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stupid first world achievements and successes


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1 hour ago, dingformung said:

fuk off

none of u achieved any of this

these aren't human achievements, these are bubbles about to burst

lie to me all u want, i can see right thru it (without knowing anything)

u all are masks


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People shitting on the tomorrow war makes me want to watch it even more.

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trying to figure out which of the two billionaires (beozs & branson) is cooler based on space crafts. branson will be in space first, but bezos has the "largest windows in space" so his enjoyment will much greater.

Sent from my SM-N975U using Tapatalk

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Apparently I have a career path. 2 “young fellows” have sent requests for informational interviews because they “found my career path interesting”. 
they may be sorely disappointed when they find out it mostly consisted of copious amounts of alcohol and drugs and floundering about trying to do something easy while making money. 

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I went from despairing about the hopelessness of the dating scene, to having the names of different women filling every day of the week in the span of the month. What the hell happened? Got Mary from noon to 6, then Nicolette from 6:30 until whenever. This is a full time job! Feels good to finally feel good again.


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1 hour ago, chenGOD said:

Apparently I have a career path. 2 “young fellows” have sent requests for informational interviews because they “found my career path interesting”. 
they may be sorely disappointed when they find out it mostly consisted of copious amounts of alcohol and drugs and floundering about trying to do something easy while making money. 

you may not have read the recently published Wire mag article which stated that Secrete IDM Expert is slated to be one of the fastest-growing jobs over the next decade.

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On 7/12/2021 at 12:54 PM, Zephyr_Nova said:

I disabled auto-correct on my phone.

i did this for a while but quickly realized that autocorrect is necessary not bc my spelling is bad but bc using a flat screen to type letters is actually a really shitty interface that inevitably leads to constant error.

the future sucks lol

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4 minutes ago, Alcofribas said:

i did this for a while but quickly realized that autocorrect is necessary not bc my spelling is bad but bc using a flat screen to type letters is actually a really shitty interface that inevitably leads to constant error.

the future sucks lol

Yeah, I see kids typing with two fingers real fast, and then there's me typing the wrong letter one at a time with my bluky finger.

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1 hour ago, Alcofribas said:

i did this for a while but quickly realized that autocorrect is necessary not bc my spelling is bad but bc using a flat screen to type letters is actually a really shitty interface that inevitably leads to constant error.

the future sucks lol

For a long time I was looking for a phone with a physical qwerty keyboard but I finally gave up. I used to have one in the 2000s but they've become practically extinct. One reason is the production cost. Physical keyboards cost money (materials costs and mechanical parts are expensive to put together on the assembly line) and you need different layouts for different regions. For a virtual touch screen keyboard you just change keyboard settings in the software.

For the mid price range market it's just cheapest to produce the monolithic touch screen slabs with the couple of most common aspect ratios now so that's about all we get. For the high-end market you can use some foldable display or other gimmick and for the very low end market it's still a bit cheaper to go with a small low-res 4:3 display without touch and with a separate number keypad.

tl;dr: We lost physical keyboards from phones because of capitalism.

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3 hours ago, yekker said:

Yeah, I see kids typing with two fingers real fast, and then there's me typing the wrong letter one at a time with my bluky finger.

i seem to have just fallen under the cut-off line for this. I didn't get a phone for the first time until I was 28, and the first time I sent a text it was like you describe the latter. But then after a couple days I was doing the former without really thinking about it, like some kind of newly-developed instinct just kicked in (it would be a new instinct, right? because typing on a phone screen is a much different neuromuscular process than typing on a keyboard, which I've been doing since the 90s)

as i've mentioned before i really do feel that everybody from GenX onward (more strongly with each new generation) has experienced some kind of radical mutation in human cognition just from having spent most of our lives around computers/the internet. The extent of this change has been somewhat underappreciated because culture is slow to catch up to this sorta stuff

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2 hours ago, Cryptowen said:

i seem to have just fallen under the cut-off line for this. I didn't get a phone for the first time until I was 28, and the first time I sent a text it was like you describe the latter. But then after a couple days I was doing the former without really thinking about it, like some kind of newly-developed instinct just kicked in (it would be a new instinct, right? because typing on a phone screen is a much different neuromuscular process than typing on a keyboard, which I've been doing since the 90s)

as i've mentioned before i really do feel that everybody from GenX onward (more strongly with each new generation) has experienced some kind of radical mutation in human cognition just from having spent most of our lives around computers/the internet. The extent of this change has been somewhat underappreciated because culture is slow to catch up to this sorta stuff

I had to spend 3 weeks without internet a few years ago because I was in Cuba and back then at least internet was basically inaccessible there for any practical purpose. I felt so fucking disconnected from my normal reality. It was so strange feeling.

I mean I'm used to being cut off from internet for a few hours or days sometimes but weeks of it was some kind of a rehab exercise. Like my brain started to rewire itself.

