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XI year old Autechre Album Released: Exai (WARP234)

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L-(ush) Event, perhaps?


Every Aelbum or Ae.p. is a lush event.


Good suggaestion, caendiru. Waennae shaere baeaer?



Homebraewed IPAe's it is braeh.

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dude stop asking, the preorders haven't even shipped yet wtf

even though we haven't heard the tracks, we should send The Mates a thank you present


personally I was thinking about sending the Married With Children dvd boxset

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dude stop asking, the preorders haven't even shipped yet wtf

even though we haven't heard the tracks, we should send The Mates a thank you present


personally I was thinking about sending the Married With Children dvd boxset



I was thinking of preordering that boxed set off bleep. Hopefully the bros receive it by 2023.

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Is the voice in nodeszh saying "help me?"

Read in on Youtube, now it's changed the track for me, fucked it up for me a bit in fact.


Great album though, had a break from it, and it sounded better than ever when I came back, quite a few buried voices here and there I'd never heard before too, Good Old Autechre.

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Oversteps/MoT have been opening up in new ways since Exai.


On the contrary, I haven't been keen to listen to Oversteps since Exai came out. When I want to listne to 'chre, I either go for Exai or the classic shit (tri rep and cichlisuite mostly)


Something tells me I need a bit more time, another year maybe? And then i'll come back to Oversteps / Move of ten with newfound appreciation.


Spl9 is the hardest track they've done since gantz graf



Edited by Marked x 0ne
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The bigger the time away I spend away from this album the better the tracks are when I return to it. I had been in the habit of skipping to my faves but as i type this i am pretty immersed in prac-f. It's awesome.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So the talk about L-Event was getting my Autechre groove on and I put on Exai on like 3 times this last 2 days, and it finally clicked just now. What I want to ask is: is it me or does alot of the album from Exai sound like parts of Draft, Confield, Quaristice (mainly Quadrange) and Move Of Ten? T ess xi could've been on Draft or Confield so easily, the beginning of Fleure containing what sounds like samples from Confield... Irlite sounding like a Quadrange edit or something. Weird thing is that I don´t hear much Oversteps vibes in this one at all. Maybe this has been talked to death here already, but can´t be bothered to read 341 pages to find that out.


TL;DR - Exai is like Squarepushers Hello Everything, which to me was something of a review of his work until then, a 'best of' consisting of new tracks but with all the signature sounds.


edit: ah, seeing the first 2 comments on this page 'confirm' my suspicion:



Anyone else hear the strong similarities between cfern and prac-f? I hadn't listened to the former since before exai. At times the similarities are striking. (WTF ARE THEY DOING??)


Yeah. Also nodezsh/Etchogon-S strike me as sharing an uncanny likeness of blueprint. Been listening to Oversteps and noticed a same sort of linkage between d sho qub and irlite (get0). It's liking they're toying with a melody and it comes out in two different versions, the "quieter" more minimalistic Oversteps/MoT versions, and the meatier, heavier stomping versions of Exai

Edited by Herr Jan
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Yeah there are a lot of references to early work on Exai. deco Loc's melody reminds me of one of the tracks on Garbage.

really? which track?


garbage is one if my favorite ae pieces ever and I hate deco loc.

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Yeah there are a lot of references to early work on Exai. deco Loc's melody reminds me of one of the tracks on Garbage.

really? which track?


garbage is one if my favorite ae pieces ever and I hate deco loc.


The chords that start at ~2:00 in deco loc vaguely remind me of Garbagemx.. it's very loose though!

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I do still love this Album but do think it maybe hasn't got the longevity of their best stuff.. Still suppose its early days to tell but not sure I will still be finding new stuff in this album years later like I do with chiastic slide, Confield, Draft etc... Its still one hell of an enjoyable beast tho!

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But there's easily more stuff going on in here than on Chiastic Slide or Confield. And I think it's a hell of a lot more fun than Confield, if not as novel at the time of its release. I think people are just really hesitant to say that a recent album may be better than some past glories.


But then again, Chiastic Slide, EP7, and Confield are my least listened to.

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