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Is marijuana use an unspoken rule for posting on WATMM?

Guest drukqs

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^ I'm surprised to hear that is your first edible!


No judgement, just surprised heh! I prefer edibles to smoking tbh. I always feel much better after edibles. I get paranoia from smoking weed sometimes.


I've always been too lazy to make my own, and they are only around in places that it's legal which I haven't visited.


The high itself was more intense than when I normally smoke, but I haven't smoked in a while, and I generally only take a hit before I do yoga or workout. No heavy smoking lately.


I could see where people could get into weird negative loops or whatever and have a really bad time on higher doses. I got a slight bit of that, but I'm used to being uncomfortably high so it's no big deal.


The after glow is really nice though.

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Just had my first edible. Got me really high. Feel good though.


Had pure hardcore thai bang lassies (15 years ago), nothing happened for about 2 hours maybe longer then slowly but surely things started to change (possibly the milk lines the stomach so slows the process). Once things started to kick off I think we were stoned/trippin' for about 24 hours in a very cool quiet spot, but in a really good way. I'm pretty sure it was the best time I've had on marijuana, in fact I know it was the best.


Very nice. I'd like to do it again. Or at least get the opportunity to do it again with that time and space needed for such a mission.


Why am I always hanging about the ganja thread? Maybe its time to rekindle my relationship with The Green Goblin. I just can't be dealing with skunk. I need to know a good person with good crop. Not some industrial strength poison that makes me conjurer up demons inside my head that don't exist.

Edited by beerwolf
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I'm over in Munich right now and just saw a kid getting busted for smoking a joint. We wandered over that way and wanted to see the fuss. My GF said the cops were talking about a huuuuge fine and a cavity search because they think he bummed some (she speaks German, I'm just a stupid American with a camera) 


Meanwhile, I'm hitting my little vape pen thingie with fractionally distillated 98% THC oil flavored like lemon-heads. The world is a very strange place indeed. Felt really bad for the kid. It's still so weird and slightly terrifying that something I've worked so close with and been legally a-okay to use is basically grounds to 1984 your ass in some countries/the rest of my own country. 

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Just had my first edible. Got me really high. Feel good though.


Had pure hardcore thai bang lassies (15 years ago), nothing happened for about 2 hours maybe longer then slowly but surely things started to change (possibly the milk lines the stomach so slows the process). Once things started to kick off I think we were stoned/trippin' for about 24 hours in a very cool quiet spot, but in a really good way. I'm pretty sure it was the best time I've had on marijuana, in fact I know it was the best.


Very nice. I'd like to do it again. Or at least get the opportunity to do it again with that time and space needed for such a mission.


Why am I always hanging about the ganja thread? Maybe its time to rekindle my relationship with The Green Goblin. I just can't be dealing with skunk. I need to know a good person with good crop. Not some industrial strength poison that makes me conjurer up demons inside my head that don't exist.



When you get high from edibles your liver has to metabolize it before it takes effect which occurs after it breaks down in your stomach. It could be a multitude of things that contribute to the process being slower. 


Lots of people that do not enjoy inhaled marijuana have conveyed to me that they do enjoy edibles


I'm over in Munich right now and just saw a kid getting busted for smoking a joint. We wandered over that way and wanted to see the fuss. My GF said the cops were talking about a huuuuge fine and a cavity search because they think he bummed some (she speaks German, I'm just a stupid American with a camera) 


Meanwhile, I'm hitting my little vape pen thingie with fractionally distillated 98% THC oil flavored like lemon-heads. The world is a very strange place indeed. Felt really bad for the kid. It's still so weird and slightly terrifying that something I've worked so close with and been legally a-okay to use is basically grounds to 1984 your ass in some countries/the rest of my own country. 


we live in a dark topsy-turvy world that makes little sense to a sane person

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I'm quite sensitive having taken psychedelics before, but in most cases regardless of the drug, I can feel it in my system in moments. I'd say I could feel the edible I ate within 5 minutes, but it started getting more intense at about 1 hour and peaked at around 2-3 hours, and then came down smoothly for about 2 hours.

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Lots of people that do not enjoy inhaled marijuana have conveyed to me that they do enjoy edibles




Yeah I've had the same conversations with people, who like myself get a very sick, head rushy,  nauseous feeling with inhaling. Somehow edibles are more intense but more milder. Anyway I'm off to bed. Take it easy tokers :ok:

Edited by beerwolf
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  • 2 weeks later...

I think smoking up has recently helped me realize that a synth's "actual tone" is dependent on intended tone shaping.  I've written about the korg minilogue and other synths sounding thin "but could sound great with some overdrive", and then all of a sudden recently after months of working on my electric guitar tone and focusing on making it sing, I realized that a synth is much the same way.  Cuz I've been keeping eyes and ears out for some idealized simple synth for like 10 years, but now I realize that I can only access what I'm willing to create myself- just like an electric guitar.


