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XI year old Autechre Album Released: Exai (WARP234)

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Many people will love irlite (get 0) because it has that typical Ae "melody" and same sounds as used in... [have to look, some stuff from Tri Repetae I think]... Which makes me wonder, why Ae melodies work. Melodies? Hmm. Is it just because there's not much and we're happy to get the least bit of melody? "Der Einäugige ist unter den Blinden König"? (A german saying: "The one-eyed is a king amongst the blind")


However, I love it. TBH, I cannot get past FLeure and irlite. Fantastic openers.


It's the aeffect. like standing in a doorway pressing your arms against the sides, then stepping back and noticing how your arms levitate by their own accord.

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The bassline in Fleure is unreasonably familiar; I know I've heard that progression somewhere before but I have no idea where!


edit: Found it! 081301 by Nautilis:

Edited by modey
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fav way of listening:

place speakers in bed, next to the pillow.. gives extreme stereo field...

dozing away at ca. jatavee c and waking up during the dreamy parts of bladelores was really nice

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Finally "got" disc 2, mostly because Spl9 stopped sounding like random bashing to me and kind of revealed itself, it really is one of the best tracks of the album, and cloudlines is amazing as well :music:

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Is it me or is there some variation in how detailed and well-produced the tracks are? For example, tracks 1-3 are so wonderful and I can just get lost in the details. They're crammed full of sonic detail ad movement and spatial mastery. But "jatevee C", and even more so "T ess xi" kind of jar me in how u-detailed and barren they appear in comparison. I would also like to love "nodezsh" and "runrepik" more... But even they have all these swirly reverby synths going on and whatever else that seems 'lush', they again seem rather barren compared to surrounding tracks. But if someone can offer another more informed perspective, I welcome it!

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the only alternate perspective i can offer is try listening to the album on different speaker setups. It wasn't until i listened to the tracks after 1-3 on my studio monitors did i realize how much work was put into the mixing of the elements. Tracks like Cloudline and YJY UX really shine on a wide stereo field set of nice monitors. Bladelores is the only track that i absolutely can't get into, it feels a little too 'basic' imo to belong on the album.

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Bladelores is the only track that i absolutely can't get into, it feels a little too 'basic' imo to belong on the album.


I think the idea was perhaps to reset the listeners... pallette (couldn't think of a better word) before the sonic assault of the second disc.


Kind of... an easy going wash/mix out...?

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