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Social Media's Effects On Our Minds & Lives


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I think I've decided this is the final year I'll be using FB. First joined in 2008. But I just don't see any redeeming qualities about it anymore. All my "friends" on there seem to forget I even exist. And every time I check it I feel like I've missed nothing. Also, the guy in charge of it..

IG I haven't touched in two years. And Reddit I've been avoiding for over a month due to general toxicity.

But I remember Sean Booth mentioned Mastodon in his latest Twitch AMA. I wouldn't have known about it otherwise. So I might look into it, with cautious optimism.

Edited by ambermonke
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7 minutes ago, ambermonke said:

I think I've decided this is the final year I'll be using FB. First joined in 2008. But I just don't see any redeeming qualities about it anymore. All my "friends" on there seem to forget I even exist. And every time I check it I feel like I've missed nothing. Also, the guy in charge of it..

IG I haven't touched in two years. And Reddit I've been avoiding for over a month due to general toxicity.

But I remember Sean Booth mentioned Mastodon in his latest Twitch AMA. I wouldn't have known about it otherwise. So I might look into it, with cautious optimism.

What worked for me is to get detoxify from FB—I closed it aprox for a year and now I can have it open without have the urge to care about it. Now I can see events and stuff with no problem. Still I hate FB and similar shit.

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21 minutes ago, ambermonke said:

I think I've decided this is the final year I'll be using FB. First joined in 2008. But I just don't see any redeeming qualities about it anymore. All my "friends" on there seem to forget I even exist. And every time I check it I feel like I've missed nothing. Also, the guy in charge of it..

IG I haven't touched in two years. And Reddit I've been avoiding for over a month due to general toxicity.

But I remember Sean Booth mentioned Mastodon in his latest Twitch AMA. I wouldn't have known about it otherwise. So I might look into it, with cautious optimism.

i quit FB at start of pandemic. don't miss it one bit. was immediately relieved really to be done w/it. only held on so i could manage the work account for the synth shop. 

IG is less bad for me. but, i can see how people get sucked into it like tiktok etc.  i'll probably quit before too long. 

mastadon is weird. you have to pick servers or something. i haven't spent time w/it... but created an account a while back.  it's kind of like a bunch of exclusive chats you have to be let in on or something. i don't know if i have the energy/time for that. 

FB is crap though. IG is pretty much crap too except for some music and cycling friends. a bit of art. beyond that it's horror show of crapulence. i try to only use it on my laptop.. on mobile devices they infect the timeline w/all kinds of shit to try to lure ya in to endless scrolling.

i took all social media off my phone a year or so ago. no reddit no twitter etc.. just some tumblrs i follow for art 

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I quit social media after Friendster. couldn't be bothered when myspace came around. around this era is also when all the internet dating sites started, like lava life. no way was I going to post my picture on one of those. then facebook started as some secret student thing, then spread to normies. I thought it all seemed so fake. post images of when everyone is all happy, smiling, like life is one big party. this shit sets people up for disappointment. fuck that. 


10 hours ago, ignatius said:

mastadon is weird. 

thought y'all were talking about this band at first


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11 hours ago, zero said:

I quit social media after Friendster. couldn't be bothered when myspace came around. around this era is also when all the internet dating sites started, like lava life. no way was I going to post my picture on one of those. then facebook started as some secret student thing, then spread to normies. I thought it all seemed so fake. post images of when everyone is all happy, smiling, like life is one big party. this shit sets people up for disappointment. fuck that. 


thought y'all were talking about this band at first


Heh. Reminds me of a creepy FB moment in late 2011. I was able to scan a photo from my NYC field trip from my senior year of high school off one of those disposable Kodak cameras and upload it. But somehow FB was able to apply facial recognition to the people in the photograph and tag them, even though the photo itself predates FB's founding.

Now where have I heard of that band before..

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resent how facebook monopolized real life to the point where you almost can't know about anything happening in 3d reality without it.
quit once cancel culture started, around 2016.

instagram is a face sucker. it's addictive to swipe and see tons of vaguely similar stuff searching for the occasional nugget.

i kind of zone out, it's hypnotic. it can go for hours. swiping thru reels hoping to see something cool. hoping to learn something.
depressing when the most inane things you can imagine get hundreds of thousands of likes. not sad for me, but for "humanity"

does it cause mental illness? i think it's designed to exploit the brain. but lots of other things are designed to do that too.

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2 hours ago, rek said:

swiping thru reels hoping to see something cool. hoping to learn something.

