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Godzilla - part with the monsters was 9\10, the rest was dull cliches. Some really odd choices too , do we really need to see a bunch of soldiers carry a bomb for 10 minutes when there's two huge monsters fighting?


Also the movie needs more Godzilla and less people looking worried, I paid to see fucking godzilla, if I wanted to see people with stern faces looking worried I would go to a hospital

Edited by Deer
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It's ridiculous the new trend of giving brand new directors massive gigs like Godzilla, they have an amazing low budget independent debut then get given the reigns to something they have little control over / can't handle.

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Yeah, it's a tragedy they didn't hand it to a more experienced blockbuster director like Michael Bay, or Roland Emmerich.

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the new Godzilla is way better than anything Bay or Emmerich have done. Gareth made an actual film that didn't spoil the monster aesthetic until the third act. It is a well paced, non cheese filled Kaiju film. Much better than Pacific Rim. I need to rewatch the first film but this film satisfies any Godzilla cravings I have had in my life. I never realized how much I love him until I saw this film. He is the most awesome scary version of Barney I have ever seen. 7.5/10 first two acts, 9/10 last act

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Enemy - 8/10 - really fucking enjoyed this. So Lynch like in its walking the line of surreal versus real. The cinematography is awesome, shots are amazing. The dichotomy of the two mirror image men is so interesting to me, I was enthralled. The actor's wife is also one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen. The ending and symbolism of spiders is still a mystery to me but I was entertained throughout with the dark brooding music and Gyllenhall giving his next to best performance yet with the same director of the film Prisoners, which I think is his best performance ever. I love this director, his camera movement and shot composition are so interesting, and flow so well. I am probably the only one that will enjoy this as much as I did since I have seen no one talking about it except for Squee, but he has better taste than all of you.

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Locke - 7.5/10 - Very well executed for what it is. Never gets the least bit boring. Only one major flaw I think, and thats the message. There are at least 3 morals/themes floating around the script, and near the end of the film it feels like they are trying to shove them all down your throat at once instead of following through with one of them. It's a character study, but it can't seem to decide which aspects of the character it is studying. Still an interesting enough character to keep it grounded though.


Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me - 7/10 - All the ideas, scenes, developments, and new characters are excellent. They just don't fit together at all. Very disjointed, very bizarre, yet still very enjoyable. Very curious to see how much the 90+ minutes of cut footage will help ease the jaggedness and disjointedness when it finally is released in a few months. Also, just realizing that it's going to take me fucking forever to try and fit some of the stuff in FWWM into the Twin Peaks narrative.

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made-for-tv movie about the heidi fleiss story with jamie-lynn sigler. it's silly and watered down, but a very fun movie and surprisingly, really well acted

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Guest Forestranger

I have been digging into the past a little lately. Both great films.


The Visitor or "Stridulum (1979)"




Aguirre, Wrath of God (1972)





The visitor was a surprise, the very first scene Demdike Stare opened up their show with at the Planetarium here in Vancouver.

Loved the scene at the time, nice to finally know what it was from.



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Hollywood keeps dishing out billion dollar bullshitz, but I've been waiting for Kung Fury to be released. I surrsly can't wait to watch that shit.

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I have been digging into the past a little lately. Both great films.


The Visitor or "Stridulum (1979)"




Aguirre, Wrath of God (1972)





The visitor was a surprise, the very first scene Demdike Stare opened up their show with at the Planetarium here in Vancouver.

Loved the scene at the time, nice to finally know what it was from.




Genre movies are so much better with people who can actually act, playing their roles straight and without a campy sense of knowing irony (which usually is just there to cover up for the fact that the modern actor is but a barbie or ken doll that can't act, doesn't understand the script and only got cast they put a lot of effort into impressing some producer at his last bacchanalia. (yeah, i know that i'm a broken record about this shit, but is the record broken really, or are we just making it stronger through repetition).)

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard


Was ok but nothing special sadly. Underworld did the head rip better already. I expected more from the human stuff as I had heard (didnt see monster) that this guy did that well, but as soon as it was just the kids I didnt give a shit about anybody. they managed to make it stupid AND over-complicated too, which is incredible in itself.


kickass is on the neck workout regime.

Under the skin

This would be a great short film. some classic scenes that will be remembered for a long time. incredible soundtrack too. but I don't think it totally worked at this length. the slow cake eating actually made me laugh. would watch again.


liking this film the more and more. more than my next day review above anyway. been listening to the soundtrack too

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Her-- Um, maybe like, 9.5/10


Kind of high at 9.5, but there's a lot that I feel was accomplished with the story, that is not presented in the film. Anyway, overall good. Deep, and then even deeper, and then actually secretly super deep. Kind of like how shrooms has something to offer for people who just think it makes stuff look cool-- but they also work for straight-up time travel and teleporting into Jupiter's core.

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God Loves Uganda - Distressing/10

I tried to watch it objectively, but this is like a perfect storm of things and people I abhor:

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only lovers left alive, jim jarmush


it made me angry and bored while watching it, it made me laugh remembering about it because it has the stupidiest lines and the silliest characters. definetly a no.

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