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Guest bitroast

Yeah I can understand fans who've been watching their mailboxes being super pissed about it all. Definitely sketchy there, especially how his next projected turned out to be funded regardless of whether the kickstarter succeeded or not (it didn't).


But me, a lazy not massive fan of Mega Man and kinda signed up to the Mighty No, 9 kickstarter on a whim at the last second, I think it's a fun game. This isn't the most delayed kickstarter I've been involved in by far lol (that would be Sullivan's Sluggers, which took two and a half years to ship the books...)



i didn't even back the kickstarter. just watching from afar. and judging. always with the judging > : )

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Yeah I can understand fans who've been watching their mailboxes being super pissed about it all. Definitely sketchy there, especially how his next projected turned out to be funded regardless of whether the kickstarter succeeded or not (it didn't).


But me, a lazy not massive fan of Mega Man and kinda signed up to the Mighty No, 9 kickstarter on a whim at the last second, I think it's a fun game. This isn't the most delayed kickstarter I've been involved in by far lol (that would be Sullivan's Sluggers, which took two and a half years to ship the books...)



i didn't even back the kickstarter. just watching from afar. and judging. always with the judging > : )


Judge away. What else was the internet made for? :catrecline:

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Not on Steam: I was given a code to redeem the demo through Humble Store, which allows for a standlone PC download (and I think multiple consoles too, like PS4 etc)


As for score...controls are extremely tight, really fast gameplay, pretty fun and challenging, the story seems a bit boring considering it's just the usual Mega Man story but otherwise I'd say 8.5 / 10. Nothing new from the creator of Mega Man but not a turd imo. I don't regret chumping up the money, at the least.

Edited by Bechuga
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Having an absolute blast with Destiny this weekend, The Taken King is seriously worth reinvesting into the game for anyone who kinda liked it before, or even newcomers who held off skeptically. There's SO much to do now. Court of Oryx challenges get pretty crazy, hell the whole Dreadnaught is pretty damn insane. Also hunting Taken Champions is a fun challenge. I have yet to organize a group for the new raid but looking forward to attempting it soon.

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just got SOMA, looking forward to checking it out tomorrow night. is it super similar to amnesia? i've avoided learning too much about the game before playing it ..

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It's very similar to Amnesia in that there's no combat against enemies (just running and hiding in terror) and has that same focus on physics-based interaction & puzzles.


The atmosphere and sense of dread though, both aesthetically & thematically, is next level. Not only is it terrifying on a visceral fight-or-flight level, but the whole idea behind the story and what happened to the place you're in is terrifying in itself. So much so that I had crazy dreams about the subject matter afterwards.

Edited by autopilot
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Guest bitroast

making the rounds on game sites today.. del toro spilled the news on twitter today that cancelled silent hills game also had junji ito on board.




my thoughts on the matter ??


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From the many many play-throughs I saw of the thing it almost made me purchase a PS4 just to play it (with the possibility of then getting the full Silent Hills later). As it stands I'm still PS4-less and have Layers of Fear installed on my PC instead -



Despite the rather cheesy v/o and directing of the trailer I purchased with fingers crossed and fuck-me it's grand. The only game I've ever played where I've bit my tongue through fear.

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Guest bitroast

i played it once very briefly with friends and we were screaming and it was ALOT of fun (altho after a while it got to a point where we were all refusing to be the one to hold the controller and play the game instead all wanting to sit back and watch). super freaky. the photo realism of the engine is wicked too. now its v easy to point at games that are essentially doing what PT did and expanding on it but i do think PT had something pretty simple and spot on and nailed it with such a small demo, and more than anything pointed at something that could've been special.

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Uzumaki is such a great manga series. I think it was someone on WATMM who recommended it many years ago.

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yeah, a real shame. my brother still raves about PT and refuses to delete it, was it really that great?


PT, for being a "demo" showed so much promise if Silent Hills had actually come out. Hopefully Konami will regret it's change in direction and realize AAA game development makes good business sense.


Working on (and almost done with) Megaman 4 from the Megaman Legacy Collection - I had forgotten how challenging these games were!

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Still playing Super Mario Maker. I think we've gotten to a point where newer stages aren't being noticed as much because of the popular "big names" overshadowing the rest. I could be wrong about that, but my newer stages aren't being played, but at launch, pretty much anything that you uploaded would get noticed. At least I know some of my earlier stages are showing up in 100 Mario Challenge. I just wonder what level.


Here are my two latest if any more of you guys have picked the game up:


Koopa Apartment Demolition: 8B85-0000-0074-5AE8

Cerberus in the Bomb Factory : 12A3-0000-005B-A8D2


I finally stopped playing the game so I could try and finish Disgaea D2 before Disgaea 5 next week. I will have to blaze through it, foregoing the Item World and things like that if I just want to finish. It's not like the game is connected to the new one, but I just hate to have all of these games and haven't beaten any of them since Disgaea 2.

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I spent way too long making my latest level on Mario Maker. Still having fun with it.


4085 0000 007B 04CB


I like the idea in your latest level flim, good stuff. Took me a while to beat it.

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A bunch of classic 3DS games are about to get marked down in the US, and UK on October 16th, including the rare Star Fox 64 3D, which goes for $45-50 online because of its rarity. I'm glad Nintendo squashes the outrageous collector's market sometimes and re-releases games that are just too high in resale value.


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I spent way too long making my latest level on Mario Maker. Still having fun with it.


4085 0000 007B 04CB


I like the idea in your latest level flim, good stuff. Took me a while to beat it.


Thanks for playing. What did you think of the difficulty of the "boss?" I didn't want people to get there and die quickly before figuring out what to do and then quit because they had to start the whole long stage over again.


Your stage was nice and clever. Love the title! The Bowser Jr. x 2 was kind of frustrating, but overall, a very good stage.

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