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NOT Coronavirus COVID-19

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On 12/19/2021 at 4:46 PM, ignatius said:

seems totally dependent on what happens w/the variants. if they get less deadly but more infectious it'll eventually end up like the flu. no idea how long that would take. 

if the west can help get the rest of the world vaccinated it'll help of course. but we'll see. year 3 is just around the corner. 

USA still averaging 1000 deaths per day. in 3 weeks the serge in cases will balloon from holiday travel. many unvax'd people will end up in hospital. many will die. 

i remember reading more than once an epidemiologist saying that basically everyone who's not vaccinated will eventually get infected. 

This ^ vaccinating Asia and Africa should be a top priority, they’re not rich countries, but they could incubate this virus until it’s evasive, the US too.

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went to a small gathering last night for dinner at a friend's house. was 4 people including me.  all vax'd and cautious people. we all kinda shrugged. it was  a much needed hang w/good friends. 

fingers crossed. probably my last social thing for the next several months. 

happy new year. 

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my mom: i don't want no covid vaccine, they don't protect you 100%

me: it's raining outside, someone's giving you for free an umbrella with holes in it, and you're refusing it because it's imperfect? 


Edited by brian trageskin
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wow. US military good for something.  heard about this last year i think it was... glad they seem to have solved it




Within weeks, scientists at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research expect to announce that they have developed a vaccine that is effective against COVID-19 and all its variants, even Omicron, as well as from previous SARS-origin viruses that have killed millions of people worldwide. 

The achievement is the result of almost two years of work on the virus. The Army lab received its first DNA sequencing of the COVID-19 virus in early 2020. Very early on, Walter Reed’s infectious diseases branch decided to focus on making a vaccine that would work against not just the existing strain but all of its potential variants as well.



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13 minutes ago, Ayya Khema said:

obviously fake

nah, I went to that subreddit to confirm (WOULD YOU PEOPLE PLEASE JUST POST LINKS INSTEAD OF IMAGES OMG) and it is indeed real. The user that posted it has a long history showing that indeed, they do work in the industry they claim (*ahem*)

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23 minutes ago, luke viia said:

nah, I went to that subreddit to confirm (WOULD YOU PEOPLE PLEASE JUST POST LINKS INSTEAD OF IMAGES OMG) and it is indeed real. The user that posted it has a long history showing that indeed, they do work in the industry they claim (*ahem*)

and there's many nurses who've left as well.. it's well known and widely reported.. many more have one foot out the door so to speak and are just holding on as long as they can before moving to a different field within nursing. 

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Re: the nurse story -- My girlfriend is a cardiac ICU nurse at a super fancy hospital here and can confirm - shits fucked, yo. 

Older/more experienced nurses are making a mass exodus out of working at hospitals. They're looking for travel nurse work (way higher pay, longer time off/breaks) clinic work (some fancy private clinics pay a ton and are way less stress) or to just retire/move on from nursing. Short staffing, lack of trained PCT's, lack of adequate hazard pay. Hospitals have been getting whomped. 

This shit has stressed the human part of healthcare so badly and it has to be exhausting on a mental, physical and spiritual level in a way IDK if I can comprehend fully. Small Example: My girl will come home from work and told me about this one sweet older man she had in the hospital a while back that was recovering from open heart surgery that came back in the ICU dying within a month of COVID complications. The guy said to her multiple times about how he was scared to go home because he has nowhere else to go after the surgery but his crazy ass son's place where his entire family are actively not giving a fuck about covid or getting vaccinated or even believing it's real. Sure enough, the entire family caught it and spread it to him as he was fuckin bedridden and recovering. Being immunocompromised after surgery, he was even more at risk. He didn't even get to enjoy the new lease on life because his own goddamn family couldn't care enough to not bring that shit home to their ailing grandfather/father. That def fucked with her. 

I could not imagine dealing with life and death in my work + getting to know and care about people in a time where nobody gives a fuck about anyone. (sorry for the long post) 

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16 minutes ago, Audioblysk said:

My girl will come home from work and told me about

I swear I can actually speak english. You're going to have to trust me on this one. The fuck happened to the edit function? 

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Chastising and fuming at my friends, who almost all caught Omicron from going to this fucking rave, even the DJ got it. It was "scaled down" and put in "a more intimate setting" to reduce the risk, bullshit. Relentless shills.


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16 hours ago, Audioblysk said:

I swear I can actually speak english. You're going to have to trust me on this one. The fuck happened to the edit function? 

That’s just that burnt toast.  
I bet you wish it was powdered toast.



I have a friend who’s an ER doc, he says he goes in, does his shift, goes home and drinks a beer and forgets about the day. I guess having that ability to compartmentalize is necessary for your mental health. 

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after family xmas gathering (which i didn't go to) one positive covid test so far. ugh. hopefully it didn't get passed around to everyone there. some immunosuppressed people were there and my dad and step mom who both have complex healthcare situations. 

just stay home people. 


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I hate to quote MSNBC, but our “Governor” is less than worthless, he hides in his mansion during any crisis, to emerge later at a press conference taking credit for ending that crisis. The fact that he might become POTUS should worry the entire world.


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