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Started a new playthrough of GTA IV today in anticipation for GTA V. Still a very very amazing game and the best open world game out there.


It may not be the most fun GTA for just roaming around and doing silly stuff on freeplay, but the main story is a blast

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Upgrade to PS+, can get Deus Ex: Human Revolution and XCOM Enemy Unknown for free.


Are these good or are these shitty pls


My two cents:

Deus Ex Human revolution, compared to the original one, is bad. If it wasn't for the title and borrowed story line, it's just another average shooter.

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I see your point, but what I meant with a borrowed storyline is that some 'gimmicks' in the story itself (if I may called them that way) are just too obvious and seem to be repeating the plot devices rather than making a new, original story that preceedes the one in the original but still uses some relevant references. It seems like they focused more on the action-movie aspect of the original game, rather than use elements of horror, drama, humour, post-apocalypse, noir, detective (like in the original)....


What about the 'different endings' in HR? the story felt far more linear than in the original did, and the ending to me was disappointing.


Side missions more or less wasted player's time, rather than to construct a feeling of the world you're in (going to a side mission and back made you go through the same level and loading screens on and on, not revealing more of the story in any way (mainly it was just 'do-me-this-favour-because-you're-such-a-tough-guy'-type of thing)).


But overall, gameplay was really good (but not the boss fights), graphics were excellent (apart from that greeny overcast).


The Missing Link was really what HR should be all about. Too bad they only did it for the DLC. Therefore I felt a little ripped off.


14 times I've played through the original, and I still found new stuff I haven't before encountered. I'm a die-hard-fan-boy of Deus Ex 1 and I admit it. So please excuse my delicacy on this subject ;)

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Just started playing Dark Souls, not dying too much. So much shit I don't understand right now.

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Just started playing Dark Souls .... So much shit I don't understand right now.

I'm around 100 hours in, don't worry that sensation never really leaves you !
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Just started playing Dark Souls, not dying too much. So much shit I don't understand right now.


The game is over when you understand it


It's been a long time since I last played Dark Souls, I still have to retrieve like 3 or 4 of the big souls

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Man I wish I could play Dark Souls for the first time again!


Though I have a PS3 now... maybe I'll get Demons Souls!

Oh also, great recommendation by Adieu. State of Decay is fucking brill. I played it for 12 hours almost nonstop yesterday, last game to do that was actually Dark Souls. I actually quite like its low budget, clunky charm. I think they more than make up for it with gameplay. I love how you can build up your shelter and go out on supply runs and stuff. Fantastic game, highly recommended.

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Been working my way through the campaign in The Last of Us, which is living up to the hype for me so far. No Spoilers... the story is great, awesome atmosphere, and it looks amazing.


Anyone else playing this I could use some people to team up in the multiplayer Factions modes?


I'm finding the MP interesting but a little tough without someone willing to use teamwork with. It seems to really require tactics and teamwork, which is a cool contrast to the run around and kill everything that moves builds of CoD and such. The storylines built into multiplayer with little match objectives to build your group of survivors is a nice touch too.

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i gotta be honest, the fact that there are mutant/monsters in The Last of Us really put me off of it. no idea why, just sorta disappointing.

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Guest jasondonervan





Shadowrun Returns has been bumped to July 25th, but at least it has a confirmed release date now. I pre-ordered it thanks to the profits from Steam Trading Card sales, so it's free for me anyway.


I'm cool with the delay actually, plenty of other gaming to be getting on with, thanks to Animal Crossing and The Last of Us.

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Is that new Shadowrun another MP shooter, or is it more of an RPG like the pen & paper original and Genesis/Megadrive version?


Would love to play a Skyrim/Fallout type game with a cyberpunk w/ magic theme, which is what I was hoping the last Shadowrun game would be.

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Guest jasondonervan

RPG. You'll be happy with the results, I think:




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Anyone hear word about Fallout 4 supposed release in 2015?

i don't even want to know something like this 2 freaking years before the presumed release date, please come back a couple of weeks before the actual release.

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Guest jasondonervan

Fallout 4 has (apparently) been absent from E3 this year. However, behind closed doors, Bethesda gave details and a 37 second trailer for the upcoming Fallout 4. Pete Hines of Bethesda is keeping tight lipped about the 45 minute presentation, but it seems there was a leaker inside who was willing to give this information.


> Fallout 4 has been in development since January 2011 by a small team, as the majority were working on Skyrim.


> As of February 2013, the team working on Fallout 4 is the size of the team which was working on Skyrim. This is due to Skyrim development ending.


> As it stands now, Fallout 4 will release on Xbox One, PS4, PC, Xbox 360 and PS3. However, this is still subject to change.


> The actual announcement for Fallout 4 will come BEFORE E3 2014, but will NOT launch in 2014.


> The expected launch is in October 2015.


> The game is (as of June 2013) 55% complete, consequently, voice actors will be hired towards the end of 2014.


> There is no planned multi-player, but there is a possibility of Co-Op locally.


> The game will take place in Somerville, Cambridge, Arlington (and surrounding areas). The main setting is in a Post-Apocalyptic Boston. However, this area will not be immediately accessible.


> The story is not clear, however, Vaults exist.


> The 37 second trailor starts starts with a half-broken phone sparking. The scene pulls out slowly with the stereotypical music you would hear. Slowly you work out the scene is pulling out of a belltower. As it pulls further out, you see a destroyed town around. This is Boston. Suddenly, you hear the bell chime loudly, and the screen changes black instantly. The words of Ron Pearlman are heard "War... War never changes...". The logo for Fallout 4 appears with the 5 platforms above listed.


Aside from all the rumours, this is the only confirmed news. It just looks like we have another 2 years before we'll be able to play the game.

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Anyone hear word about Fallout 4 supposed release in 2015?

i don't even want to know something like this 2 freaking years before the presumed release date, please come back a couple of weeks before the actual release.





Altough, the thread was worth it.



Fallout 4 thread... NOW. *starts photoshop*

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Ivan have you tried Brutal Doom?


It's a mod that works with the newer Doom engines (zDoom, gzDoom, Zandronum, Skulltag), that updates the game with things like hotkey melee, alt-fire, iron sights aiming, as well as heavily updating the AI & damage modifiers and adding reloading to the weapons which greatly changes the balancing.


It's also got crazy levels of gibs/gore and particle effects, while still being in that original Doom style. It's one of the most fun things I've ever played, and is especially fun if played with the Doom 2 / Plutonia levels. The dev is still working on it, too, so it gets better with each update.




Here's the download:http://www.moddb.com/mods/brutal-doom You need the wads and one of the aforementioned engines to play it.

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