you add more colour to the Donor glyph. Keep your mouse button held down until that gauge is full, even if you're done drawing the glyph. Otherwise, the tree won't produce its full amount of colour, and you'll be screwed further down the line. This gauge is also visible when you're donating colour to a Sister, and lets you know how much progress you've made towards unlocking their hearts.


Oh, and one final thing: use the journal (J) to remind yourself of what needs doing, and make especially sure you read the descriptions for each colour - pay particular attention to the beneficial effects each colour gives you when it's in one of your hearts. Using this information makes the game a LOT easier and will save you a lot of colour (especially filling your hearts with Gold when donating to Sisters). Conversely, although negative effects of each colour are described - they were never actually coded into the game! So use colour with impunity (but wisely!)


Oh oh: don't fight every creature you see. Avoid them if you can. Or you'll just waste colour for no benefit.


That's it. Sounds complex, and it is, but it's worth it. Enjoy, and PM me or something if you want to talk about this game, because I'm becoming obsessed with it.

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I also purchased The Void, but I don't know if my laptop will be able to run it smoothly. Since it costs $2.49, I don't mind taking the risk.

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Guest Frankie5fingers

Playing PlanetSide 2. Pretty cool.

yeah, im having a lot of fun with it too. hey, do you have crashing problems? i play for like 20 mins and the game crashes to desktop for me.
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Playing PlanetSide 2. Pretty cool.

yeah, im having a lot of fun with it too. hey, do you have crashing problems? i play for like 20 mins and the game crashes to desktop for me.


I just tried it and it did nothing for me. I think because I was really drunk, and in my mind had this idea of large scale battles but all that happened was repeatedly getting spawn camped, spawning too far away, getting frustrated with the convaluted menu system. Might give it another try but does nothing for me (still a damn good free game).

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Playing PlanetSide 2. Pretty cool.

yeah, im having a lot of fun with it too. hey, do you have crashing problems? i play for like 20 mins and the game crashes to desktop for me.


Nope no crashes.


Yeah you have to spend some time going through things or just skim through the wiki.



Edited by ZiggomaticV17
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Guest Frankie5fingers

Playing PlanetSide 2. Pretty cool.

yeah, im having a lot of fun with it too. hey, do you have crashing problems? i play for like 20 mins and the game crashes to desktop for me.


Nope no crashes.

dang, im like one of in this small group where this is happening. though maybe the fixed it by now.


Playing PlanetSide 2. Pretty cool.

yeah, im having a lot of fun with it too. hey, do you have crashing problems? i play for like 20 mins and the game crashes to desktop for me.


I just tried it and it did nothing for me. I think because I was really drunk, and in my mind had this idea of large scale battles but all that happened was repeatedly getting spawn camped, spawning too far away, getting frustrated with the convaluted menu system. Might give it another try but does nothing for me (still a damn good free game).

seriously? ive been in full out battles where there are a couple hundred people around and never got camped. not once. this isnt the first time i heard this though. but ive never seen it personally. in fact, i felt they did a great job at how hard it actually is to camp in this game.
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Borderlands 2, which I can gladly say takes everything good from the first game and makes almost all of it better. Primarily the environmental variety is the most noticeable difference.


Anyways add me on steam @ TheHauntingSoul if you're wanting to game

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Borderlands 2, which I can gladly say takes everything good from the first game and makes almost all of it better. Primarily the environmental variety is the most noticeable difference.


Anyways add me on steam @ TheHauntingSoul if you're wanting to game


Definitely better than the first. The story is more in-depth and emotional, too.


I'm playing Fallout: New Vegas for...I lost count how many times I've played this damn game now. It's safe to say it's one of my all-time favorites though, even amongst games from my childhood.

Edited by ambermonk
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Borderlands 2, which I can gladly say takes everything good from the first game and makes almost all of it better. Primarily the environmental variety is the most noticeable difference.


Anyways add me on steam @ TheHauntingSoul if you're wanting to game


Definitely better than the first. The story is more in-depth and emotional, too.


I'm playing Fallout: New Vegas for...I lost count how many times I've played this damn game now. It's safe to say it's one of my all-time favorites though, even amongst games from my childhood.


ugh just tried borderlands 2. Its really bad. At first you have to watch a very long unskippable intro then this robot talks bullshit while you search your weapons. once you got them you run out of ammo instantly while 6 exactly the same looking mosters attack you.


once they are gone another same looking monster attacks you but this time you run out of ammo even earlier and the monster is much stronger. this was the point when I decided to stop playing and get back to diablo 3

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Guest Pennywise

Borderlands is cool but I think its a shame that it is so easy. When you die, it costs you a percentage of your cash to revive you. Oh no! I've lost some cash! wait a minute, I only ever use money on the slot machines or to buy ammo cos I'm too lazy to search the copious amounts of loot boxes for it. Personally, I think you should lose a random item in your inventory every time you die. Maybe you would actually give a shit then and play it like a proper fps.

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Finished The Walking Dead. Feels like I missed out on something and I was hoping it was going to continue even after what happens (I'm being vague on purpose here). But man, that one scene where you talk to

the guy who kidnapped Clementine

was intense. Loved it.

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