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XI year old Autechre Album Released: Exai (WARP234)

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See what I mean? This entirely typical non-response is a good example of why I can't be bothered to read WATMM regularly anymore.


Aren't you all sorry?

Edited by Joseph
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See what I mean? This entirely typical non-response is a good example of why I can't be bothered to read WATMM regularly anymore.


Aren't you all sorry?


really? I thought you came for the inane arguments, asserting 'facts' that actually aren't facts at all?

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There are definitely some songs off Exai that are "pushing new grounds"....


Fleure and VekoS come to mind immediately.


I'd love to hear some other songs that use the same techniques and musical direction. Provide examples please!

Well it's funny to me that you mention VeKoS, as that was one if the songs that jumped out to me on first listen as having improved upon a current sound.

The sounds in VeKoS immediately reminded me of sounds in Foley Room by Amon Tobin (VeKoS used the sound waay better of course)

But basically the sound of some gear-based machine starting up, turning, reversing, turning itself inside out, and going wild... All that sounded familiar.

Also, in 2011 Amon Tobin's ISAM used this direction to a great extent, having some unknown machine swirling around itself and crunching along to a quasi-rhythm, while spinning backwards and forwards.

Again, Exai executed this sound far far better. And there is no question that Exai is superior to ISAM. But alot of ideas sound very familiar between the two albums (3 albums counting foley room).

Exai is great. Exai is quite possibly more fun to listen to compared to Confield.

However, I know nothing that sounded like confield at the time of release, but there are quite a few songs on Exai that remind me of other songs, with Exai doing a better job.


In short, autechre are good.

Edited by fizzkinz
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well fuck me, really hope am not responsible for them stupid comments about complexity etc. I wasn’t really talking about that as such but more meant when I listen to Confield now even after listening to it countless times I still hear something new or sometimes it even feels like am listening to it for the first time! I love Exai but am not sure I will get that feeling with it in ten years times.


I dont think this effect really has much to do with Complexity as you can get the same effect from really minimal music it’s something much harder to define and like pretty much everything it is subjective

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well fuck me, really hope am not responsible for them stupid comments about complexity etc. I wasn’t really talking about that as such but more meant when I listen to Confield now even after listening to it countless times I still hear something new or sometimes it even feels like am listening to it for the first time! I love Exai but am not sure I will get that feeling with it in ten years times.


I dont think this effect really has much to do with Complexity as you can get the same effect from really minimal music it’s something much harder to define and like pretty much everything it is subjective

Don't worry -- I think WATMM still accepts you even though you partially caused all them stupid comments.


At least you clarified that you too believe that how densely layered a track is is just "subjective" and "hard to define".

Edited by Joseph
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well fuck me, really hope am not responsible for them stupid comments about complexity etc. I wasn’t really talking about that as such but more meant when I listen to Confield now even after listening to it countless times I still hear something new or sometimes it even feels like am listening to it for the first time! I love Exai but am not sure I will get that feeling with it in ten years times.


I dont think this effect really has much to do with Complexity as you can get the same effect from really minimal music it’s something much harder to define and like pretty much everything it is subjective

Don't worry -- I think WATMM still accepts you even though you partially caused all them stupid comments.


At least you clarified that you too believe that how densely layered a track is is just "subjective" and "hard to define".



But wait... you've turned full circle? Before you were saying that it's simply fact that confield was more dense and intricate. I was saying it was subjective the whole time?


Or are you saying something else here =/



Edited by StephenG
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I agree that Confield tracks are typically more densely layered, but don't see why it matters. Any classically produced pop music song with big name producer on it is more densely layered than anything on Confield or even in previous music history, often being meticulously recorded on high-end stuff, multi-multi-multi-tracked etc. In terms of intricacy it also doesn't compare with most of the academic avant-garde of 20th century excluding minimalist composers. It simply means nothing in my ears. "More going on" isn't an advantage to seek for, for electronic music as for any fresh type of music it was typically the contrary.

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I prefer to think of subtlety rather than complexity. There's a lot of "complex" stuff that I find really boring.


I think Confield probably has more subtlety than Exai. But Exai has more generosity of spirit.


I do think that Ae used to have a kind of "fucking with the audience" mentality (as Sean said in an interview), something they shared with RDJ, but that sort of cold reserve and standoffishness is almost completely absent now. It's clear they still want to experiment and surprise the audience, but I don't think there are as many unpleasant, atonal, cold and psychotic elements as there used to be, for sure. They seem like they're having quite a bit of fun.

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344 pages to this thread. One day, a hundred years from now, someone is going to research internet archives of what the reaction to this album was at the time, and they're gonna have a hell of a time digging through all this. This is just me, saying hi to the future.


Also, Ae rules.

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344 pages to this thread. One day, a hundred years from now, someone is going to research internet archives of what the reaction to this album was at the time, and they're gonna have a hell of a time digging through all this. This is just me, saying hi to the future.


Also, Ae rules.

In the future (read:now) researchers will use mining techniques hunting for key words. So, you're essentially saying "hi" to a computer algorithm which would only need a couple of seconds, if not less, to scan this thread.


Which is perfectly IDM, of course. ;D

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I prefer to think of subtlety rather than complexity. There's a lot of "complex" stuff that I find really boring.


I think Confield probably has more subtlety than Exai. But Exai has more generosity of spirit.


I do think that Ae used to have a kind of "fucking with the audience" mentality (as Sean said in an interview), something they shared with RDJ, but that sort of cold reserve and standoffishness is almost completely absent now. It's clear they still want to experiment and surprise the audience, but I don't think there are as many unpleasant, atonal, cold and psychotic elements as there used to be, for sure. They seem like they're having quite a bit of fun.