AND SO, I've recently concluded that I can buy an ok keyboard, put it through reverb and overdrive guitar pedals (or rack multi fx whatevz), and THAT is one set.  A keyboard cannot stand alone!!!


Actually, I guess I also just want a Fender Rhodes electric piano, but they're like $3,000 and weigh 100 kg.  So I did a test at a music store comparing the Yamaha Reface CP to an actual Rhodes electric piano, and they're close (not really).  If I find a nice hammer action 61-key MIDI keyboard for input, I'm thinking that maybe if I plug in the Yamaha Reface CP into a valve guitar amp, the choobz will summon lush gods, and then after I douse that in reverb it'll sound like an actual Rhodes electric piano being played in pure vapor.  But then by that point, it's like dude- just buy a fucking Fender Rhodes electric piano.

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been in contact with a bloke called Jeff Ditchfield since a recent med-mary-jane doc here:




issues around chronic (no pun) ptsd & pain management might just yield something that could lead to ditching over-prescribed levels of opiates & tranqs


this cuntry is fkn retarded

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I came back from Europe after basically not smoking for 13 days and proceeded to get uncomfortably high after a few puffs compared to my usual stupor of smoking all day. 


To be honest, I kinda like it. Came up with some wicked ideas and patches on my equipment after a few puffs. It actually boosted my creativity instead of hindering it. 


I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm gonna strive to keep my tolerance low to keep the magic alive. After working in the cannabis industry for so long - I was just smoking too much and it became like how chain-smokers smoke cig's. Every day, it was about a gram of very high-grade at minimum, some days up to 3.5g or more easily. After judging the DOPE Cup's concentrate entries in Seattle for the last 4 years, I basically didn't get high anymore. Had to sample/rate over 40 different concentrates ranging from 40-99% THC in less than 3 days. They basically threw me 2,000$+ in concentrates each year and never gave me time to do appropriate judging. I still have a fuckin' box of them in my studio that I will probably never use up, there has to be close to a quarter pound of different hashes, waxes, distillates, shatters, rosins and RSO's. Absolutely mental.



I think smoking up has recently helped me realize that a synth's "actual tone" is dependent on intended tone shaping.  I've written about the korg minilogue and other synths sounding thin "but could sound great with some overdrive", and then all of a sudden recently after months of working on my electric guitar tone and focusing on making it sing, I realized that a synth is much the same way.  Cuz I've been keeping eyes and ears out for some idealized simple synth for like 10 years, but now I realize that I can only access what I'm willing to create myself- just like an electric guitar.


AND SO, I've recently concluded that I can buy an ok keyboard, put it through reverb and overdrive guitar pedals (or rack multi fx whatevz), and THAT is one set.  A keyboard cannot stand alone!!!


Actually, I guess I also just want a Fender Rhodes electric piano, but they're like $3,000 and weigh 100 kg.  So I did a test at a music store comparing the Yamaha Reface CP to an actual Rhodes electric piano, and they're close (not really).  If I find a nice hammer action 61-key MIDI keyboard for input, I'm thinking that maybe if I plug in the Yamaha Reface CP into a valve guitar amp, the choobz will summon lush gods, and then after I douse that in reverb it'll sound like an actual Rhodes electric piano being played in pure vapor.  But then by that point, it's like dude- just buy a fucking Fender Rhodes electric piano.


I was left a friends Korg SV-1 and it's honestly the closest I've come to a rhodes since I played one. Great keys too. 


I get what you're saying tho. 



Not sure if leafly is considered credible/accurate? (is it blysky?) But I go there for info often.




Leafly is alright. They fuck some stuff up and a lot of strain lineage is pure conjecture and lies. Seedfinder is better for researching genetics IMO. That article is pretty much correct, kinda dumbed down, but factual. 

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I still have a fuckin' box of them in my studio that I will probably never use up, there has to be close to a quarter pound of different hashes, waxes, distillates, shatters, rosins and RSO's. Absolutely mental.


*checks if Audioblysk is already on my WATMM friends list: Yesss~*


Now we play the waiting game.....

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cwmbrancity, on 08 Sept 2016 - 01:43 AM, said:

been in contact with a bloke called Jeff Ditchfield since a recent med-mary-jane doc here:




issues around chronic (no pun) ptsd & pain management might just yield something that could lead to ditching over-prescribed levels of opiates & tranqs


this cuntry is fkn retarded

I'd recommend Weediquette, it's very well done, and there's an entire episode on PTSD, and replacing over-prescribed opiates.





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I still have a fuckin' box of them in my studio that I will probably never use up, there has to be close to a quarter pound of different hashes, waxes, distillates, shatters, rosins and RSO's. Absolutely mental.


*checks if Audioblysk is already on my WATMM friends list: Yesss~*


Now we play the waiting game.....



*starts inviting audioblysk to all the functions*

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Weed has really helped me with self-analysis

My models/conceptions about myself, the world and what a human being is have completely changed in the last year or so...very strange feeling, almost like waking up one day in an alternate universe that looks identical to this one, but with different clockwork running under the surface

Edited by LimpyLoo
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