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Mt. Fuji 2017 Cassette


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it's not like fans are sales reps of musicians. this place is not about boosting warp's sales or anything, is it? 

people here express their personal opinions. i get that a musician wouldn't want to be associated with opinions he disagrees with but at the end of the day, it's just opinions. no harm done. except for sales perhaps?


I'm not sure we want this site associated with Richard D James' opinions either tbqh.

Edited by caze
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And for AT himself do you think he is glad to know his fans behave in such ways? No wonder he likes his privacy...

who cares what afx thinks? this message board contributes to him making money so he's probably thankful in the first place but if he's not, who fucking cares?

Well, considering many people are here because of their love for the man's music, don't you think his opinion of how his fans behave should be slightly important to them, especially on a fan forum, where their collective behaviour is a reflection on him?


I can say that in the past when WATMM was more "Wild West", many of the artists distanced themselves from here because of the behaviour of the members and the general vibe the place was giving off. Thankfully we've righted the ship, but there's always a few still trying to rock the boat without thinking of the consequences.

it's not like fans are sales reps of musicians. this place is not about boosting warp's sales or anything, is it?

people here express their personal opinions. i get that a musician wouldn't want to be associated with opinions he disagrees with but at the end of the day, it's just opinions. no harm done. except for sales perhaps?

Agreed. However, when the comments are racist or belittling to others, it crosses a line.

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Maaan, everyone on here is up their own ass in one way or another lol. I think it's bound to happen when you accumulate a bunch of people who are Serious About The Music at the same time as such a prolific release. We get all excited and manic and bypass those filters we probably should use when posting on the internet


This is especially the case when WATMM has the visibility it does..like, some people around the world use these topics for play-by-play updates on culture that is very important to them. It's wise to maintain some sort of community responsibility. The tip of the iceberg here is users with all their locker room talk, but the larger portion is made up of faceless spectators. Some passer-by comes in to catch the latest on Aphex Twin and what do they see? This forum is no tearoom at the country club, but i think it still has some maturity to uphold

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I'm having trouble discussing the music when I haven't heard it. That little rotating boombox teaser on Instagram was fantastic though, I'm eager to hear more.

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btw, i would like to point out that xenophobia is different from racism. if i'm not mistaken, i don't remember B1000 or anyone else expressing anything close to a racist view but a "xenophobic" one instead. some will say it's the same thing but i beg to differ. semantics is important imo. 

go on

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B1000 himself is Japanese, I think he was just stating his opinion that his people are no good at ripping tapes to mp3 and sending pm's.


thanks for the clarification. i've no idea what being japanese has to do with that though lol

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B1000 himself is Japanese, I think he was just stating his opinion that his people are no good at ripping tapes to mp3 and sending pm's.


thank you Schlitze. a light joke taken out of context it seems


brian T i find it weird you list me as xenophobic, how did you know i have a deep hatred for myself?

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B1000 himself is Japanese, I think he was just stating his opinion that his people are no good at ripping tapes to mp3 and sending pm's.


thank you Schlitze. a light joke taken out of context it seems


brian T i find it weird you list me as xenophobic, how did you know i have a deep hatred for myself?



ha! i guess i didn't get the joke, nor did others it seems. misunderstandings...

i didn't list you as xenophobic btw, i said you expressed a xenophobic view, which is different. 

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I am unsure if AT even cares about £££ in the ways that others do. In all his interviews he has hardly / if ever mentioned money. He seems to use his brand to troll instead of to gain finances which makes a nice change IMO!


I remember him trolling Simona Rich about buying a pirate ship and sailing it around the UK, docking in ports and playing there...she fell for it hook line and sinker... this was back in the 90's on good ole MTV!

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B1000 himself is Japanese, I think he was just stating his opinion that his people are no good at ripping tapes to mp3 and sending pm's.


thank you Schlitze. a light joke taken out of context it seems


brian T i find it weird you list me as xenophobic, how did you know i have a deep hatred for myself?



ha! i guess i didn't get the joke, nor did others it seems. misunderstandings...

i didn't list you as xenophobic btw, i said you expressed a xenophobic view, which is different. 


Is it xenophobic or racist if you are part of the very race you are talking about?


I suppose to other Japanese, his comment (which now we know was in jest) they might take offense... or agree! :dadjoke:


Can we plz talk about the tape, and how I don't have one (yet)?

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I'm starting to wonder if i'll ever hear this. It's weird how hungry most of us clearly are for this even after getting a bunch of new tracks on the bleepstore. Whenever i look at my computer i think "Fuji tape".

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i'm all about digital cd tape vinyls now but i gotta say this release makes me drool a bit back into the day's when you had to drive 100km to get some awesome obscure record at a recordstore, gig or at some sus dude's house :mu-ziq: 

then you get home get drunk and stoned with your mates and listen to the new loot the whole night :cry: someone send me this tape yo

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i'm all about digital cd tape vinyls now but i gotta say this release makes me drool a bit back into the day's when you had to drive 100km to get some awesome obscure record at a recordstore, gig or at some sus dude's house :mu-ziq:

then you get home get drunk and stoned with your mates and listen to the new loot the whole night :cry: someone send me this tape yo

sooo the ypsilanti record?

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Great, the disease of political correctness is now infecting WATMM. The guy is Japanese and said the word Jap....and somehow people are still carrying on about it and calling it racist? Get a fookin life.

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Not a fan of the carpet. Looks like you have killed a teddy bear and put its fur on the floor. Why would one cover the floor with teddy bear fur?

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