Good post I think that sums it up well. As you say some stuff that is complex is boring is fuck and likewise some really minimal stuff can have a real depth & subtely to it.


Also agree about Exai sounding like they had lots of fun making it.... I also have loads of fun listening to it! but think for me personaly I probably prefer them when they are a bit more unpleasant atonal and cold. Still Exai is awesome and cant wait to hear what the new EP will bring

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Complexity is not really an issue for me, but I do miss how on Confield/Draft the sounds were so abstract and alien. With Exai things are more identifiable, relatable. You hear pads, you hear crisp hats, tight snares, samples. They still process and structure everything in mind-blowing ways, and it's great. But I think they're at their best when they pull the rug out from under you and rip away all points of reference.

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Guest Rulohead32


344 pages to this thread. One day, a hundred years from now, someone is going to research internet archives of what the reaction to this album was at the time, and they're gonna have a hell of a time digging through all this. This is just me, saying hi to the future.


Also, Ae rules.

In the future (read:now) researchers will use mining techniques hunting for key words. So, you're essentially saying "hi" to a computer algorithm which would only need a couple of seconds, if not less, to scan this thread.


Which is perfectly IDM, of course. ;D

Nah, the future is analog

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I still think Fleure is the weakest track on this album. The ending is great but the rest of the track just sounds like the kind of FFT wanking I used to fuck around with in my early ae ripoff days.

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Guest Rulohead32

I still think Fleure is the weakest track on this album. The ending is great but the rest of the track just sounds like the kind of FFT wanking I used to fuck around with in my early ae ripoff days.


It's one of the less interesting album openers. For example, I like r ess because it goes in crescendo, like if Oversteps comes to you; I like Altibzz cause you expect one album and in the second track you get a totally different album; I like AcroyearII cause the song is cool...

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I prefer to think of subtlety rather than complexity. There's a lot of "complex" stuff that I find really boring.


I think Confield probably has more subtlety than Exai. But Exai has more generosity of spirit.


I do think that Ae used to have a kind of "fucking with the audience" mentality (as Sean said in an interview), something they shared with RDJ, but that sort of cold reserve and standoffishness is almost completely absent now. It's clear they still want to experiment and surprise the audience, but I don't think there are as many unpleasant, atonal, cold and psychotic elements as there used to be, for sure. They seem like they're having quite a bit of fun.


Good post I think that sums it up well. As you say some stuff that is complex is boring is fuck and likewise some really minimal stuff can have a real depth & subtely to it.


Also agree about Exai sounding like they had lots of fun making it.... I also have loads of fun listening to it! but think for me personaly I probably prefer them when they are a bit more unpleasant atonal and cold. Still Exai is awesome and cant wait to hear what the new EP will bring



yeah, I mean if I'm going to get all "artistic merit"-y about it, some of their earlier albums are probably more distinctive and groundbreaking and alien. But I've grown older with the band, so am actually liking their more open, weirder, druggier, and just-slightly-sloppier recent albums. I'm married with a kid now, and no longer feel like I need to go on some twisted or soul-numbing journey. This doesn't mean I'll accept crappy leftovers - I think MoT was really forgettable and even kind of embarrassingly derivative (that BoCalike track with the flutes, lol), and I thought Quaristice was a real drop in quality. But both Oversteps and Exai are still musically fascinating to me, while feeling more "open" and "accessible" in some ways.


I've really got my fingers crossed that Ae can age gracefully, and so far it seems like they are. And by gracefully I mean maybe getting a bit looser, jammier, and goofier, but still bringing a high level of craftsmanship. I thought they might be slipping with MoT, but Exai shows me they can still "bring it" when it comes to their full lengthers. Imo.

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Complexity is not really an issue for me, but I do miss how on Confield/Draft the sounds were so abstract and alien. With Exai things are more identifiable, relatable. You hear pads, you hear crisp hats, tight snares, samples. They still process and structure everything in mind-blowing ways, and it's great. But I think they're at their best when they pull the rug out from under you and rip away all points of reference.


Exactly this. Exai sounds like Sean and Rob at the top of their game, this gives it a very brash, confident sound. But it also sounds less explorative and weird. I place Quaristice in this same box. I am surprised at how little there is to explore on Exai compared to Draft, Untilted or Confield.

This could differ with time of course, but as of yet Exai has not, beyond first listen, surprised me much. I have however been listening to much more Oversteps since Exai, which is a good thing. I'm really loving Oversteps more and more.

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Complexity is not really an issue for me, but I do miss how on Confield/Draft the sounds were so abstract and alien. With Exai things are more identifiable, relatable. You hear pads, you hear crisp hats, tight snares, samples. They still process and structure everything in mind-blowing ways, and it's great. But I think they're at their best when they pull the rug out from under you and rip away all points of reference.


Exactly this. Exai sounds like Sean and Rob at the top of their game, this gives it a very brash, confident sound. But it also sounds less explorative and weird. I place Quaristice in this same box.


I totally disagree here. Quaristice is exploratory almost to a fault ( - at least some people seem to think it's a fault. I love it). I think there's no comparing Exai to Quaristice in that department. Yes, it's largely "jams" but those are the best "jams" I've heard in my entire life. Every track is it's own little isolated universe. Somehow, though, they flow together really well and even paint a coherent picture (Versions and Quadrange help with seeing this).


I love Quaristice so damn much. It's better than all of Oversteps, Exai, L-Event, MoT, and maybe even Untilted.

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