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How does the World view America these days?

Rubin Farr

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but does aluminum taste salty?i don't think it is that



there's aluminum in deodorant also. i wonder if deodorant is salty tasting? 


gonna go lick some armpits. will report back

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I wasn't kidding about the aluminum.


Aluminum is in iodized salt (table salt) and may be the difference you're tasting. It's used as an anti-caking agent.

Anti caking agents are normally aluminosilicates, i.e. powdered feldspars or zeolites, which definitely wouldn't taste salty, if anything they'd taste a tad caustic if you munched a spoonful of the pure stuff


Abtiperspirants have aluminium salts though

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OKLAHOMA CITY (KOKH) — A man has been arrested, and accused of threatening to blow up a building after a woman refused to send him nude photographs of herself.


At approximately 11:30 p.m Sept. 12 a woman's vehicle was broken down at the Walgreens near NW 122 and May. Lee approached the woman at some point and the two befriended each other and traded phone numbers. Lee also gave the woman $20.


Later that day, the woman received messages from Lee reported asking her to send him photos of her vagina. She declined and he began sending her threatening messages, police say. One of the messages threatened to blow up the woman's apartment building.



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something like 4 million chickens drowned in the hurricane in NC.. and countless hogs. also the swine waste pools were flooded and spilled over and are merging w/flood waters into rivers. so, along w/millions of animal carcasses and toxic concentrated animal waste.. there's full on vaporwave running wild in the streams and it's only a matter of time until the toxic avenger is made real. 

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No idea what it is but American salt is like 4 times saltier than European salt and that comes really unexpected

I'm sure it's part of the fast food addiction mind control conspiracy continuum.


feeling so w0k3 right now  :braindance:

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what I think about america these days: why do you guys have such extremely cummy cum? seriously, I tried to cook but I kept over-cumming bcs american cum is so much cummier than european cum. what if you wanna make a cocktail with cum rim? you have to buy specialized cocktail cum? so stupid. why not keep your cum at moderate cumminess?? i added cum to my coffee and it was disgusting. usually I like to have cum srpinkled over my coffe and some sugar, not much. but this extreme cum makes it impossible to find the right dosage of cum. I don't understand why american cum has to be so cummy

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3 mass shootings in last 24 hours. 




the ladies getting in on the act now. 


If they only the victims and children had more guns...














more people would've died. 



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Finally something in this thread that doesn't make us look like slack-jawed yokel buffoons.

Welp, it was nice while it lasted. (In regard to the latest events I mean, not the comments)

Edited by ambermonk
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Everyday, I mean Everyday there is some crazy shit going down in America. Shootings daily, Stabbings,. People doing insane shit like flying airplanes into a ditch or their house on purpose,  Im not sure if it is just the news magnifying this stuff more than the country is getting more nuts

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Everyday, I mean Everyday there is some crazy shit going down in America. Shootings daily, Stabbings,. People doing insane shit like flying airplanes into a ditch or their house on purpose,  Im not sure if it is just the news magnifying this stuff more than the country is getting more nuts

u should read the news on places like colombia, if u take in enough info you realize the whole world is constantly on fire..


have things gotten worse tho? iunno, probs studies done about that id guess

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