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lone survivor


dled a screener copy. this is a fairly disturbing feature length recruitment video for the us military. it ends with a completely fabricated attack on an afghan village where pashtun guys are willing to die for the american soldier. the whole story is embellished to grand effect; i believe the official number of men attacking luttrell and company was around ten. in the film it's a small army, close to a hundred. complete nonsense, wouldn't be surprised if this was directly funded by the marines. 1/10

sounds fascinating

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Steve Coogan being funny and Dame Judi Dench being spectacular. What's not to love?



Also, a sharp comment on what it means to truly be a Christian. Didn't see that coming.


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without a doubt one of my favorite tarantino films- but maybe i'm biased because i think pam grier is absolutely gorgeous


9 flight attendant bags with cocaine and half a million dollars out of 10




didn't get it.


2 blue deer in head light eyes out of 10

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Bad Kids Go to Hell - 2/10 hilariously awful horror remake of The Breakfast Club. 2 stars for the cleavage they promised, and the titties they delivered.





In the Mouth of Madness - 10/10 Underrated Carpenter classic, part of his "Apocalypse Trilogy"


Edited by Rubin Farr
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OK I will try to explain it.


So these Freegans are all about to sit down for dinner, and they have just introduced a new person in to their ranks (reluctantly), and they hand her a straight jacket that she has to wear at the dinner table. When she arrives in the room, they are all seated wearing straight jackets AND FUCK THESE PEOPLE FUCK I HATE THIS MOVIE FUCK FDSFJDSFKSDFJDJsZGJGJDKGjZSDJSGJKDJGKJSDGKJSDGKJS

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Guest zaphod

after the anger fades, you will laugh.


i tried to find it somewhere on the internet but can't. it is simply beyond comprehension. imagine being an adult man, out with a self possessed, accomplished woman. suddenly she sees a fifteen year old in a vest with a carefully pruned beard singing that "hey ho" song by the lumineers. she turns to you and explains that she is wet and will no longer be needing you. the confusion and sense of loss you would feel as she quietly falls into the arms of that idealistic civilwar-wave troubadour would sort of approximate how watching this scene in the film feels. and then, like any grief stricken person, you would simply have to laugh.

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love that fucked up film....pain leads to enlightenment


The Hunt is an amazing film. Beautifully shot, acted, written, one of the best performances from a young actor in all film history. 9/10


12 Years a Slave traumatized me, worse than Martyrs or A Serbian Film. Amazing acting though. Difficult to sit through. 7.5/10


The Wolf of Wall Street also traumatized me, due to the horrid nature of all of the individuals portrayed in the film. 8/10


American Hustle feels like it is conning you while you watch it, an acting piece with no depth. 7/10

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La Belle et le Bette 8/10 classic French surreal version of the popular fairy tale. Groundbreaking cinema.


The secret life of Walter mitty 9/10 really really enjoyed this film and laughed so much I cried in parts. Ben should really direct more as the best films of his seems to be his acting/ directing ones.


Analyse that 8/10 really love Bobby D in the funny tough guy roles. Billy C is great in this too, forgot how funny he is.

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After the positive reviews of The Hunt, I had a watch and it is indeed worthy of the praise. All around top-notch performance by everyone involved, especially the little girl. Very grueling and conveyed what the director wanted very well. Had a look at what the IMDb discussion board had to say and I once again was amazed by some peoples stupidity and inability to follow a movie.

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Wolf of the Wallstreet - Terrible/10

All hope lost - Robert Redford alone out in the ocean, brilliant idea, but when the film ended I was left with a big question mark over my head and also didn't bother so answer it for myself/10

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stupid. i hate when movies like this resort to the characters basically explaining their entire plan half way thru the movie to- you know- remind each other what their entire motive for whatever it is they're up to is. like "hey, remember when we planned on killing people? and you said you were down with it? yes, that was 2 weeks ago when i was telling you we really need x, y and z murdered and you said you were going to help. so do your part, and i will do mine of making sure r, p and s are decapitated just like i promised i would"


2 freshly sawed off limbs out of 10

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After the positive reviews of The Hunt, I had a watch and it is indeed worthy of the praise. All around top-notch performance by everyone involved, especially the little girl. Very grueling and conveyed what the director wanted very well. Had a look at what the IMDb discussion board had to say and I once again was amazed by some peoples stupidity and inability to follow a movie.


I have watched it twice now. It has haunted me. So much is implied, intentionally I believe. Many different levels at play in this film. It makes it hard for most people to be able to grasp what they are watching. I love when screenwriters and filmmakers successfully do this with cinema.

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