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Social Media's Effects On Our Minds & Lives


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quick diatribe against Musk's new baby: Twitter's getting more clicks since dingus took it over and turned its shitshow reformation into a news story itself. he knows what he's doing, it's the Donald Trump method (he'll be bringing back Trump any day now too, just wait) so, yknow, maybe stop going to Twitter and linking to Twitter? you're literally helping Musk, every time you load it up, every time you link to it, every time you browse for anti-Musk content. go to Reddit or Tumblr or Mastodon or Insta even ffs. plenty of shit elsewhere to mindlessly scroll and chuckle at. 

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2 hours ago, auxien said:

quick diatribe against Musk's new baby: Twitter's getting more clicks since dingus took it over and turned its shitshow reformation into a news story itself. he knows what he's doing, it's the Donald Trump method (he'll be bringing back Trump any day now too, just wait) 

it certainly does seem like the spectacle he's creating right now is a pathway leading up to a trump announcement. trump's truth social bullshit is done, so he'll need somewhere to re-establish his online presence in preparation for his 2024 run. Elon threw his support in yesterday for the republicans, so I can see twitter turning into a total pro-trump garbage can real soon. any of the legit voices on there will move on to something else, and donald will go back to using twitter the same fucking way he did in the past. 

it's all just so fucking bonkers...

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2 hours ago, zero said:

it certainly does seem like the spectacle he's creating right now is a pathway leading up to a trump announcement. trump's truth social bullshit is done, so he'll need somewhere to re-establish his online presence in preparation for his 2024 run. Elon threw his support in yesterday for the republicans, so I can see twitter turning into a total pro-trump garbage can real soon. any of the legit voices on there will move on to something else, and donald will go back to using twitter the same fucking way he did in the past. 

it's all just so fucking bonkers...

oh yeah def, Trump’s teasing an announcement at Mar a Lago next week, and reports are that he chatted with Rs about holding off an official campaign announcement until after the midterms. and we all know the endorsement rallies he’s doing right now are about his ego as much as any ‘endorsement’ he may be granting to the current low level ass kissers in the party. i’m generally trying to avoid speaking/hearing about that fuckhead tho. 

to me it’s not even an anti-Republican thing necessarily tho…i’m just anti-millionaire/billionaire clowns whose clout is literally being fed by clicks and shares. Trump and Elon’s successes over the last 10 years are by and large fed by their ability to attract negative attention as much as play to their fan base. Desantis is pulling the same too, Ann Coulter, Tucker Carlson, all of it is just grown and grown by the ‘left’ as much as the right.

i’ll just keep ranting in here every 6 months about it until one of them accidentally sets off a nuclear war or whatever shit happens.

Edited by auxien
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1 hour ago, auxien said:

Trump and Elon’s successes over the last 10 years are by and large fed by their ability to attract negative attention as much as play to their fan base.


Trump and Elon Musk are dangerous narcissists tailored to 2022 America , by Robert Reich (guardian)


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I interviewed her in 1992. She started her career by founding Echo, a social networking site that began in Manhattan and after all these years, still goes on, with many great stories of the results of those Echo interactions.


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3 hours ago, chenGOD said:

Nah fam, we living a meta life now.


For a moment I believed in the Metaverse, but today I believe it is complete bullshit and unfeasible, not technologically, but practically. On the other hand, VR has a bright future.

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Social media is the worst thing to pop up with the internet. Ignoring the data mining that it allows corporations to do, it also gives voices to every nutter there is and if they are charismatic enough they can influence millions. Although a bonus with twitter is that "important" people can expose their ignorance and stupidity to everyone and dispell any carefully crafted public image built by expensive PR managers. Elon "Apartheid Clyde" Musk being the prime example of a terminally online billionaire exposing his immense ignorance and stupdity by just posting. And he's not even good at it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

this article is entirely relevant to this thread:


they seem to be trying to legally go after the nefarious algorithms:


If the case is allowed to proceed, it will test a novel legal theory, that social media algorithms are defective products that encourage addictive behavior and are governed by existing product liability law. That could have far-reaching consequences for how software is developed and regulated, and how the next generation of users experiences social media.


the one philosophical issue I see here is they are saying social media has affected "Americans" mental health:


A California court could soon decide whether social media firms need to pay — and change their ways — for the damage they’ve allegedly done to Americans’ mental health.

what they need to be saying is this fucking social media crap has affected the entire global populations mental health, has turned millions/billions of humans into phone zombies that believe total bullshit posted digitally is actually the truth, and are so distracted they can barely think for themselves anymore. 

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14 hours ago, prdctvsm said:

? 'checking yr likes is the new smoking' ?


I think watmm is the only thing I use where you can 'like' or 'react' to stuff (except stuff like whatsapp and teams which doesn't count)

Ive gotta say it's a pretty sweet dopamine rush when those burgers and farnsworths start flooding in on one of my Important Opinions about Aphex Twin and the Wider Intelligent Dance Music Genre

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