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well last weekend i listened to Syro and HAB, & i actually love both, the only AFX bit i miss is the 1995 schelude : i care because you do + ventolin EP + donkey rhubarb + Hangable auto bulb EPs + Analogue Bubblebath V (yet unreleased), hmmm that was a busy year ! But Syro is great, definetely.

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Why do you guys get so bent out of shape when people don't like the album? Rich even himself says it's not his best work. I really like this album and I don't care if someone doesn't like it. I think it's interesting to hear what other people have to say, even if it is negative.

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Guest White Calx



Listened to it again just to make sure.


Again, nope.


The only track which exhibits the true Aphex vastness is the last one, aisatsana. The rest are sub-par, and you know it.


Remember that this is the same guy who brought you Hangable Auto Bulb, for fucks sake. There is nothing even approaching the enormity of that on here, let alone Helisphan, Stone In Focus, Come On You Slags, etc.


Go back and listen to this,



then put on Syro, and tell me which is better (and fuck off with even attempting any of that, 'meh it is all subjective man, this is good'. It isn't. It is not as good as his other stuff.)

HAB isn't that great, I like maybe 2 or 3 tracks and its definitely far from his best work. You cannot compare syro to an album which he made nearly 20 years ago, appreciate what he did then and move on.

lol, same artist, so yes I can.


I realise that fanboys are getting butthurt at my comments, but come on...


Syro is the least good Aphex Twin album, and has most of what makes Aphex Twin great, completely missing. It is like a dull plastic version of what it could have been. A sign of the times I suppose. All the tracks sound too clean and flat, and there is nothing vast and astonishingly artistic on there. Even the piano track doesnt sound as good as the piano tracks on Drukqs



I disagree with your opinion so therefore I am a butthurt fanboy? k lul.

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I wonder why the mastering duties were split between the first track ( Beau Thomas) and the rest of them ( Mandy Parnell)


Methinks it's either got something to do with single vs album, or something with the state the tracks were in, most of them might have been lying around in various formats for quite a while.

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Guest jasondonervan



"Promotional Aphex Twin dropcard to promote Syro - not quite sure what it does but I ended up with two. It's rumoured to unlock bonus content online I think."



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It's one thing to have some negative criticisms (IE I don't like the mastering, chord progression, lacks certain feelings etc).


It's another thing to say it's a "dull flat plastic piece of useless shit".


One of those makes you an asshole.

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ok, so only comments saying positive things about Syro are allowed?


obviously. they will all calm down in a few weeks. and you will get more honest/ unbiased opinions and reviews later...



And by then LemanRuss will be loving the album! :)

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ok, so only comments saying positive things about Syro are allowed?


obviously. they will all calm down in a few weeks. and you will get more honest/ unbiased opinions and reviews later...



And by then LemanRuss will be loving the album! :)


who knows :wink:

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"Promotional Aphex Twin dropcard to promote Syro - not quite sure what it does but I ended up with two. It's rumoured to unlock bonus content online I think."



It's already more than a week ago, but I saw another one for this card on eBay. Buy now price: 200 quid, because he was sure it gave you privileges.


Hope noone fell for that.

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You don't see anything insulting in slaping together a bunch of old binned tracks (has anyone realised that those sound 1:1 exactly the same as on the youtube recordings?) with huge amounts of hiss and overmaximized mastering because the original multitracks have been long lost as insulting?...


Why has it been released as "Aphex Twin"....


Syro is 100 % Aphex. It's a very fun album. It's excelently crafted. And that is pretty much it.


i like to think that im not a blind fanboy, i just happen to really like the guy's tracks, and i don't really feel that there is any need to defend him from you or anyone, but how exactly does your brain jump from each of those statements to the next?

first off, i feel like it would take a lot for any musician/band to put out a release that was 'insulting' to the fans or whoever bought it. it'd have to be really defective, or just terrible and sub-standard. syro is absolutely not either of those things. so what if some of the tracks were on youtube? a) its fucking youtube b) they sounded pretty shit c) now they sound great. i actually was never terribly impressed by the metz/manchester tracks the few times i listened. i never understood the praise they got around here. but when i listened i thought 'sounds like there could be some details in these tracks that are being lost by the shitty cell phone/whatever recording and youtube transcoding. details that may be really important to these tracks'. now that i've heard them on the album i think theyre fucking great. the difference for me was night and day. so why the fuck should i be insulted by that? are you mental?


2ndly, how can you not see a problem with your asking why it was released under aphex, then saying later that it's a very aphex release?


i'd like to agree with what's been said that post count doesnt necessarily give more weight to someone's posts, but to some degree, it does. if someone who's posts i've read many times and considered them and saw eye to eye with them on some level, says something that i really don't agree with, i'm going to be a bit more likely to think about what theyre saying and look at their reasoning and see if there might be something to it. yet even though you have few posts i still looked at what you had to say and saw nothing worthy of consideration. its contradictory and idiotic. aphex didn't owe you the album of your dreams. he gave us a great album and you admit that its great but still struggle to find things to bitch about and even say its insulting.


you're the exact kind of idiot who gives new posters a bad name. congrats

Edited by MisterE
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WATMM is pretty much the Aphex Twin official website if you look at the forum topics. It's literally the place of all places for Aphex fans to congregate.


