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Aguirre, des Zorn Gottes


gotta get my hands on that Popol Vuh soundtrack now.


fuckin mint, when their raft boats are covered with monkeys at the very end......the horror the horror


grip everything you can find by Popul Vuh


Yea I watched it cuz of Popol Vuh but the sound was pretty shitty on the rip I got. I only have Bruder des Schattens but I really love that.



Herzog made really awesome intro with that track.


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only 7 more days until we can enjoy this masterpiece


omg I seriously thought it was a pisstake for the first couple of minutes


Just watched River's Edge (1986) myself. 8/10

Edited by Berk
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Holy Motors 9.8/10

Can you (or someone who agrees) elaborate on why you liked it? I went in expecting to enjoy it, and superficially it seems like my kind of film, but honestly by the end I was thoroughly bored. As far as limousine films go, Driving Miss Daisy > Cosmopolis > Holy Motors imo.


Also watched Repo Man again, and Night of the Hunter, which is damn near perfect. Gonna watch Irma Vep soon, and Mad Max at the $1 theater by my house tomorrow because the first time I got there late and missed the first half.

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i think i had seen this but i watched it again today. kinda b-movie(ish) about kids who start offing adults because some kid tells them it's in the bible (which verse?). he also talks about someone who "walks behind the rows" but it's never made clear who or what this is- for whatever reason, the main character doesn't seem to care so i suppose i should just forget about it.



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i think i had seen this but i watched it again today. kinda b-movie(ish) about kids who start offing adults because some kid tells them it's in the bible (which verse?). he also talks about someone who "walks behind the rows" but it's never made clear who or what this is- for whatever reason, the main character doesn't seem to care so i suppose i should just forget about it.




I think the best thing about this film is how utterly inept the main bloke is, he is totally useless and it's hilarious.

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i think i had seen this but i watched it again today. kinda b-movie(ish) about kids who start offing adults because some kid tells them it's in the bible (which verse?). he also talks about someone who "walks behind the rows" but it's never made clear who or what this is- for whatever reason, the main character doesn't seem to care so i suppose i should just forget about it.




I think the best thing about this film is how utterly inept the main bloke is, he is totally useless and it's hilarious.


I watched that as a kid, and the arm going on the blender gave me nightmares

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Straight Outta Compton - 8.5/10

Pretty good film with all the characters seeming pretty believable. Gives a decent insight to anyone who didn't really follow them previously and leaves it open to the possibility of another film (Aftermath!!)

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Mistress America - Weird, clever, woody allen style, not funny but not unfunny

Trainwreck - Funny but slightly awkward

Straight outta Compton - 0/10 but got a round of applause from everyone else so? (music was great btw, especially old funk stuff)

Diary of a Teenage Girl - 100/10

Absolutely Anything - Not bad I guess, Eddie Izzard was funny. Expected more from the ensemble

Pixels - 0/10 dogshit of course (animation was pretty)


Just watched River's Edge (1986) myself. 8/10



Fuck yeah I love that film


Did I do these ones before?

Eden - Interesting story about a musician that doesn't make it

Fantastic Four - I was entertained by the moving shapes on the screen but apparently it was bad (according to everyone else)

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wow. this is basically 80s cheese cranked up to 80% with the most inappropriate soundtrack for this genre music i have ever watched, and lots of scenes where you're supposed to go "wow" but you don't, because they're not wow. i don't know what they were thinking but supposedly stallone's ego was sky high during this period. oh yeah, the movie is called cobra. lol

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wow. this is basically 80s cheese cranked up to 80% with the most inappropriate soundtrack for this genre music i have ever watched, and lots of scenes where you're supposed to go "wow" but you don't, because they're not wow. i don't know what they were thinking but supposedly stallone's ego was sky high during this period. oh yeah, the movie is called cobra. lol

you ever seen Black Rain?

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The Babadook 8/10


Found the violence against the child a bit much but overall a great film. Liked the analogy about living with mental illness and was glad they didn't make it too specific.


You should put the second part in spoiler tags :(

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The Babadook 8/10


Found the violence against the child a bit much but overall a great film. Liked the analogy about living with mental illness and was glad they didn't make it too specific.







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The Babadook 8/10


Found the violence against the child a bit much but overall a great film.


Liked the analogy about living with mental illness and was glad they didn't make it too specific.



You should put the second part in spoiler tags :(



it's obvious from the very beginning tbh. but i will.

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you ever seen Black Rain?


i have not. would you recommend it?




i really wanted to watch the 2nd installment of children of the corn (because i enjoyed the first but netflix doesn't have it- but they have part 3). this was terrible. i really tried to get into it but i couldn't. first, the idea of a cult of kids twisting christianity to a fanatically corn row worship is out of the window. instead it's the story amish brothers who get adopted by the most clueless couple in chicago, then constantly DO NOT ACT but behave irrationally while carrying around a suitcase full of corn (you know, it's in the title).


after that's it's "i know we've been married for years supposedly, but i'm going to doubt what you're saying and believe this annoying kids because they look harmless despite their father died under very strange circumstances". didn't finish

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Saw Straight Outta Compton over the weekend, excellent stuff, raw enough about the 90s rap game without much nauseating whitewashing of race issues of the time. Can't help but feel Dre comes out way too squeaky clean in the film though.

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you ever seen Black Rain?


i have not. would you recommend it?

kinda, Michael Douglas doing Cobra but with a slightly more interesting plot.




The movie is basically Michael Douglas VS the Yakuza in Japan, very 80s japan vibes



literally one of the only other movies I can remember Kate Capshaw / Willy from Temple of Doom being in besides Indiana Jones

Edited by John Ehrlichman
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literally one of the only other movies I can remember Kate Capshaw / Willy from Temple of Doom being in besides Indiana Jones


speaking of temple of doom and michael douglas, he did two movies which were very similar to indiana jones called romancing the stone and jewel of the nile (the script for the former was written before indiana jones was created despite it coming out after indiana jones and to this day considered an indiana jones rip off)


personally i thought he was completely miscast but since he was producing and has a big ego i doubt he'd have even considered anyone else for the part. also, kathleen turner was kinda like kate capshaw (both in looks and motivation of the character being played)

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Cobra's got Brigitte Nielsen in it. Looking like she just stepped off the Paradise Garage dancefloor after being up for 24 hours. The Cobra poster used to be everywhere in the early 80s, Sly Stallone and Arnie were the action blokes, look at the similarity with The Terminator poster



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