You have the whole of the internet to learn from, search for what you are interested in and start reading.
don’t let yourself be spoon fed information.  (A general you, not you in specific rek, your comment just raised an opportunity).

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2 hours ago, ignatius said:

social media is killing russian soldiers. 


Catfishing in order to gain intel...that's pretty clever.

Seems like Ukrainians are just incredibly resourceful in general.

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59 minutes ago, chenGOD said:

You have the whole of the internet to learn from, search for what you are interested in and start reading.
don’t let yourself be spoon fed information.  (A general you, not you in specific rek, your comment just raised an opportunity).

tis true, i think i use insta because i missed having human contact due to having withdrawn from the defacto world town square platforms, and on the surface it seems like it should be a fair and reasonable way to vibe with like minds, but the reality is some ruthless mega corporate dare i say even fascist social engineering algorithm mindbork. but yeah defs, the internet offers opportunities for sync-locks. that's one reason I have been meaning to come back here, because i know we share at least a fragment of common interests ? everybody else in my former 3d world is sync-locked to facebork. as connected as the internet made the world, stragely it made the 3d physical world less connected. back in my day we actually made real telephone calls, today that's mad awkward. people don't even use the word 'mad' as an adjective anymore. getting old never got so fast.

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On 9/4/2022 at 9:56 PM, cruising for burgers said:

are we losers or are we haters? I mean, us, who despise social media...

IMO people who despise social media are mostly the type of people who don't fall for scams. people who look the other way when everyone else is starring at those bright shiny objects designed to draw everyone's attention to it.

if you ask me, social media is all totally fake, not reality. and the fact that the zuck's of the world are hoping to bring more and more people into this fold, and trap them in some alternate world they can't easily escape from and buy more useless shit is beyond fucked up. 

that's why I will stick to posting anonymously on obscure internet forums, because this is about as far into the la-la land social media world as I want to get.

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2 hours ago, zero said:

IMO people who despise social media are mostly the type of people who don't fall for scams. people who look the other way when everyone else is starring at those bright shiny objects designed to draw everyone's attention to it.

if you ask me, social media is all totally fake, not reality. and the fact that the zuck's of the world are hoping to bring more and more people into this fold, and trap them in some alternate world they can't easily escape from and buy more useless shit is beyond fucked up. 

that's why I will stick to posting anonymously on obscure internet forums, because this is about as far into the la-la land social media world as I want to get.

I fear it's also a generational thing though. having grown up before social media makes it easier to get off it, i guess. if you've grown up using social media - which i haven't btw - i suspect it's an entirely different kind of decision. i'm seriously concerned about the generation(s) who've grown up with social media and mobile phones. can't imagine what thats like. social media might be like oxygen (invisible - its everywhere - and necessary to be able to live).

dear youngsters of watmm, please tell me its not that bad!


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i'm shocked the CIA hasn't managed to infiltrate Alex Jones' defenses after 26 years of constantly insurrecting the government. It's almost as if he's had the protection of an even more powerful defense service of some foregin country... the Russians perhaps?  (joking)

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Recently deleted TikTok.

Started using it because I like to be caught up with whatever novelty the world's revolving around to.

At first it was confusing, then it was quite fun, mostly young people used it so you could see what shenanigans kids were up to and be a spectator to their inside jokes/memes and such.

It was quite a positive place, there was rarely any hate to be found. Actually gave me hope about the future of the world seeing kids being zero tolerant to hate and trolling just enjoying themselves without trying to make fun of or put down one another.

Then the pandemic hit, TikTok grew and everybody started joining, political content started popping op, comercial interests, people trying to become viral,  tons of idiots actually becoming famous, and developing audiences that hang to their every word.

and whatever recommendation algorithm they have over there is next level, shit is supper addictive.

anyway, I started spending way too much time on it and realized all it was bringing up in me was anger. So I deleted it. But it kind of sucks how 'grown ups' ended up taking over a fun space kids were having fun in and polluted it with narcissism. 

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Whenever I read tik tok I hear that fucking oh no, oh no, oh no no no no no tune in my head and the world turns bleak

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1 hour ago, Silent Member said:

Whenever I read tik tok I hear that fucking oh no, oh no, oh no no no no no tune in my head and the world turns bleak

Lately there's a lot of Hudson Mohawk going around lol

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There is some weird stuff in there but it’s really interesting like focusing a pint on the wall to support concentration or watching the  sun directly each day for 5 minutes with closed eyes

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