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stupid first world achievements and successes


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Finished a big track I've been plugging away at on & off for over a year! There is a very chaotic section near the end that had to be just right cuz it leads into the next track which has been already done for a while now. Amazingly satisfying to finally hear the transition I'd been imagining actually worked out after all this time!

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Was watching a kid koala video at the parents house. My mom asks me who's the guy in the bear suit. I reply it's kid koala, he's in a koala suit.

She goes, oh that guy's still around?


I played her the fender bender music video many many years ago and she still remembered his name. ?

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One of the two okc ladies I'm talking to atm has just laid it out on a plate that she's up for no-strings fun any time I want :cat:

I have a girlfriend of 2 years now and she's great. I have zero complaints and would never do wicked shit but I'll be damned if I don't miss that OKC/PoF/Tinder trifecta sometimes. Sex on demand like that is not easy to turn your back on once you've had a swim in those sticky waters. Have fun man.



Plot twist: I wasn't quite sure about this girl so ended up blowing her off, also because I'm kinda seeing someone now. Suspicions were confirmed by the reaction to my cancelling of what was meant to be a 'casual hook-up'. I ended up in what is normally the woman's position in those crazy internet interactions normally screencapped for certain subreddits. Even got called a 'pussytease' lol.

This girl would not fucking take no for an answer, asked me all kinds of paranoid questions (bear in mind this was like 2 hours *after* she amicably said ok to my cancelling and saying she'd delete my number) She put herself in the position of the wronged girlfriend needing me to prove to her that I am not lying, but it didn't matter what I told her, she needed me to be lying to her in some way anyway so would pick another hole.

She then ended on letting me know that she had "dodged a bullet" by not hooking up with me. The irony.

Then 24hrs later she sent me another couple of paragraphs via OKC, that's when I got called a pussytease :^)


Bitches be cray.

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got kicked out of a venue after like 20 minutes last night because they said i smelled bad (probably because i haven't bathed or eaten solid food in several days, my body must be burnin toxins HAWD, and i'd been out in the sun all day). and at first i was worried because the molly was about to kick in but then i found a much cheaper place to dance, music was better, danced with more people, no problems great old time


i'm proud of myself for maintaining a positive mental attitude & remembering that one man's trashsmell is another man's refined odour

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got kicked out of a venue after like 20 minutes last night because they said i smelled bad (probably because i haven't bathed or eaten solid food in several days, my body must be burnin toxins HAWD, and i'd been out in the sun all day). and at first i was worried because the molly was about to kick in but then i found a much cheaper place to dance, music was better, danced with more people, no problems great old time


i'm proud of myself for maintaining a positive mental attitude & remembering that one man's trashsmell is another man's refined odour




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^I do totally acknowledge that it was dumb af & fairly inconsiderate on my part to spend all day out in the woods & then go out socially wearing the same dirty-ass clothes, and a good life lesson. I'm just glad that rather than letting a situation that could have ruined my night & sent me on yet another downward spiral of "oh i'm too weird for this world, society will never accept me", i was able to laugh it off, find a way to make the most of it (ie by going somewhere where ppl were already pretty drunk & sweaty & didn't give a shit), and made a mental note to not make the same mistake again. This feels like a good perspective to maintain imo - recognizing the areas where I need to improve, but recognizing too that the immediate solution shouldn't be to shut myself off from the world for an extended period out of fear of further criticism (because i've tried that, and that road usually doesn't lead to self-improvement)

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Only occasional baptisms for 6 months. You'll probably smell like an 1800's hobo, but you'll get to heaven. Experiment with head binding, light some sage in a crowded movie theater, and forage for roadkill. 

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^I do totally acknowledge that it was dumb af & fairly inconsiderate on my part to spend all day out in the woods & then go out socially wearing the same dirty-ass clothes, and a good life lesson. I'm just glad that rather than letting a situation that could have ruined my night & sent me on yet another downward spiral of "oh i'm too weird for this world, society will never accept me", i was able to laugh it off, find a way to make the most of it (ie by going somewhere where ppl were already pretty drunk & sweaty & didn't give a shit), and made a mental note to not make the same mistake again. This feels like a good perspective to maintain imo - recognizing the areas where I need to improve, but recognizing too that the immediate solution shouldn't be to shut myself off from the world for an extended period out of fear of further criticism (because i've tried that, and that road usually doesn't lead to self-improvement)

just get a wash you mad cunt. if you actually smelled bad enough to get thrown out a club, you must have acquired the hot, invasive, room filling acrid stench of roadkill on a sunny day.

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Should we set up a gofundme for a pocket shower and a bar of soap for Cryptowen?

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just get a wash you mad cunt. if you actually smelled bad enough to get thrown out a club, you must have acquired the hot, invasive, room filling acrid stench of roadkill on a sunny day.




seems like most of the punters in Bristol & Nottingham pubs tbh


sometimes playing pool you're forced to wander through & encounter specific odour hot-spots - tasting notes of unwashed white dreadlocks, spicy peaks of cumin under-arm, sewerage/stale piss from the latrines, rolling tobacco, weed, stale ale, damp dog, samosas, pork scratchings, cider.....delicious

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spicy peaks of cumin under-arm,



This guy sat right by me on the bus, who I assumed had just been painting since he was wearing paint spattered jeans.  He had the most pungent BO of really intense curry that I have ever smelled.  It should have been horrible, but it actually just made me really want curry.  I inhaled deep all through the bus ride.  Thanks, curry guy.

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mixing a track i recorded from the modular back in december and it sounds like some NTS rip off shit and i know i'm gonna get the "you just tryna do autechre music" thing as feedback.. "but it's pre NTS the date is right there in the title and no one sounds like autechre so chut up"


tiny violin. cry me a river. so it goes. 


edit: thought this was the FWP thread. derpin 

Edited by ignatius
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mixing a track i recorded from the modular back in december and it sounds like some NTS rip off shit and i know i'm gonna get the "you just tryna do autechre music" thing as feedback.. "but it's pre NTS the date is right there in the title and no one sounds like autechre so chut up"


tiny violin. cry me a river. so it goes. 


add a screen cap of the creation of the doc in windows explorer when released 

Edited by yek
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mixing a track i recorded from the modular back in december and it sounds like some NTS rip off shit and i know i'm gonna get the "you just tryna do autechre music" thing as feedback.. "but it's pre NTS the date is right there in the title and no one sounds like autechre so chut up"


tiny violin. cry me a river. so it goes. 


add a screen cap of the creation of the doc in windows explorer when released 






no one cares anyways. 


also, i thought i posted this in the FWP thread. double fucked. 

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I quit my job and now planning to be a sort of location independent software freelancer / digital nomad / whatever. Today was my last day at work.


After I finish sorting out things here the first destination will be Cape Town and from there I'll fly to Windhoek, Namibia. From there I'll see later..

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