Posting negatively about Aphex Twin can't really be interpreted as anything but an attention starved troll attempt, or at best not very thought out.


The proper thing to do is if you think an Aphex release is cheesy is to make parody songs about it until you love it.

Edited by skibby
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You don't see anything insulting in slaping together a bunch of old binned tracks (has anyone realised that those sound 1:1 exactly the same as on the youtube recordings?) with huge amounts of hiss and overmaximized mastering because the original multitracks have been long lost as insulting?...


Why has it been released as "Aphex Twin"....


Syro is 100 % Aphex. It's a very fun album. It's excelently crafted. And that is pretty much it.


i like to think that im not a blind fanboy, i just happen to really like the guy's tracks, and i don't really feel that there is any need to defend him from you or anyone, but how exactly does your brain jump from each of those statements to the next?

first off, i feel like it would take a lot for any musician/band to put out a release that was 'insulting' to the fans or whoever bought it. it'd have to be really defective, or just terrible and sub-standard. syro is absolutely not either of those things. so what if some of the tracks were on youtube? a) its fucking youtube b) they sounded pretty shit c) now they sound great. i actually was never terribly impressed by the metz/manchester tracks the few times i listened. i never understood the praise they got around here. but when i listened i thought 'sounds like there could be some details in these tracks that are being lost by the shitty cell phone/whatever recording and youtube transcoding. details that may be really important to these tracks'. now that i've heard them on the album i think theyre fucking great. the difference for me was night and day. so why the fuck should i be insulted by that? are you mental?


2ndly, how can you not see a problem with your asking why it was released under aphex, then saying later that it's a very aphex release?


i'd like to agree with what's been said that post count doesnt necessarily give more weight to someone's posts, but to some degree, it does. if someone who's posts i've read many times and considered them and saw eye to eye with them on some level, says something that i really don't agree with, i'm going to be a bit more likely to think about what theyre saying and look at their reasoning and see if there might be something to it. yet even though you have few posts i still looked at what you had to say and saw nothing worthy of consideration. its contradictory and idiotic. aphex didn't owe you the album of your dreams. he gave us a great album and you admit that its great but still struggle to find things to bitch about and even say its insulting.


you're the exact kind of idiot who gives new posters a bad name. congrats



well i definitely prefer being called mental and reading some constructive counterposts than patting each other on the back

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WATMM is pretty much the Aphex Twin official website if you look at the forum topics. It's literally the place of all places for Aphex fans to congregate.


Posting negatively about Aphex Twin can't really be interpreted as anything but an attention starved troll attempt, or at best not very thought out.


The proper thing to do is if you think an Aphex release is cheesy is to make parody songs about it until you love it.


wow, you did it again (the making youself look stupid thing). if you look at the forum topics - in the aphex subforum..well, yeah..you will find mostly aphex related threads. and posting negatively about his music has nothing to do with attention seeking. jesus, kids these days.

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Guest trananhhung



Matrigs words sound harsh but he has a point. Somewhat. I salute him for the courage.

And what point is that exactly?


All the fans were asking non stop for the live tracks to be released. So he released them. That's nice of him.

I love Syro, Stephen. But you can't deny the fact that it doesn't sound like something he made to be released. Compare it to the Chosen Lords compilation. I said recently in another thread that that album sounds incredibly clear and professional when compared to Syro. I love the Syro tracks but they have this very harsh mastering and hiss and lack of sound clarity that make the release seem like how he once put it in another record "12 unrealased tracks I had no intention to release for cash".


I'm incredibly grateful he did it though. It's a fantastic collection despite the rough edges.

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trananhhung it clearly is an album he made to be released. he makes tracks for himself, as he's said in every interview he's done, and then he made this album. if you would have made different aesthetic choices with his work, fine, but why shit up this fanboy thread? the vast majority of fans are not interested in these pittling and narrow minded negative opinions

Edited by very honest
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I think


i) some people have too high expectations

ii) some people probably believed they would dislike the album before it was even released and now seek to reinforce that (imo incorrect) opinion

iii) other people have brains

iv) this is really rather a lovely collection of Aphex tunes


Welcome back Richard


edit. and I don't get people who say the album doesn't sound great on headphones, it sounds pretty damn tasty to me

Edited by Ifeelspace
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Guest trananhhung

I'm not pissing on anyone's parade the album. I love the album! I was just trying to make it clear why I could understand Matrigs. I won't say another about it, though, because I LOVE SYRO.

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