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25 minutes ago, zkom said:

I mean I'm used to being cut off from internet for a few hours or days sometimes but weeks of it was some kind of a rehab exercise. Like my brain started to rewire itself.

i know that feeling. at the start of summer 2017 my computer got destroyed, and it was a long time before i could afford another one. i think i went three months without looking at a screen. and then the first time that i did, it was too much. it felt like going off coffee for a couple months & then drinking a full cup (it's like being on a much stronger chemical stimulant). Took a couple days before I could use it for more than ten minutes without getting a headache

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10 hours ago, usagi said:

you may not have read the recently published Wire mag article which stated that Secrete IDM Expert is slated to be one of the fastest-growing jobs over the next decade.

Oh that must be it: they saw my LinkedIn profile which highlights my skills in handing out (in secrete). 

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6 hours ago, Cryptowen said:

i seem to have just fallen under the cut-off line for this. I didn't get a phone for the first time until I was 28, and the first time I sent a text it was like you describe the latter. But then after a couple days I was doing the former without really thinking about it, like some kind of newly-developed instinct just kicked in (it would be a new instinct, right? because typing on a phone screen is a much different neuromuscular process than typing on a keyboard, which I've been doing since the 90s)

as i've mentioned before i really do feel that everybody from GenX onward (more strongly with each new generation) has experienced some kind of radical mutation in human cognition just from having spent most of our lives around computers/the internet. The extent of this change has been somewhat underappreciated because culture is slow to catch up to this sorta stuff

relatable. I was 27 when I got my first cell phone which was an iPhone. I’d say on the first day it was like I had been using it for years. 

I type fast af like I’m some kind of zoomer but i still the the little flat touch screen is really dumb on some fundamental level. 

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6 hours ago, Cryptowen said:

as i've mentioned before i really do feel that everybody from GenX onward (more strongly with each new generation) has experienced some kind of radical mutation in human cognition just from having spent most of our lives around computers/the internet. 

I used to joke that humans at some point may even have their physiology altered thanks to all the time hunched over looked at little screens. like maybe in the future, our necks or spines will develop so that our heads are always tilted slightly downward in order to best view the screen in our hand.

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36 minutes ago, zero said:

I used to joke that humans at some point may even have their physiology altered thanks to all the time hunched over looked at little screens. like maybe in the future, our necks or spines will develop so that our heads are always tilted slightly downward in order to best view the screen in our hand.

I know it's a joke, but I still want to leave a smartass comment that it would require a selective pressure to make it happen, something like improving the survival until the reproductive age is over or better changes at mating. The evolution doesn't really care about our comfort. Like if we had a higher threshold for pain life would be more comfortable but it would have made our survival harder because we wouldn't have taken injuries so seriously.

Which makes me think that maybe the people who can't stand using computers or smartphones for a long time have higher gene survival rate because they actually have a need to go to see people face to face and are more likely to bang them. Just joking of course.

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1 hour ago, zkom said:

I know it's a joke, but I still want to leave a smartass comment that it would require a selective pressure to make it happen, something like improving the survival until the reproductive age is over or better changes at mating. The evolution doesn't really care about our comfort. Like if we had a higher threshold for pain life would be more comfortable but it would have made our survival harder because we wouldn't have taken injuries so seriously.

Which makes me think that maybe the people who can't stand using computers or smartphones for a long time have higher gene survival rate because they actually have a need to go to see people face to face and are more likely to bang them. Just joking of course.

I’d say you’re bang on. The people who spend all their time hunched over screens in basements won’t be reproducing. Social interaction is icky. 

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4 hours ago, zero said:

I used to joke that humans at some point may even have their physiology altered thanks to all the time hunched over looked at little screens. like maybe in the future, our necks or spines will develop so that our heads are always tilted slightly downward in order to best view the screen in our hand.

i'm sure it's happened in other ways to various populations. i mean.. it's must've. generations of people doing the same things the same way has to become an inherited trait at some point right? as a result of the effects of physical stuff like sitting a certain way or something. maybe it takes a thousand years though. 

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11 hours ago, ignatius said:

i'm sure it's happened in other ways to various populations. i mean.. it's must've. generations of people doing the same things the same way has to become an inherited trait at some point right? as a result of the effects of physical stuff like sitting a certain way or something. maybe it takes a thousand years though. 

There's the case of the tribe in Papua New Guinea that ate so many of the brains of their vanquished foes they developed a mutation that made them immune against Creutzfeld-Jacob type diseases (where proteins in brain tissue you eat end up damaging your own brain).

And of course the multiple times people decided milk was a good food source and developed a mutation that prevented the milk digesting gene to shut off at age five.

So, yes, can happen.

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I managed to get a load of washing done earlier today, it was hanging outside over my lunch break. If the gods favour me, it should already be dry. 

I think this week is looking up, if I can keep this up this momentum I'll only need to schedule in some ironing. 


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I am writing this FWS on behalf of the gentleman who entered Villages Pizza a minute after me.  He was overjoyed to be there again because:

1. it was the first place he had pizza

2. it was so awesome.

3. he doesn't know what to do with himself

4. last week he was starving in prison, and now he has SO MUCH food

5. "oh man, today is the BEST day!"

Anyway, he seemed happy on a level most people will probably never know.  I wish we could all get out of prison at least once in our lives.  Never seen anyone openly enjoying their experience to this degree in public. 

I wonder what he did time for... did they lock him up for experiencing too much joy?

Edited by Zephyr_Nova
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