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Alva Noto - XERROX VOL. 4


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  • 2 weeks later...

Genuinely excited about hearing this record. Only a few days to go now.

I just have the feeling he's on fire at the moment. The two singles are perfect and A Forest is also brilliant :braindance:

Edited by beer badger
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After having made my first experience through this new volume, here are a few statements:

- Xerrox 4 is in the vein of volume 3 and his soundtrack for The Revenant, but there's something more touching and beautiful happening here

- the 2 tracks (Voyage & Canaux) he has released as primers to the album are far from being the standouts

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Yo Vol 4 is out and it’s amazing! Hard to say yet where it fits in my ranking of the other 3 albums, but on first few listens I definitely like it more than Vol 3 and maybe even Vol 1. Some really nice deep cuts, more melodic in places, but still has some great droney ambience (last 2 tracks). Need to cop the vinyl now!!

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8 hours ago, purlieu said:

Mine came in the post this morning. First spin gave very positive results. Plongée, Calypsoid 1 and Sans Retour are the immediate standouts. 

Xerrox Voyage is an early favourite but Calypsoid 2 is the real killer track on this album. Shades of  'Shutov Assembly'.

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Well, for me it goes without saying: another really lovely album in an incredible series. This one has the melodic sensibilities of 3 with the static crunch of 2

Possibly a controversial opinion but does anyone else think that a lot of the tracks would have a bit more room to breath without the 'ping' instrument that's been used on the last couple of albums ? Also (if I'm being hypercritical) the track order seems a little off - The first track seems to jump right into the middle of things, and the last track also seems like it'd be better placed somewhere in the miggle.... I'd personally have it start with something like Xerrox Calysoid 1 and close with Xerrox Sans Retour

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This came into my recommendations today and it's been on almost the whole day.

Xerrox île and Xerrox sans retour are making it real.

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  • 2 weeks later...

what's with the CD issue not being at the usual webshops (juno). i can't buy the vinylz because I have the previous parts as CD and it would just mess with my vibe to get a discrepant format.

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On 6/25/2020 at 2:36 PM, mcbpete said:

Also (if I'm being hypercritical) the track order seems a little off - The first track seems to jump right into the middle of things, and the last track also seems like it'd be better placed somewhere in the miggle.... I'd personally have it start with something like Xerrox Calysoid 1 and close with Xerrox Sans Retour

This is why I love the exclusively digital vynal life. I stuck the Vortrack fracture remix into the Be Up proper, I scooped up all of Machinedrum's scrap tracks and remixes from '16-'18 into an album and called it "Human Energy Companion", I slotted 0pn's Station EP into Age Of according to best flow. What.cd is a fuck, 2,211,078 dead tags. May as well make the albums you want. God is dead and all that. 

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