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I found exai to be their least accessible LP, but I came to it after a few years of not really listening to any new electronic music


E: save for aphex and battles

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I found exai to be their least accessible LP, but I came to it after a few years of not really listening to any new electronic music


Might be why you like chimer 1-5-1 so much lol



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When I listen to TBM2, it's like I'm waiting for something to happen and it never does. Plus, I get that "we will rock you" vibe someone else mentioned. I would appreciate more "beat fuckery", that's all. With that being said, I'm glad u agree it's more of a standard tune, and atypical of Autechre, which was part of my original point.

When I listen to TBM2, it's like I'm waiting for something to happen and it never does. Plus, I get that "we will rock you" vibe someone else mentioned. I would appreciate more "beat fuckery", that's all. With that being said, I'm glad u agree it's more of a standard tune, and atypical of Autechre, which was part of my original point.

And I still don't think minimal (or shallow) is the wrong word to use to describe that track.


lol 'my assumptions about AE are wrong, let me blame that on AE'

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When I listen to TBM2, it's like I'm waiting for something to happen and it never does. Plus, I get that "we will rock you" vibe someone else mentioned. I would appreciate more "beat fuckery", that's all. With that being said, I'm glad u agree it's more of a standard tune, and atypical of Autechre, which was part of my original point.

When I listen to TBM2, it's like I'm waiting for something to happen and it never does. Plus, I get that "we will rock you" vibe someone else mentioned. I would appreciate more "beat fuckery", that's all. With that being said, I'm glad u agree it's more of a standard tune, and atypical of Autechre, which was part of my original point.

And I still don't think minimal (or shallow) is the wrong word to use to describe that track.

lol 'my assumptions about AE are wrong, let me blame that on AE'
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Curvcaten is sick and is fast becoming one of my favourites.


It reminds me of AE covering an indie rock band; just the structure and the arrangement sounds sorta like their version of a 'band' style tune. Not a bad track at all, and a damned good way to close out the beast that is elseq 1.

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yea totes, def one of my favs as well, its structure is very weird for ae indeed, it's really built up like a proper song with verses and choruses.

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13x0 step is so good. Love the section after funky disco time, those synths in the background are so prickly

Just having a crack at mixing some of these down into a 'quaristice' style single lp.


Interesting fact: 13x0 step is 130 bpm

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acdwn2 is sooo good

Yes it is.


spTh is starting to grow on me too lately. It's one of those Ae trax that didn't immediately hit me but is starting to sink in. Gives you that feeling of walking down a sparsely populated city street at night, or even path in the woods, but that somebody or something could ambush you at any second.

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My current 'elseleqtions' car playlist:


1. feed1

2. c16 deep tread

3. 13x0 step

4. pendulu hv moda

5. curvcaten

6. chimer 1-5-1

7. acdwn2

8. foldfree casual

9. latentcall

10. artov chain

11. 7th slip

12. spTh

13. spaces how V

14. freulaeux

15. oneum

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